2 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan zaman dan pertukaran budaya yang masif dapat menjadi permasalahan dalam kehidupan remaja di Indonesia. Dalam hal ini, gereja mempunyai peran mendidik remaja melalui pendidikan non formal, yaitu pemuridan. Namun, fakta dilapangan menunjukkan beberapa permasalahan, mulai dari kompetensi yang belum menyeluruh, metode pembelajaran yang kurang relevan, dan metode evaluasi yang kurang baik dalam melihat capaian peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membentuk desain kurikulum untuk kegiatan pemuridan dasar kekristenan yang berpusat kepada siswa di komunitas remaja Kristen. Pertanyaan penelitian ini terdiri dari : 1) Kebutuhan kompetensi, materi, metode, dan evaluasi apa saja yang bisa dijadikan dasar penyusunan desain kurikulum dasar Kekristenan pada kegiatan pemuridan di komunitas anak muda Gereja Kristen X ?; 2) Bagaimana desain kurikulum dasar Kekristenan yang dapat dikembangkan untuk kegiatan pemuridan di komunitas anak muda Gereja Kristen X mencakup aspek kompetensi, materi, kegiatan, dan evaluasi ?; 3) Bagaimana hasil penilaian dan validasi dari desain kurikulum dasar Kekristenan di komunitas anak muda Gereja Kristen X yang dikembangkan ? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain dan pengembangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini diantaranya : 1) Kompetensi dan materi yang sudah ada cukup sesuai untuk dijadikan dasar desain kurikulum, namun perlu variasi metode, kegiatan, dan pembentukan evaluasi yang komprehensif; 2) Desain kurikulum pemuridan dasar Kekristenan remaja yang dikembangkan merupakan desain kurikulum berpusat kepada siswa yang mencakup aspek kompetensi, materi, kegiatan, dan evaluasi; 3) Hasil penilaian dan validasi kurikulum menunjukkan kurikulum yang sudah baik, hanya perlu diperbaiki terkait struktur penulisan dan pengelompokkan materi. Penelitan diharapkan dapat menjadi masukkan bagi gereja-gereja yang juga melaksanakan pemuridan, serta rekomendasi bagi pemegang kepentingan dan fasilitator pemuridan. Current development and massive cultural exchanges can be a problem for adolescent in Indonesia. In this case, the church has a role in educating youth through non-formal education, namely discipleship. However, the fact shows several problems, ranging from not comprehensive competencies, irrelevant learning methods, and evaluation methods that are not good to evaluate student achievements. The purpose of this study was to design a student centered Christian basic curriculum for basic discipleship activity in Christian church's youth community. The research question consist of : 1) What competencies, materials, methods, and evaluation needs can be used as the basis for designing student centered Christian basic curriculum for basic discipleship activity in Christian church's youth community?; 2) How is the basic Christian curriculum design that can be developed for discipleship activities in the Christian Church's youth community covering aspects of competence, materials, activities, and evaluation?; 3) How is the assessment and validation result of basic Christian curriculum design in the Christian Church's youth community that have been developed ? The research method used is design and development. The results of this study include: 1) The existing competencies and materials are quite suitable to be used as the basis for curriculum design, but it requires a variety of methods, activities, and the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation; 2) The design of the basic discipleship curriculum for Christian youth developed is curriculum design with student-centered characteristics that includes aspects of competence, material, activities, and evaluation; 3) The results of the curriculum assessment and validation show that the curriculum is already good, it only needs to be improved regarding the writing structure and grouping of materials. The research is expected to be input for churches that also carry out discipleship, as well as recommendations for stakeholders and discipleship facilitators

    Interactive computer-based simulations as exploratory learning activities.

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    Typical college lectures follow a direct instruction framework, where instructors deliver a lecture, followed by an activity. Exploratory learning flips this routine by providing students with an activity prior to instruction. Research suggests that this inversion benefits students’ conceptual understanding and ability to transfer their knowledge. The majority of exploratory learning tasks in the literature are problem-solving activities. The current work investigates the use of computer-based simulations during exploratory learning, and whether manipulating the cognitive load of the activity impacts learning. In Experiment 1, undergraduate students (N=66) were randomly assigned to explore a simulation-based circuit construction activity prior to instruction (explore-first) or receive instructions on the topic prior to the activity (instruct-first). The learning assessment consisted of conceptual knowledge and transfer of knowledge to a similar topic. Participants in the instruct-first condition scored higher on the assessment than participants in the explore-first condition, and reported lower cognitive load. In Experiment 2, participants received one of two versions of the exploration activity, designed to provide stronger guidance and reduce intrinsic or extraneous cognitive load. Undergraduate students (N=195) were randomly assigned to one of four conditions based on order (explore-first or instruct-first) and cognitive load reduction type (intrinsic load reduction or extraneous load reduction). Participants in the intrinsic load reduction conditions scored at an equal level on conceptual knowledge, and higher on transfer, compared to participants in the extrinsic load reduction conditions, regardless of order. Across both experiments, participants in the explore-first conditions reported motivational benefits (higher curiosity and higher perceived knowledge gaps). Yet the instruct-first approach led to higher learning, suggesting that these components are not enough for effective exploratory learning, even when reducing intrinsic cognitive load through guidance. Simulation environments may be too complex for students to effectively explore the deep problem features that otherwise provide conceptual advantages