316 research outputs found

    Freezing, Bounded-Change and Convergent Cellular Automata *

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    This paper studies three classes of cellular automata from a computational point of view: freezing cellular automata where the state of a cell can only decrease according to some order on states, cellular automata where each cell only makes a bounded number of state changes in any orbit, and finally cellular automata where each orbit converges to some fixed point. Many examples studied in the literature fit into these definitions, in particular the works on cristal growth started by S. Ulam in the 60s. The central question addressed here is how the computational power and computational hardness of basic properties is affected by the constraints of convergence, bounded number of change, or local decreasing of states in each cell. By studying various benchmark problems (short-term prediction, long term reachability, limits) and considering various complexity measures and scales (LOGSPACE vs. PTIME, communication complexity, Turing computability and arithmetical hierarchy) we give a rich and nuanced answer: the overall computational complexity of such cellular automata depends on the class considered (among the three above), the dimension , and the precise problem studied. In particular, we show that all settings can achieve universality in the sense of Blondel-Delvenne-Kurka, although short term predictability varies from NLOGSPACE to P-complete. Besides, the computability of limit configurations starting from computable initial configurations separates bounded-change from convergent cellular automata in dimension 1, but also dimension 1 versus higher dimensions for freezing cellular automata. Another surprising dimension-sensitive result obtained is that nilpotency becomes decidable in dimension 1 for all the three classes, while it stays undecidable even for freezing cellular automata in higher dimension

    Freezing, Bounded-Change and Convergent Cellular Automata *

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    This paper studies three classes of cellular automata from a computational point of view: freezing cellular automata where the state of a cell can only decrease according to some order on states, cellular automata where each cell only makes a bounded number of state changes in any orbit, and finally cellular automata where each orbit converges to some fixed point. Many examples studied in the literature fit into these definitions, in particular the works on cristal growth started by S. Ulam in the 60s. The central question addressed here is how the computational power and computational hardness of basic properties is affected by the constraints of convergence, bounded number of change, or local decreasing of states in each cell. By studying various benchmark problems (short-term prediction, long term reachability, limits) and considering various complexity measures and scales (LOGSPACE vs. PTIME, communication complexity, Turing computability and arithmetical hierarchy) we give a rich and nuanced answer: the overall computational complexity of such cellular automata depends on the class considered (among the three above), the dimension , and the precise problem studied. In particular, we show that all settings can achieve universality in the sense of Blondel-Delvenne-Kurka, although short term predictability varies from NLOGSPACE to P-complete. Besides, the computability of limit configurations starting from computable initial configurations separates bounded-change from convergent cellular automata in dimension 1, but also dimension 1 versus higher dimensions for freezing cellular automata. Another surprising dimension-sensitive result obtained is that nilpotency becomes decidable in dimension 1 for all the three classes, while it stays undecidable even for freezing cellular automata in higher dimension

    On the impact of treewidth in the computational complexity of freezing dynamics

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    An automata network is a network of entities, each holding a state from a finite set and evolving according to a local update rule which depends only on its neighbors in the network's graph. It is freezing if there is an order on states such that the state evolution of any node is non-decreasing in any orbit. They are commonly used to model epidemic propagation, diffusion phenomena like bootstrap percolation or cristal growth. In this paper we establish how treewidth and maximum degree of the underlying graph are key parameters which influence the overall computational complexity of finite freezing automata networks. First, we define a general model checking formalism that captures many classical decision problems: prediction, nilpotency, predecessor, asynchronous reachability. Then, on one hand, we present an efficient parallel algorithm that solves the general model checking problem in NC for any graph with bounded degree and bounded treewidth. On the other hand, we show that these problems are hard in their respective classes when restricted to families of graph with polynomially growing treewidth. For prediction, predecessor and asynchronous reachability, we establish the hardness result with a fixed set-defiend update rule that is universally hard on any input graph of such families

    Encoding Color Sequences in Active Tile Self-Assembly

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    Constructing patterns is a well-studied problem in both theoretical and experimental self-assembly with much of the work focused on multi-staged assembly. In this paper, we study building 1D patterns in a model of active self assembly: Tile Automata. This is a generalization of the 2-handed assembly model that borrows the concept of state changes from Cellular Automata. In this work we further develop the model by partitioning states as colors and show lower and upper bounds for building patterned assemblies based on an input pattern. Our first two sections utilize recent results to build binary strings along with Turing machine constructions to get Kolmogorov optimal state complexity for building patterns in Tile Automata, and show nearly optimal bounds for one case. For affinity strengthening Tile Automata, where transitions can only increase affinity so there is no detachment, we focus on scaled patterns based on Space Bounded Kolmogorov Complexity. Finally, we examine the affinity strengthening freezing case providing an upper bound based on the minimum context-free grammar. This system utilizes only one dimensional assemblies and has tiles that do not change color

