100 research outputs found

    A counterexample to a conjecture on facial unique-maximal colorings

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    A facial unique-maximum coloring of a plane graph is a proper vertex coloring by natural numbers where on each face α the maximal color appears exactly once on the vertices of α. Fabrici and Göring [4] proved that six colors are enough for any plane graph and conjectured that four colors suffice. This conjecture is a strengthening of the Four Color theorem. Wendland [6] later decreased the upper bound from six to five. In this note, we disprove the conjecture by giving an infinite family of counterexamples. s we conclude that facial unique-maximum chromatic number of the sphere is five

    Four-Color Coloring of a Partial Map of Europe

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    The four-color theorem states that any map in a plane can be colored using four-colors in such a way that regions sharing a common boundary other than a single point do not share the same color. In this article we attempt to color a partial map of Europe with four color using Artificial Intelligence techniques, defining it as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP). The algorithm created was succeeded to find all four solutions of the problem

    The Eternal Game Chromatic Number of a Graph

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    Game coloring is a well-studied two-player game in which each player properly colors one vertex of a graph at a time until all the vertices are colored. An `eternal' version of game coloring is introduced in this paper in which the vertices are colored and re-colored from a color set over a sequence of rounds. In a given round, each vertex is colored, or re-colored, once, so that a proper coloring is maintained. Player 1 wants to maintain a proper coloring forever, while player 2 wants to force the coloring process to fail. The eternal game chromatic number of a graph GG is defined to be the minimum number of colors needed in the color set so that player 1 can always win the game on GG. We consider several variations of this new game and show its behavior on some elementary classes of graphs

    Geometry of polycrystals and microstructure

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    We investigate the geometry of polycrystals, showing that for polycrystals formed of convex grains the interior grains are polyhedral, while for polycrystals with general grain geometry the set of triple points is small. Then we investigate possible martensitic morphologies resulting from intergrain contact. For cubic-to-tetragonal transformations we show that homogeneous zero-energy microstructures matching a pure dilatation on a grain boundary necessarily involve more than four deformation gradients. We discuss the relevance of this result for observations of microstructures involving second and third-order laminates in various materials. Finally we consider the more specialized situation of bicrystals formed from materials having two martensitic energy wells (such as for orthorhombic to monoclinic transformations), but without any restrictions on the possible microstructure, showing how a generalization of the Hadamard jump condition can be applied at the intergrain boundary to show that a pure phase in either grain is impossible at minimum energy.Comment: ESOMAT 2015 Proceedings, to appea

    Origami constraints on the initial-conditions arrangement of dark-matter caustics and streams

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    In a cold-dark-matter universe, cosmological structure formation proceeds in rough analogy to origami folding. Dark matter occupies a three-dimensional 'sheet' of free- fall observers, non-intersecting in six-dimensional velocity-position phase space. At early times, the sheet was flat like an origami sheet, i.e. velocities were essentially zero, but as time passes, the sheet folds up to form cosmic structure. The present paper further illustrates this analogy, and clarifies a Lagrangian definition of caustics and streams: caustics are two-dimensional surfaces in this initial sheet along which it folds, tessellating Lagrangian space into a set of three-dimensional regions, i.e. streams. The main scientific result of the paper is that streams may be colored by only two colors, with no two neighbouring streams (i.e. streams on either side of a caustic surface) colored the same. The two colors correspond to positive and negative parities of local Lagrangian volumes. This is a severe restriction on the connectivity and therefore arrangement of streams in Lagrangian space, since arbitrarily many colors can be necessary to color a general arrangement of three-dimensional regions. This stream two-colorability has consequences from graph theory, which we explain. Then, using N-body simulations, we test how these caustics correspond in Lagrangian space to the boundaries of haloes, filaments and walls. We also test how well outer caustics correspond to a Zel'dovich-approximation prediction.Comment: Clarifications and slight changes to match version accepted to MNRAS. 9 pages, 5 figure