11,153 research outputs found

    VANET Applications: Hot Use Cases

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    Current challenges of car manufacturers are to make roads safe, to achieve free flowing traffic with few congestions, and to reduce pollution by an effective fuel use. To reach these goals, many improvements are performed in-car, but more and more approaches rely on connected cars with communication capabilities between cars, with an infrastructure, or with IoT devices. Monitoring and coordinating vehicles allow then to compute intelligent ways of transportation. Connected cars have introduced a new way of thinking cars - not only as a mean for a driver to go from A to B, but as smart cars - a user extension like the smartphone today. In this report, we introduce concepts and specific vocabulary in order to classify current innovations or ideas on the emerging topic of smart car. We present a graphical categorization showing this evolution in function of the societal evolution. Different perspectives are adopted: a vehicle-centric view, a vehicle-network view, and a user-centric view; described by simple and complex use-cases and illustrated by a list of emerging and current projects from the academic and industrial worlds. We identified an empty space in innovation between the user and his car: paradoxically even if they are both in interaction, they are separated through different application uses. Future challenge is to interlace social concerns of the user within an intelligent and efficient driving

    Fall Prediction and Prevention Systems: Recent Trends, Challenges, and Future Research Directions.

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    Fall prediction is a multifaceted problem that involves complex interactions between physiological, behavioral, and environmental factors. Existing fall detection and prediction systems mainly focus on physiological factors such as gait, vision, and cognition, and do not address the multifactorial nature of falls. In addition, these systems lack efficient user interfaces and feedback for preventing future falls. Recent advances in internet of things (IoT) and mobile technologies offer ample opportunities for integrating contextual information about patient behavior and environment along with physiological health data for predicting falls. This article reviews the state-of-the-art in fall detection and prediction systems. It also describes the challenges, limitations, and future directions in the design and implementation of effective fall prediction and prevention systems

    Evaluating the impact of physical activity apps and wearables: interdisciplinary review

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    Background: Although many smartphone apps and wearables have been designed to improve physical activity, their rapidly evolving nature and complexity present challenges for evaluating their impact. Traditional methodologies, such as randomized controlled trials (RCTs), can be slow. To keep pace with rapid technological development, evaluations of mobile health technologies must be efficient. Rapid alternative research designs have been proposed, and efficient in-app data collection methods, including in-device sensors and device-generated logs, are available. Along with effectiveness, it is important to measure engagement (ie, users’ interaction and usage behavior) and acceptability (ie, users’ subjective perceptions and experiences) to help explain how and why apps and wearables work. Objectives: This study aimed to (1) explore the extent to which evaluations of physical activity apps and wearables: employ rapid research designs; assess engagement, acceptability, as well as effectiveness; use efficient data collection methods; and (2) describe which dimensions of engagement and acceptability are assessed. Method: An interdisciplinary scoping review using 8 databases from health and computing sciences. Included studies measured physical activity, and evaluated physical activity apps or wearables that provided sensor-based feedback. Results were analyzed using descriptive numerical summaries, chi-square testing, and qualitative thematic analysis. Results: A total of 1829 abstracts were screened, and 858 articles read in full. Of 111 included studies, 61 (55.0%) were published between 2015 and 2017. Most (55.0%, 61/111) were RCTs, and only 2 studies (1.8%) used rapid research designs: 1 single-case design and 1 multiphase optimization strategy. Other research designs included 23 (22.5%) repeated measures designs, 11 (9.9%) nonrandomized group designs, 10 (9.0%) case studies, and 4 (3.6%) observational studies. Less than one-third of the studies (32.0%, 35/111) investigated effectiveness, engagement, and acceptability together. To measure physical activity, most studies (90.1%, 101/111) employed sensors (either in-device [67.6%, 75/111] or external [23.4%, 26/111]). RCTs were more likely to employ external sensors (accelerometers: P=.005). Studies that assessed engagement (52.3%, 58/111) mostly used device-generated logs (91%, 53/58) to measure the frequency, depth, and length of engagement. Studies that assessed acceptability (57.7%, 64/111) most often used questionnaires (64%, 42/64) and/or qualitative methods (53%, 34/64) to explore appreciation, perceived effectiveness and usefulness, satisfaction, intention to continue use, and social acceptability. Some studies (14.4%, 16/111) assessed dimensions more closely related to usability (ie, burden of sensor wear and use, interface complexity, and perceived technical performance). Conclusions: The rapid increase of research into the impact of physical activity apps and wearables means that evaluation guidelines are urgently needed to promote efficiency through the use of rapid research designs, in-device sensors and user-logs to assess effectiveness, engagement, and acceptability. Screening articles was time-consuming because reporting across health and computing sciences lacked standardization. Reporting guidelines are therefore needed to facilitate the synthesis of evidence across disciplines