    Building Squares with Optimal State Complexity in Restricted Active Self-Assembly

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    Tile Automata is a recently defined model of self-assembly that borrows many concepts from cellular automata to create active self-assembling systems where changes may be occurring within an assembly without requiring attachment. This model has been shown to be powerful, but many fundamental questions have yet to be explored. Here, we study the state complexity of assembling n × n squares in seeded Tile Automata systems where growth starts from a seed and tiles may attach one at a time, similar to the abstract Tile Assembly Model. We provide optimal bounds for three classes of seeded Tile Automata systems (all without detachment), which vary in the amount of complexity allowed in the transition rules. We show that, in general, seeded Tile Automata systems require Θ(log^{1/4} n) states. For Single-Transition systems, where only one state may change in a transition rule, we show a bound of Θ(log^{1/3} n), and for deterministic systems, where each pair of states may only have one associated transition rule, a bound of Θ(({log n}/{log log n})^{1/2})

    Building Squares with Optimal State Complexity in Restricted Active Self-Assembly

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    Tile Automata is a recently defined model of self-assembly that borrows many concepts from cellular automata to create active self-assembling systems where changes may be occurring within an assembly without requiring attachment. This model has been shown to be powerful, but many fundamental questions have yet to be explored. Here, we study the state complexity of assembling n×nn \times n squares in seeded Tile Automata systems where growth starts from a seed and tiles may attach one at a time, similar to the abstract Tile Assembly Model. We provide optimal bounds for three classes of seeded Tile Automata systems (all without detachment), which vary in the amount of complexity allowed in the transition rules. We show that, in general, seeded Tile Automata systems require Θ(log14n)\Theta{(\log^{\frac{1}{4}} n)} states. For single-transition systems, where only one state may change in a transition rule, we show a bound of Θ(log13n)\Theta{(\log^{\frac{1}{3}} n)}, and for deterministic systems, where each pair of states may only have one associated transition rule, a bound of Θ((lognloglogn)12)\Theta( (\frac{\log n}{\log \log n})^\frac{1}{2} ).Comment: An earlier version was published in the 2022 Symposium on Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks (SAND

    Building Squares with Optimal State Complexity in Restricted Active Self-Assembly

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    Tile Automata is a recently defined model of self-assembly that borrows many concepts from cellular automata to create active self-assembling systems where changes may be occurring within an assembly without requiring attachment. This model has been shown to be powerful, but many fundamental questions have yet to be explored. Here, we study the state complexity of assembling n × n squares in seeded Tile Automata systems where growth starts from a seed and tiles may attach one at a time, similar to the abstract Tile Assembly Model. We provide optimal bounds for three classes of seeded Tile Automata systems (all without detachment), which vary in the amount of complexity allowed in the transition rules. We show that, in general, seeded Tile Automata systems require Θ(log^{1/4} n) states. For Single-Transition systems, where only one state may change in a transition rule, we show a bound of Θ(log^{1/3} n), and for deterministic systems, where each pair of states may only have one associated transition rule, a bound of Θ(({log n}/{log log n})^{1/2})

    Cellular Automata and Bootstrap Percolation

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    We study qualitative properties of two-dimensional freezing cellular automata with a binary state set initialized on a random configuration. If the automaton is also monotone, the setting is equivalent to bootstrap percolation. We explore the extent to which monotonicity constrains the possible asymptotic dynamics by proving two results that do not hold in the subclass of monotone automata. First, it is undecidable whether the automaton almost surely fills the space when initialized on a Bernoulli random configuration with density pp, for some/all 0<p<10 < p < 1. Second, there exists an automaton whose space-filling property depends on pp in a non-monotone way.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Complexity of Reconfiguration in Surface Chemical Reaction Networks

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    We analyze the computational complexity of basic reconfiguration problems for the recently introduced surface Chemical Reaction Networks (sCRNs), where ordered pairs of adjacent species nondeterministically transform into a different ordered pair of species according to a predefined set of allowed transition rules (chemical reactions). In particular, two questions that are fundamental to the simulation of sCRNs are whether a given configuration of molecules can ever transform into another given configuration, and whether a given cell can ever contain a given species, given a set of transition rules. We show that these problems can be solved in polynomial time, are NP-complete, or are PSPACE-complete in a variety of different settings, including when adjacent species just swap instead of arbitrary transformation (swap sCRNs), and when cells can change species a limited number of times (k-burnout). Most problems turn out to be at least NP-hard except with very few distinct species (2 or 3)