4 research outputs found

    Interactive freeform editing techniques for large-scale, multiresolution level set models

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    Level set methods provide a volumetric implicit surface representation with automatic smooth blending properties and no self-intersections. They can handle arbitrary topology changes easily, and the volumetric implicit representation does not require the surface to be re-adjusted after extreme deformations. Even though they have found some use in movie productions and some medical applications, level set models are not highly utilized in either special effects industry or medical science. Lack of interactive modeling tools makes working with level set models difficult for people in these application areas.This dissertation describes techniques and algorithms for interactive freeform editing of large-scale, multiresolution level set models. Algorithms are developed to map intuitive user interactions into level set speed functions producing specific, desired surface movements. Data structures for efficient representation of very high resolution volume datasets and associated algorithms for rapid access and processing of the information within the data structures are explained. A hierarchical, multiresolution representation of level set models that allows for rapid decomposition and reconstruction of the complete full-resolution model is created for an editing framework that allows level-of-detail editing. We have developed a framework that identifies surface details prior to editing and introduces them back afterwards. Combining these two features provides a detail-preserving level set editing capability that may be used for multi-resolution modeling and texture transfer. Given the complex data structures that are required to represent large-scale, multiresolution level set models and the compute-intensive numerical methods to evaluate them, optimization techniques and algorithms have been developed to evaluate and display the dynamic isosurface embedded in the volumetric data.Ph.D., Computer Science -- Drexel University, 201

    An efficient active B-spline/nurbs model for virtual sculpting

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    This thesis presents an Efficient Active B-Spline/Nurbs Model for Virtual Sculpting. In spite of the on-going rapid development of computer graphics and computer-aided design tools, 3D graphics designers still rely on non-intuitive modelling procedures for the creation and manipulation of freeform virtual content. The ā€™Virtual Sculpting' paradigm is a well-established mechanism for shielding designers from the complex mathematics that underpin freeform shape design. The premise is to emulate familiar elements of traditional clay sculpting within the virtual design environment. Purely geometric techniques can mimic some physical properties. More exact energy-based approaches struggle to do so at interactive rates. This thesis establishes a unified approach for the representation of physically aware, energy-based, deformable models, across the domains of Computer Graphics, Computer-Aided Design and Computer Vision, and formalises the theoretical relationships between them. A novel reformulation of the computer vision approach of Active Contour Models (ACMs) is proposed for the domain of Virtual Sculpting. The proposed ACM-based model offers novel interaction behaviours and captures a compromise between purely geometric and more exact energy-based approaches, facilitating physically plausible results at interactive rates. Predefined shape primitives provide features of interest, acting like sculpting tools such that the overall deformation of an Active Surface Model is analogous to traditional clay modelling. The thesis develops a custom-approach to provide full support for B-Splines, the de facto standard industry representation of freeform surfaces, which have not previously benefited from the seamless embodiment of a true Virtual Sculpting metaphor. A novel generalised computationally efficient mathematical framework for the energy minimisation of an Active B-Spline Surface is established. The resulting algorithm is shown to significantly reduce computation times and has broader applications across the domains of Computer-Aided Design, Computer Graphics, and Computer Vision. A prototype ā€™Virtual Sculptingā€™ environment encapsulating each of the outlined approaches is presented that demonstrates their effectiveness towards addressing the long-standing need for a computationally efficient and intuitive solution to the problem of interactive computer-based freeform shape design