627 research outputs found

    Mining Multiple Related Tables Using Object-Oriented Model

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    An object-oriented database is represented by a set of classes connected by their class inheritance hierarchy through superclass and subclass relationships. An object-oriented database is suitable for capturing more details and complexity for real world data. Existing algorithms for mining multiple databases are either Apriori-based or machine learning techniques, but are not suitable for mining multiple object-oriented databases. This thesis proposes an object-oriented class model and database schema, and a series of class methods including that for object-oriented join ( OOJoin) which joins superclass and subclass tables by matching their type and super type relationships, mining Hierarchical Frequent Patterns ( MineHFPs) from multiple integrated databases by applying an extended TidFP technique which specifies the class hierarchy by traversing the multiple database inheritance hierarchy. This thesis also extends map-gen join method used in TidFP algorithm to oomap-gen join for generating k-itemset candidate pattern to reduce the candidate itemset generation by indexing the (k-1)-itemset candidate pattern using two position codes of start position and end position codes tied to inheritance hierarchy level. Experiments show that the proposed MineHFPs algorithm for mining hierarchical frequent patterns is more effective and efficient for complex queries

    GCG: Mining Maximal Complete Graph Patterns from Large Spatial Data

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    Recent research on pattern discovery has progressed from mining frequent patterns and sequences to mining structured patterns, such as trees and graphs. Graphs as general data structure can model complex relations among data with wide applications in web exploration and social networks. However, the process of mining large graph patterns is a challenge due to the existence of large number of subgraphs. In this paper, we aim to mine only frequent complete graph patterns. A graph g in a database is complete if every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a unique edge. Grid Complete Graph (GCG) is a mining algorithm developed to explore interesting pruning techniques to extract maximal complete graphs from large spatial dataset existing in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data. Using a divide and conquer strategy, GCG shows high efficiency especially in the presence of large number of patterns. In this paper, we describe GCG that can mine not only simple co-location spatial patterns but also complex ones. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm used to exploit the extraction of maximal complete graphs in the process of mining complex co-location patterns in large spatial dataset.Comment: 1

    A Model-Based Frequency Constraint for Mining Associations from Transaction Data

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    Mining frequent itemsets is a popular method for finding associated items in databases. For this method, support, the co-occurrence frequency of the items which form an association, is used as the primary indicator of the associations's significance. A single user-specified support threshold is used to decided if associations should be further investigated. Support has some known problems with rare items, favors shorter itemsets and sometimes produces misleading associations. In this paper we develop a novel model-based frequency constraint as an alternative to a single, user-specified minimum support. The constraint utilizes knowledge of the process generating transaction data by applying a simple stochastic mixture model (the NB model) which allows for transaction data's typically highly skewed item frequency distribution. A user-specified precision threshold is used together with the model to find local frequency thresholds for groups of itemsets. Based on the constraint we develop the notion of NB-frequent itemsets and adapt a mining algorithm to find all NB-frequent itemsets in a database. In experiments with publicly available transaction databases we show that the new constraint provides improvements over a single minimum support threshold and that the precision threshold is more robust and easier to set and interpret by the user

    Interactive Data Exploration with Smart Drill-Down

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    We present {\em smart drill-down}, an operator for interactively exploring a relational table to discover and summarize "interesting" groups of tuples. Each group of tuples is described by a {\em rule}. For instance, the rule (a,b,⋆,1000)(a, b, \star, 1000) tells us that there are a thousand tuples with value aa in the first column and bb in the second column (and any value in the third column). Smart drill-down presents an analyst with a list of rules that together describe interesting aspects of the table. The analyst can tailor the definition of interesting, and can interactively apply smart drill-down on an existing rule to explore that part of the table. We demonstrate that the underlying optimization problems are {\sc NP-Hard}, and describe an algorithm for finding the approximately optimal list of rules to display when the user uses a smart drill-down, and a dynamic sampling scheme for efficiently interacting with large tables. Finally, we perform experiments on real datasets on our experimental prototype to demonstrate the usefulness of smart drill-down and study the performance of our algorithms
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