468 research outputs found

    What Determines User Attitudes in IS Research? A Meta-analytic Structural Equation Modeling Approach

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    While research in general has extensively studied the coherence between attitude and behavior, Information Systems (IS) research has paid little attention to the antecedents of attitude. Using the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) as theoretical basis, we focus on the factors that determine attitudes in IS research. We apply a meta-analytic structural equation model based on major IS-adoption models that focuses on classifying the antecedents of attitude in the studies of our meta-analysis according to the central and peripheral route of information processing proposed by the ELM. The results indicate that affect and cognition as representatives for the central route are less important as attitudinal antecedents in the IS context compared to external factors that represent the peripheral route of information processing

    A science mapping approach based review of construction safety research

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    This study adopted a three-step holistic review approach consisting of bibliometric review, scientometric analysis, and in-depth discussion to gain a deeper understanding of the research development in construction safety. Focusing on a total of 513 journal articles published in Scopus, the influential journals, keywords, scholars, and articles in the domain of construction safety were analyzed

    The application of a business intelligence tool for service delivery improvement : the case of South Africa

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    Abstract: The global environment requires organisations to adapt and respond quickly to the complexity of its nature. Responding to such an environment depends on real-time information. In the last decade, organisations have relied much on human expertise to extract and analyse and process data into meaningful information for decision making. Many will probably agree with the assertion that the complexity of the globalisation has led to a complexity in modern data analysis, which encompasses different elements (technology and innovation, internet of things and influx of data to name but few), resulting in modern scientific problems. It is evident that organisational knowledge has become the enabling factor for decision-making in both the private and public sector. Yet, the study of the opinion that the advancement of technology and internet of things has complicated matters further for humankind to interpret complex and vast amounts of data at the speed required to keep up with the demands of the global environment in which they operate. Therefore, it is likely that the discovered knowledge may be inaccurate at times. In responding to these dynamics, organisations require computational intelligence systems to transform the data they acquire into real-time meaningful information in order to make informed decisions. ..D.Phil. (Engineering Management

    Differentiating the Impact of Social Influence - An Empirical Analysis of Household Adopters

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    Although widely accepted as critical determinant for an individual’s adoption decision in households social influence is rather be known as the unloved child of technology adoption research. As several IS researchers pointed out the need for more sophisticated methods to assess social influence and a clarification of its role we aim to contribute to existing household adoption research by providing an empirical analysis observing the social influence of different referent groups and secondary sources on the behavioral intention to participate in social networking portals by different adopter groups. Therefore we evaluated survey data of 422 young professionals, 771 professionals and 226 managers with the help of multiregression analysis. We come up with two interesting contributions to existing household adoption research. On the one hand social influence of different referent groups and secondary sources significantly affects the intention of adopter groups with different career status, age and prior experience and on the other hand social influence differs for both source (referent group or secondary source) and sink (adopter group) with varying adopter’s career status

    Model of behavioral attention towards using ICT in universities in Libya

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the advances utilized as a part of educational tools, and it has been played an effective integration between technology and the lecturer for good quality of teaching and learning. However, a number of researches have been conducted to examine the factors adoption and acceptance of technology, but there is limited on lecturers’ behavioral intention to use ICT in university. Therefore, previous literature has been addressed a series of issues and problem which affect the successful implementation of ICT in the education of Libya such as a lack of policy, poor recourse and lack of skill as well as good infrastructure. The aim of this paper is to examine the factors influencing the lecturers’ intention to use ICT among of the factors suggested by previous literature that may influence lecturers’ intention to use the attitude, behavioral control, Self-Efficacy and ease of use are presented in the following section. Technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior were adopted to explain the behavioral intention of lecturers to use technology or ICT in universities. The model and theory of Technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) were used to explain the behavioral intention of the lecturer to use ICT in Libya universities. The behavioral intention to use technology has an impact on how lectures are delivered to the student, and subsequently expose them to the latest and updated information about education

    A Knowledge Development Perspective on Literature Reviews: Validation of a new Typology in the IS Field

