7,817 research outputs found

    Petri nets for systems and synthetic biology

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    We give a description of a Petri net-based framework for modelling and analysing biochemical pathways, which uni¯es the qualita- tive, stochastic and continuous paradigms. Each perspective adds its con- tribution to the understanding of the system, thus the three approaches do not compete, but complement each other. We illustrate our approach by applying it to an extended model of the three stage cascade, which forms the core of the ERK signal transduction pathway. Consequently our focus is on transient behaviour analysis. We demonstrate how quali- tative descriptions are abstractions over stochastic or continuous descrip- tions, and show that the stochastic and continuous models approximate each other. Although our framework is based on Petri nets, it can be applied more widely to other formalisms which are used to model and analyse biochemical networks

    Reliability models for dataflow computer systems

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    The demands for concurrent operation within a computer system and the representation of parallelism in programming languages have yielded a new form of program representation known as data flow (DENN 74, DENN 75, TREL 82a). A new model based on data flow principles for parallel computations and parallel computer systems is presented. Necessary conditions for liveness and deadlock freeness in data flow graphs are derived. The data flow graph is used as a model to represent asynchronous concurrent computer architectures including data flow computers

    An Approach to the Category of Net Computations

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    We introduce the notion of strongly concatenable process as a refinement of concatenable processes [DMM89] which can be expressed axiomatically via a functor Q[]Q[-] from the category of Petri nets to an appropriate category of symmetric strict monoidal categories, in the precise sense that, for each net NN, the strongly concatenable processes of NN are isomorphic to the arrows of Q[N]Q[N]. In addition, we identify a coreflection right adjoint to Q[]Q[-] and characterize its replete image, thus yielding an axiomatization of the category of net computations

    On the Category of Petri Net Computations

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    We introduce the notion of strongly concatenable process as a refinement of concatenable processes [DMM89] which can be expressed axiomatically via a functor Q[]Q[-] from the category of Petri nets to an appropriate category of symmetric strict monoidal categories, in the precise sense that, for each net NN, the strongly concatenable processes of NN are isomorphic to the arrows of Q[]Q[-]. In addition, we identify a coreflection right adjoint to Q[]Q[-] and characterize its replete image, thus yielding an axiomatization of the category of net computations

    Equivalence-Checking on Infinite-State Systems: Techniques and Results

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    The paper presents a selection of recently developed and/or used techniques for equivalence-checking on infinite-state systems, and an up-to-date overview of existing results (as of September 2004)

    ADAM: Analysis of Discrete Models of Biological Systems Using Computer Algebra

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    Background: Many biological systems are modeled qualitatively with discrete models, such as probabilistic Boolean networks, logical models, Petri nets, and agent-based models, with the goal to gain a better understanding of the system. The computational complexity to analyze the complete dynamics of these models grows exponentially in the number of variables, which impedes working with complex models. Although there exist sophisticated algorithms to determine the dynamics of discrete models, their implementations usually require labor-intensive formatting of the model formulation, and they are oftentimes not accessible to users without programming skills. Efficient analysis methods are needed that are accessible to modelers and easy to use. Method: By converting discrete models into algebraic models, tools from computational algebra can be used to analyze their dynamics. Specifically, we propose a method to identify attractors of a discrete model that is equivalent to solving a system of polynomial equations, a long-studied problem in computer algebra. Results: A method for efficiently identifying attractors, and the web-based tool Analysis of Dynamic Algebraic Models (ADAM), which provides this and other analysis methods for discrete models. ADAM converts several discrete model types automatically into polynomial dynamical systems and analyzes their dynamics using tools from computer algebra. Based on extensive experimentation with both discrete models arising in systems biology and randomly generated networks, we found that the algebraic algorithms presented in this manuscript are fast for systems with the structure maintained by most biological systems, namely sparseness, i.e., while the number of nodes in a biological network may be quite large, each node is affected only by a small number of other nodes, and robustness, i.e., small number of attractors

    Flux Analysis in Process Models via Causality

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    We present an approach for flux analysis in process algebra models of biological systems. We perceive flux as the flow of resources in stochastic simulations. We resort to an established correspondence between event structures, a broadly recognised model of concurrency, and state transitions of process models, seen as Petri nets. We show that we can this way extract the causal resource dependencies in simulations between individual state transitions as partial orders of events. We propose transformations on the partial orders that provide means for further analysis, and introduce a software tool, which implements these ideas. By means of an example of a published model of the Rho GTP-binding proteins, we argue that this approach can provide the substitute for flux analysis techniques on ordinary differential equation models within the stochastic setting of process algebras