    Recognizing Activities of Daily Living of People with Parkinson's

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    Tese de mestrado, Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2022Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disease that affects a large part of the world's population. This disease involves a lot of symptoms, however the most prevalent is the change in the patient's movements or even the loss of functionality. There is no treatment, however it exists medication that relieves and reduces the symptoms for a period. A Parkinson’s patient needs to be watched by clinicians to understand if the medication is working correctly and to analyse the disease progression. The current way of doing this evaluation is at clinics where the patient needs to go to the clinic or to live there. With this into consideration it was requested a monitoring system of activities of daily living for Parkinson’s patient. The monitoring system consists in a mobile application in an Android smartphone serving as a diary for the patient of clinician to record the activities done at that moment. With this application, the patient needs to wear an accelerometer in the wrist to gather the acceleration in the 3-axis. The application besides the monitoring function, it gives the ability to the clinician to schedule lists of activities for the patient to do during the day, allowing the clinician to have some control. We carried out a study with 10 healthy participants which used the monitorization system for 3 days each. The patient would worn the accelerometer and record the activities that they would do throughout the day, was asked a minimum of 5 activities per day. Alongside this recording it was schedule 1 list of activities to be carried out each day, this list only had motor activities such as walk, sit down, and stand up. At the end of each participant study, it was made a questionnaire with standard usability questions and an interview that helped us understand if the system was reliable or not

    A framework for learning analytics using commodity wearable devices

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    We advocate for and introduce LEARNSense, a framework for learning analytics using commodity wearable devices to capture learner’s physical actions and accordingly infer learner context (e.g., student activities and engagement status in class). Our work is motivated by the observations that: (a) the fine-grained individual-specific learner actions are crucial to understand learners and their context information; (b) sensor data available on the latest wearable devices (e.g., wrist-worn and eye wear devices) can effectively recognize learner actions and help to infer learner context information; (c) the commodity wearable devices that are widely available on the market can provide a hassle-free and non-intrusive solution. Following the above observations and under the proposed framework, we design and implement a sensor-based learner context collector running on the wearable devices. The latest data mining and sensor data processing techniques are employed to detect different types of learner actions and context information. Furthermore, we detail all of the above efforts by offering a novel and exemplary use case: it successfully provides the accurate detection of student actions and infers the student engagement states in class. The specifically designed learner context collector has been implemented on the commodity wrist-worn device. Based on the collected and inferred learner information, the novel intervention and incentivizing feedback are introduced into the system service. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation with the real-world experiments, surveys and interviews demonstrates the effectiveness and impact of the proposed framework and this use case. The F1 score for the student action classification tasks achieve 0.9, and the system can effectively differentiate the defined three learner states. Finally, the survey results show that the learners are satisfied with the use of our system (mean score of 3.7 with a standard deviation of 0.55)

    A 'one-size-fits-most' walking recognition method for smartphones, smartwatches, and wearable accelerometers

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    The ubiquity of personal digital devices offers unprecedented opportunities to study human behavior. Current state-of-the-art methods quantify physical activity using 'activity counts,' a measure which overlooks specific types of physical activities. We proposed a walking recognition method for sub-second tri-axial accelerometer data, in which activity classification is based on the inherent features of walking: intensity, periodicity, and duration. We validated our method against 20 publicly available, annotated datasets on walking activity data collected at various body locations (thigh, waist, chest, arm, wrist). We demonstrated that our method can estimate walking periods with high sensitivity and specificity: average sensitivity ranged between 0.92 and 0.97 across various body locations, and average specificity for common daily activities was typically above 0.95. We also assessed the method's algorithmic fairness to demographic and anthropometric variables and measurement contexts (body location, environment). Finally, we have released our method as open-source software in MATLAB and Python.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures (incl. 1 supplementary), and 5 tables (incl. 2 supplementary
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