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    Literature reviews (LRs) play an important role in developing domain knowledge in all fields. Yet, we observe insufficient insights into the activities with which LRs actually develop knowledge. To address this important gap, we 1) derive knowledge-building activities from the extant literature on LRs, 2) suggest a knowledge-based LR typology that complements existing typologies, and 3) apply the typology in an empirical study that explores how LRs with different goals and methodologies have contributed to knowledge development. In analyzing 240 LRs published in 40 renowned information systems (IS) journals between 2000 and 2014, we draw a detailed picture of knowledge development that one of the most important genres in the IS field has achieved. With this work, we help to unify extant LR conceptualizations by clarifying and illustrating how they apply different methodologies in a range of knowledge-building activities to achieve their goals with respect to theory

    Tracing paradigm shifts in information literacy: a progressive knowledge domain visualization approach

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    An information literate population is a fundamental component of modern society, but the definition of what it means to be information literate has changed over time, resulting in debates within the information literacy community. Through the lens of Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions and Shneider's four stages of a discipline framework, this dissertation examines the progress of the information literacy research domain using both scientometric and content analysis methods. Three research questions are addressed in this study. First, the structural and temporal features of the information literacy knowledge domain are identified using document co-citation analysis to identify major research areas, landmark and hub documents, and active research topics. Second, pivotal papers connecting major research areas are explored using pathfinder network scaling algorithms to identify critical paths of transition in the domain. Finally, full-text pivotal documents are examined using qualitative content analysis to trace the progression of information literacy construct definitions in seminal research documents. Findings support a paradigm shift occurred in the domain when the skills-based information literacy definition was rejected in favor of a metaliteracy model. Technological advancement emerged as an influencing factor on paradigms, playing a major role in the domain's evolution over the past half-century. Information literacy research and instruction is built upon the framework used to define what it means to be information literate. Therefore, this study has practical implications for information literacy researchers, librarians, and students.Includes bibliographical references

    Cloud computing (SaaS) adoption as a strategic technology: results of an empirical study

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    El presente estudio analiza empíricamente los factores que determinan la adopción de cloud computing (modelo SaaS) en empresas donde esta estrategia se considera estratégica para ejecutar su actividad. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de investigación para evaluar los factores que influyen en la intención de usar la computación en la nube que combina las variables encontradas en el modelo de aceptación de tecnología (TAM) con otras variables externas, como el apoyo de la alta gerencia, la capacitación, la comunicación, el tamaño de la organización y la complejidad tecnológica. Los datos compilados de 150 empresas en Andalucía (España) se utilizan para probar las hipótesis formuladas. Los resultados de este estudio reflejan qué factores críticos deben considerarse y cómo están interrelacionados. También muestran las demandas organizacionales que deben ser consideradas por aquellas compañías que desean implementar un modelo de gestión real adoptado para la economía digital, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la computación en la nube.The present study empirically analyzes the factors that determine the adoption of cloud computing (SaaS model) in firms where this strategy is considered strategic for executing their activity. A research model has been developed to evaluate the factors that influence the intention of using cloud computing that combines the variables found in the technology acceptance model (TAM) with other external variables such as top management support, training, communication, organization size, and technological complexity. Data compiled from 150 companies in Andalusia (Spain) are used to test the formulated hypotheses. The results of this study reflect what critical factors should be considered and how they are interrelated. They also show the organizational demands that must be considered by those companies wishing to implement a real management model adopted to the digital economy, especially those related to cloud computing.peerReviewe

    Cloud Computing (SaaS) Adoption as a Strategic Technology: Results of an Empirical Study

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    The present study empirically analyzes the factors that determine the adoption of cloud computing (SaaS model) in firms where this strategy is considered strategic for executing their activity. A research model has been developed to evaluate the factors that influence the intention of using cloud computing that combines the variables found in the technology acceptance model (TAM) with other external variables such as top management support, training, communication, organization size, and technological complexity. Data compiled from 150 companies in Andalusia (Spain) are used to test the formulated hypotheses. The results of this study reflect what critical factors should be considered and how they are interrelated. They also show the organizational demands that must be considered by those companies wishing to implement a real management model adopted to the digital economy, especially those related to cloud computing
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