36 research outputs found

    Road freight transport across a fixed Fehmarn Belt link

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    A fixed link between Denmark and Germany was agreed upon by the Danish and German governments on June 30 2007. The bridge (probably preferred to a tunnel) will cross the Fehmarn Belt between Rødby in Denmark and Puttgarden on the island of Fehmarn, in Schleswig-Holstein in Germany, a span of 20 kilome- tres. The bridge will be finished by 2017. The agreement was reached after more than 10 years period of investigations and negotiations on technical, environmental and not least financial aspects. Different models from private financing and ownership over a number of PPP’s (Public- Private Partnership) were reviewed until a full state financed model was agreed upon – a model where the Danish State will pay, build and operate the bridge. The German contribution will be the land connections on the German side – around 40 kilometres of highway to connect the bridge with the ‘Autobahn’- system and the upgrading and electrification of the 90 kilometres of single rail track from Puttgarden to Lübeck. If railway traffic seven years after the opening of the bridge (i.e. 2024) exceeds a certain limit (80 trains a day has been mentioned) the Germans will start constructing a second rail track. On Danish soil the construction will mainly be an upgrading of the rail from Copenhagen to Rødby. Between Copenhagen and Ringsted new track is already being planned, and from Ringsted to Rødby the existing single, non-electrified track has to be doubled and electrified. However, across the old 3,5 kilometre Storestrømsbro there will only be single track. The decision to build a fixed link is of course founded on thorough traffic forecasts (Wätjen 2003) and economic calculations (Sund & Bælt Holding A/S 2003) and has by the Danish government been characterised as a ‘very good business investment’, that will not burden the public finances (Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen at a press briefing, February 20, 2007). In this paper the impacts of a fixed link on road freight transport has been studied. The results differ somewhat from what has been found in the traffic forecast studies, and this divergence is being discussed

    Atributos relevantes no transporte de granéis agrícolas: preferência declarada pelos embarcadores

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    The objective of this study was to identify the relevant attributes of the services offered for the transporter, under the point of view of the shipper. The understanding of the preferences of the users of the transport services is important for the identification of the necessities and developments waited in the market. The relevant attributes had been raised under the bedding technician of the declared preference, in the form of ranking, using the method of confusing in the application of the cards to the shippers of grains in the state of the Paraná. The results had signaled for a significant concern with the fulfillment of contracts with customers and commitments in the ports and ships. As it could be evidenced, the shippers reflect the concern of the precariousness of the infrastructure, searching more guarantees of that the contracted service is fulfilled. As the attribute in the preference of the shippers was the performance consistency, that also has relation with these concerns, wanting to say that the given service must have a regular performance with small variance. These priorities of the shippers had guided in the elaboration of new strategies of act of contract of freights, looking for legalized rendering of service, with contractual relation.Transport demand, Logistics, Brazilian agribusiness, Stated preference, Agribusiness,

    The growth of freight transport role – implications to logistical framework

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    Transports sustain directly the economic relationship between countries and evolve according to connection between supply and demand. They bring a continuous and direct effort to valorification of our planet resources, contributing to redistribution of incomes and to world economic and social progress. The paper proposes to place transport activity from logistic point of view, through presentation of the relation between logistical system and development of transports, and of a relation with economic impact at European level. They are taken into consideration both microeconomic and macroeconomic level. The role of freight transports is presented and analyzed in interdependence with logistic activities from logistic system and with other indicators. The analyze starts from analytical relation of logistic system-freight transport, in endorsement of the idea of dragging an urgent attention to transports field. The results are sustained by presenting some indicators with economic impact at Romanian and European Union level. A highlighted relation is also that between freight transport and gross domestic product. In the final part of the paper there are presented the main results of the analyze and suggestions for development of transports. The competitiveness of enterprises and the comparative advantages of regions depend on information transmission and processing, mobility of people and movement of freight. In consequence, transports can be regarded as carriers of new systems of industrial and spatial organization.freight transport, logistical system, logistical system - transport relation, economic growth, statistical indicators of transports


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    This work sought to explain the complex nature of the principles behind freight costs, focusing on certain dysfunctions and the limited efficiency of freight rate negotiation in the supply chains of the Brazilian agribusiness. Statistical and econometric techniques were used to identify the systematic behavior of the freight rates of the selected products and, where possible, this procedure was allied to other market evidence. It was possible to identify the influence of many variables on freight rates, such as distance, seasonality of production, the corridors along which the cargo is transported, its specific characteristics and the resulting demands made by customers. The fact that distance behaved as an explanatory variable, and was statistically significant in all of the models, means that mileage should be considered an important variable in the determination of freight rates. However, it is also necessary to consider that the significance of “distance†varies as much according to the detailed characteristics of the cargo as it does according to region. It was concluded that these variables make it possible both to develop negotiation strategies and to minimize conflicts in negotiations, as the costs are identified by the parties concerned.agribusiness logistics, transportation costs, freight rates.,

