253 research outputs found

    Grassmannian Frames with Applications to Coding and Communication

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    For a given class F{\cal F} of uniform frames of fixed redundancy we define a Grassmannian frame as one that minimizes the maximal correlation ∣<fk,fl>∣|< f_k,f_l >| among all frames {fk}k∈I∈F\{f_k\}_{k \in {\cal I}} \in {\cal F}. We first analyze finite-dimensional Grassmannian frames. Using links to packings in Grassmannian spaces and antipodal spherical codes we derive bounds on the minimal achievable correlation for Grassmannian frames. These bounds yield a simple condition under which Grassmannian frames coincide with uniform tight frames. We exploit connections to graph theory, equiangular line sets, and coding theory in order to derive explicit constructions of Grassmannian frames. Our findings extend recent results on uniform tight frames. We then introduce infinite-dimensional Grassmannian frames and analyze their connection to uniform tight frames for frames which are generated by group-like unitary systems. We derive an example of a Grassmannian Gabor frame by using connections to sphere packing theory. Finally we discuss the application of Grassmannian frames to wireless communication and to multiple description coding.Comment: Submitted in June 2002 to Appl. Comp. Harm. Ana

    Introduction to frames

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    This survey gives an introduction to redundant signal representations called frames. These representations have recently emerged as yet another powerful tool in the signal processing toolbox and have become popular through use in numerous applications. Our aim is to familiarize a general audience with the area, while at the same time giving a snapshot of the current state-of-the-art
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