2,999 research outputs found

    The Performability Manager

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    The authors describe the performability manager, a distributed system component that contributes to a more effective and efficient use of system components and prevents quality of service (QoS) degradation. The performability manager dynamically reconfigures distributed systems whenever needed, to recover from failures and to permit the system to evolve over time and include new functionality. Large systems require dynamic reconfiguration to support dynamic change without shutting down the complete system. A distributed system monitor is needed to verify QoS. Monitoring a distributed system is difficult because of synchronization problems and minor differences in clock speeds. The authors describe the functionality and the operation of the performability manager (both informally and formally). Throughout the paper they illustrate the approach by an example distributed application: an ANSAware-based number translation service (NTS), from the intelligent networks (IN) area

    Approximate performability and dependability analysis using generalized stochastic Petri Nets

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    Since current day fault-tolerant and distributed computer and communication systems tend to be large and complex, their corresponding performability models will suffer from the same characteristics. Therefore, calculating performability measures from these models is a difficult and time-consuming task.\ud \ud To alleviate the largeness and complexity problem to some extent we use generalized stochastic Petri nets to describe to models and to automatically generate the underlying Markov reward models. Still however, many models cannot be solved with the current numerical techniques, although they are conveniently and often compactly described.\ud \ud In this paper we discuss two heuristic state space truncation techniques that allow us to obtain very good approximations for the steady-state performability while only assessing a few percent of the states of the untruncated model. For a class of reversible models we derive explicit lower and upper bounds on the exact steady-state performability. For a much wider class of models a truncation theorem exists that allows one to obtain bounds for the error made in the truncation. We discuss this theorem in the context of approximate performability models and comment on its applicability. For all the proposed truncation techniques we present examples showing their usefulness

    Combined Time and Information Redundancy for SEU-Tolerance in Energy-Efficient Real-Time Systems

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    Recently the trade-off between energy consumption and fault-tolerance in real-time systems has been highlighted. These works have focused on dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) to reduce dynamic energy dissipation and on time redundancy to achieve transient-fault tolerance. While the time redundancy technique exploits the available slack time to increase the fault-tolerance by performing recovery executions, DVS exploits slack time to save energy. Therefore we believe there is a resource conflict between the time-redundancy technique and DVS. The first aim of this paper is to propose the usage of information redundancy to solve this problem. We demonstrate through analytical and experimental studies that it is possible to achieve both higher transient fault-tolerance (tolerance to single event upsets (SEU)) and less energy using a combination of information and time redundancy when compared with using time redundancy alone. The second aim of this paper is to analyze the interplay of transient-fault tolerance (SEU-tolerance) and adaptive body biasing (ABB) used to reduce static leakage energy, which has not been addressed in previous studies. We show that the same technique (i.e. the combination of time and information redundancy) is applicable to ABB-enabled systems and provides more advantages than time redundancy alone

    Performability modeling with continuous accomplishment sets

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    A general modeling framework that permits the definition, formulation, and evaluation of performability is described. It is shown that performability relates directly to system effectiveness, and is a proper generalization of both performance and reliability. A hierarchical modeling scheme is used to formulate the capability function used to evaluate performability. The case in which performance variables take values in a continuous accomplishment set is treated explicitly

    Models and techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of aircraft computing systems

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    System models that provide a basis for the formulation and evaluation of the performability of commercial aircraft computer system are developed. Quantitative measures of the system effectiveness are formulated. Analytic and simulation techniques for evaluation of the effectiveness and performability of a proposed or existing aircraft computer were studied

    ASIdE: Using Autocorrelation-Based Size Estimation for Scheduling Bursty Workloads.

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    Temporal dependence in workloads creates peak congestion that can make service unavailable and reduce system performance. To improve system performability under conditions of temporal dependence, a server should quickly process bursts of requests that may need large service demands. In this paper, we propose and evaluateASIdE, an Autocorrelation-based SIze Estimation, that selectively delays requests which contribute to the workload temporal dependence. ASIdE implicitly approximates the shortest job first (SJF) scheduling policy but without any prior knowledge of job service times. Extensive experiments show that (1) ASIdE achieves good service time estimates from the temporal dependence structure of the workload to implicitly approximate the behavior of SJF; and (2) ASIdE successfully counteracts peak congestion in the workload and improves system performability under a wide variety of settings. Specifically, we show that system capacity under ASIdE is largely increased compared to the first-come first-served (FCFS) scheduling policy and is highly-competitive with SJF. © 2012 IEEE

    Computing Battery Lifetime Distributions

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    The usage of mobile devices like cell phones, navigation systems, or laptop computers, is limited by the lifetime of the included batteries. This lifetime depends naturally on the rate at which energy is consumed, however, it also depends on the usage pattern of the battery. Continuous drawing of a high current results in an excessive drop of residual capacity. However, during \ud intervals with no or very small currents, batteries do recover to a certain extend. We model this complex behaviour with an inhomogeneous Markov reward model, following the approach of the so-called Kinetic battery Model (KiBaM). \ud The state-dependent reward rates thereby correspond to the power consumption of the attached device and to the available charge, respectively. We develop a tailored numerical algorithm for the computation of the distribution of the consumed energy and show how different workload patterns influence the overall lifetime of a battery

    Performability evaluation of the SIFT computer

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    Performability modeling and evaluation techniques are applied to the SIFT computer as it might operate in the computational evironment of an air transport mission. User-visible performance of the total system (SIFT plus its environment) is modeled as a random variable taking values in a set of levels of accomplishment. These levels are defined in terms of four attributes of total system behavior: safety, no change in mission profile, no operational penalties, and no economic process whose states describe the internal structure of SIFT as well as relavant conditions of the environment. Base model state trajectories are related to accomplishment levels via a capability function which is formulated in terms of a 3-level model hierarchy. Performability evaluation algorithms are then applied to determine the performability of the total system for various choices of computer and environment parameter values. Numerical results of those evaluations are presented and, in conclusion, some implications of this effort are discussed
