94 research outputs found

    The Managerial Process in the Media Industry

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    Managing an organisation from the media industry has a series of particularities that are the object of this analysis. The main functions of management are studied with the help of relevant examples and case studies taken from the specialized literature. For such a complex, dynamic and versatile industry such as media, with the electronic sector evolving perhaps more rapidly than in any other industry, the challenges facing managers are multiple.Media, management, functions, process.

    Assessing the Readiness of the Royal Military Police Corps Towards a Learning Organization : a Case Study on Royal Military Police Corps Training Center

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    As part of the Ministry of Defense's as well as the Malaysian Armed Forces in general and the Malaysian Army HQ's drive for responsive, high quality military services, the 2001 Booklet on Learning Organization suggested that the services must become a learning organization. The environmental forces that stem from the technological advancement, social changes, economic and demographic changes and consumerism have placed a great challenge to the military and army leaders in insuring their organizations achieved a world class status. Yet, the readiness and the application as well as the implementation of the learning organization ideal in the military organizations is viewed as significantly constrained by a number of factors, including the hierarchy, structures, culture, tradition, the leadership and so forth. To achieve such world class standards, organizations therefore must continually operate in a state of transformation. Approprite management styles thus are seen to be important in promoting and fostering a creative and learning culture within an organization. It is believed that appropriate management styles that have the abilities to develop a shared vision, special competencies, unity, a constructive thinking among employees, and to encourage open and honest communication throughout the organization. It would be the leaders who inspire a learning organization. Therefore, this study aims to assess the readiness of the military organizations in this case, the Royal Military Police Corps turning to be a Learning Organization by measuring 12 dimensions of the Learning Organization Practices Profile and 5 dimensions of Learning Organization Profile as well as identifying the management styles that are pertinent to learning organization by using Likert's (1976) four-management styles questionnaire and determines how these styles influence the learning organization practices and readiness drawn from the learning organization literature. This research offered an opportunity to assess the extent to which striving for this contributes to progress towards the learning organizational ideal

    Open entrepreneurship centers in Brazil: To promote sustainable development and poverty reduction

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    Degen introduced the teaching of entrepreneurship in Brazil in 1980 and wrote the first Portuguese language textbook on entrepreneurship in 1989. The purpose was to raise awareness of the country?s poverty among students, motivate them to become entrepreneurs, and promote the sustainable development necessary to eliminate the country?s extreme poverty. After almost 30 years extreme poverty continues to be the greatest challenge for the sustainable development of Brazil. Without solving this problem there will be no preservation of the country?s natural resources, no personal safety for its citizens, and no political stability. Degen demonstrates that the teaching of entrepreneurship in Brazilian business schools has not in fact been effective in promoting entrepreneurship and sustainable development. In this paper he proposes a new approach for Brazilian universities in which they create open entrepreneurship centers and enhance their role so as to act as social agents promoting sustainable development and poverty reduction. Their new role will be to better motivate students to become entrepreneurs with social responsibility, to assist them in finding business opportunities that preserve the country?s natural resources and reduce poverty, and to help them find investors for sustainable development projects in Brazil.open entrepreneurship centers, teaching entrepreneurship in Brazil, entrepreneurship to promote sustainable development, entrepreneurship to reduce extreme poverty, universities as social agents

    The negative organisational consequences of average leadership skills : case studies based on Ken Blanchard's paradigm

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    Background. Organizational leadership is constantly present in the reflection of management science. It seems that the timeliness of the organizational leadership topic comes not only from the importance of managing teams of workers, but also from the changes that are taking place in: attitudes employees, the expectations of the organization and in the organizational environment. It causes the need for continuous reflection, because solutions adequate a couple of years ago, may not be conformed to contemporary situation. Organizational leadership is an interesting theme of reflection, because is an area of knowledge between management science and psychology. It is possible to venture the statement, that the reflection from one of these areas is enriched by the second one. Research aims. An average level of managerial skills can be considered as “good enough”. However, does this mean that it is the same as “correct”? The article indicates that nowadays “average” is “too little”. Methodology. On the basis of a few selected case studies of Polish organisations, the author presents the disadvantages of an average level of managerial skills. The analysis of the case studies and the particular types of organisational disorders will be based on the Situational Leadership Model developed by Ken Blanchard. The author analyses two situations in organisations: the leader using mainly styles S2 and S3 and the leader using mainly styles S1 and S4. Key findings. The author shows the consequences of average level of managerial skills for: a single employee, the team, the effects for another organisational processes (recruitment, employee turnover). The article also describes the psychological mechanism (social game or the archetype) that is often the background of that kind of behaviour (S2-S3; S1-S4) in the organisation

    Dominant Management Styles of the Classrooms by the Faculty Members in Alia University College

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    This study aimed at identifying the dominant classroom management styles by the faculty members in Alia University College, as viewed by its (female) students. It also aimed to identify whether there are statistically significant differences among the dominant management styles of the college faculty members attributed to the gender variable of the faculty member. The study population consisted of all the BA stage female students in the College (n=2584) in 2012/2013 university year. The sample consisted of (400) students representing (15.48%) pf the total study population, who were selected by the stratified random manner. The study concluded that the democratic style is the more dominant with the faculty members of the college, as viewed by the female students, with (3.98) mean, followed by the leisurely style with (2.92) mean. Meanwhile, the study revealed that the autocratic style is the least used of all the management styles. The study further found that there are no apparent differences in the in the dominant management styles of the classrooms with the faculty members (traditional, autocratic or democratic styles) in the college attributed to the faculty member gender variable. However, the study found apparent differences in the leisurely management style with the faculty members attributed to the gender variable, in favor of males. The study concluded in a number of recommendations. Keywords: Classroom management, Alia University College, Balqa' Applied University

    Management: one too many styles

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    From a concept, management has evolved into a discipline of study and has become an important field of practice.Since its emergence, management has long gained tremendous interest among management theorists, consultants and practitioners.The literature however indicates that over the years, management has seen much change not only in terms of its meanings but also its emphasis and styles as well.In particular, over the decades, various styles of management have been identified, presented and promoted in the literature.The existence of numerous management styles has raised the question of their universality, applicability and relevance to organizations.Based on the management literature and previous studies, this paper reviews six specific styles of management as well as identifies the differences in their scope and focus