    Impactos da carência de investimentos na logística pública de transportes para o agronegócio: discussão teórica e evidências para o caso brasileiro

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    This article aimed to elaborate a reflection concerning the impacts of the insufficiences of investments in the Brazilian public logistic of transports and to search evidences of the impacts in the markets of transports logistic services, in the scope of the agribusiness. One understands that the Brazilian agribusiness forms an intensive set of activities in logistic, being, therefore, seriously wronged for the lack of public logistic, especially in that with respect to the transportation systems, that can be disclosed on provision lack, congestions of transport nets. The article emphasizes aspects of the formation of the freight rates in the markets, among sectors without an understandable linking and regions, enhancing aspects of localization, income, consumption and sistemic competitiveness. One conclusion of the article is that the enterprise solutions for the bottlenecks may have the effect to changed themselves into force for the concentration in the commercialization sector. In general, logistic public of transports consists in a strategical characteristic for the growth of the activities of the agribusiness with possibilities of expansion in the Center-West, North and Northeast areas.Transportation Systems, Logistic, Agribusiness

    Process validation of urban freight and logistics models

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    A number of innovative modelling approaches for the analysis of urban freight demand and its impact upon the built environment and transport infrastructure have been proposed over the past several years. These range from new and more robust synthetic models to tour-based formulations based on truck survey data to agent-based microsimulation models. As impressive as these contributions are, most have only included nominal validation efforts, typically limited to comparing the flow estimates to observed traffic counts. In many cases in both research and practice the quality and quantity of these counts are disappointing, and definitive conclusions about model validity and accuracy are difficult to draw from them. Fortunately, increasing the number of counts is far from the only option open to modellers. A far more expansive practice known as process validation can not only overcome the limitations of count data, but admit a far wider spectrum of information, data, and knowledge to the task. This paper illustrates how the process was applied to a tour-based microsimulation model of urban freight, and offers suggestions how it can be more widely applied to freight and logistics model

    Corredor centro-leste: sistemas de transporte de Minas Gerais na perspectivas dos eixos de desenvolvimento e integração

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    The general purpose of this paper was to investigate the particular situation of the state of Minas Gerais, in the contexto of the new national logistic perspective, relatives to selected investments in the systems of transportation in areas of the Brazilian cerrado. The nonlinear model allocated flows of soybean among producing regions and ports, considering minimized cost of transport routes, considering some modals. In the case, the Port of Vitória (Center-East Corridor) was not sensible to the implantation of the transport systems, therefore it only reacted to the additions in the exported volumes. This implies the urgency of attention to the effective competition with the São Paulo (Port of Santos), that had expanded its area of influence for regions that could be being taken care of for the Center-East Corridor and the necessity to approach the strategical character of the investments in the transport systems (improvements in the highways, expansion of the railroad), as well as one better knowledge of the requeriments of the shippers, that can have significant regional impacts in the intraregional integration with the Triângulo Mineiro and areas under influence of the São Francisco Waterway.

    A reestruturação dos sistemas de transporte de lácteos sob a perspectiva das novas estratégias mercadológicas da indústria de laticínios no estado do Paraná

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    The present work has as main objective to demonstrate which are the elements that are involved in the productive process in the milk production chain, that are stimulating transformations in the models of milk collection and transport. Thus, bringing to the discussion, some comparisons between the old and the new models of milk collection and transport, thus building indispensable knowledge to understand the importance of transport systems in the contribution of the evolution of production systems, giving subsidy so that the complexity of the relationships established in a productive chain widely present in the southwestern region of Parana is understood, thus allowing the interpretation of the different uses of space in this region.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal demonstrar quais são os elementos envolvidos no processo produtivo na cadeia produtiva do leite, que estão estimulando transformações nos modelos de captação e transporte de leite. Com isso, trazendo para a discussão alguns comparativos entre os antigos e os novos modelos de captação e transporte de leite, construindo, assim, conhecimentos indispensáveis para se perceber a importância dos sistemas de transporte na contribuição da evolução dos sistemas produtivos, dando subsídio para que se compreenda a complexidade das relações estabelecidas em uma cadeia produtiva no sudoeste do Paraná, de modo a permitir a interpretação dos diferentes usos do espaço nesta região