35 research outputs found

    The Leadership Mix for Increasing the Organization’s Competitiveness

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    We live in times of crisis, times of challenge, times of innovation and, more recently, times of major events (political regimes shocks, destructive earthquakes a.s.o.). All these require a huge dose of flexibility, power, speed and positive attitude. The concept of leadership has to adapt to this reality and to ensure giving its best for getting the best. This article offers an image of how leadership should look nowadays and why its important ingredients worth so much from the competitiveness perspective. As we’ve seen in the practical life, leadership is, most of all, a matter of attitude, of the way in which you see yourself and the people around you and how you make the decisions about progressing together!leadership; competitiveness; leadership mix; competence; teamwork.

    On-the-job Informal Learning Practices for IS Students

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    Information systems (IS) students find soft skills acquired in schools to be insufficient to fully prepare them for their jobs because soft skills are context-dependent and difficult to teach. To compensate for this adversity, students could acquire knowledge through continuous on-the-job informal learning; however, only 20 percent of what organizations invest in training is dedicated to enhancing informal learning. As a result, it is essential that students enter the work force with sufficient knowledge of informal learning practices in order to better acquire experiential knowledge. This paper recommends four techniques that universities can incorporate in IS curriculums to prepare students to become better on-the-job learners

    The Use of Tacit Knowledge and School Innovation in Malaysia Secondary School

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    The role of tacit knowledge in fostering organization innovation has increasingly gained interest many researchers. However, previous research dominating in the business sector. This study addresses these limitations by conceptualization in the academic setting. This study used the partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM) tool to test the relationship between the role of tacit knowledge among Malaysia secondary school principals and school innovation. Three types of skills used to measure tacit knowledge; cognitive skills, technical skills and social skills. As to measure school innovation, there are six latent variables; leadership, curriculum, co-curricular, student affairs, financial and structure and culture. Data from a questionnaire survey of 370 respondents from Sekolah Kebangsaan, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) and Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) were used to analyze the model. Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the relationships between all the variables and found that social skill was the most significant predictor of tacit knowledge while co-curricular was the most significant predictor to school innovation and the use of tacit knowledge has a significantly smaller impact on school innovation.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijere.v3i1.532

    Quand l'entrepreneur est un destructeur ou comment détruire pour créer ?

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    Ce papier met en évidence les différentes formes de destruction qu'implique un processus et une production véritablement créatifs

    A relational view of knowledge transfer effectiveness in small new technology-based firms:An empirical analysis of a South African case

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    The open innovation model often neglects the frictions that external knowledge flows could encounter when crossing organisational boundaries. This study recognises such barriers and investigates the impact of these barriers on knowledge transfer effectiveness by using data on small new technologybased firms (NTBFs) located in the emerging South African economy. The empirical results show that the characteristics of inter-organisational knowledge exchange relationships (organisational and technological similarity and contact frequency) do have an impact on the effectiveness of knowledge transfer. The findings stress the relevance of a relational approach, as factors derived from it act as barriers to effective knowledge transfer for small firms

    Linking unlearning with the intention to recommend through destination image

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    The intangible nature of tourism means that variables such as destination image (DIM) or intention to recommend (IR) are crucial for tourists, as they are reliable sources of information. However, since these are dynamic variables, they have been affected by Covid-19 and need to be updated. Based on the above, the purpose of this study is to examine how the unlearning (UL) process helps tourists to become aware of the new situation, relinquish old habits and relearn, thus, influencing DIM and the IR destinations. Furthermore, the relationship between DIM and IR is analysed.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities [FPU20/05986]

    Improving the absorptive capacity through unlearning context: an empirical investigation in hospital-in-the-home units

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    The Spanish healthcare system has undergone important changes, particularly in the development of new homecare services. In practice, however, results have been mixed. Some homecare services have been successful, but implementation failures are common and the intended patients are frequently reluctant to use the homecare services. A possible explanation for efficiency and effectiveness gaps of services provided by hospital-in-the-home units (HHUs) may relate to the advantages and disadvantages of the knowledge processes that these units highlight as a result of their different structural properties. This study examines the impact of an unlearning (forgetting) context on the HHU's ability to challenge basic beliefs and to implement processes that are explicitly or tacitly helpful in the reception of new ideas (absorptive capacity). These relationships are examined through an empirical investigation of 54 doctors and 62 nurses belonging to 44 HHUs. The results show that the unlearning context plays a key role in managing the tension between potential absorptive capacity and realized absorptive capacity.Ministerio de Educación ECO2008-0641-C02-0

    The process of individual unlearning: a neglected topic in an under-researched field

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    This article presents the findings of a participative action research project into how arts-based inquiry can revitalise equality and diversity organisational practices. We demonstrate that the arts-based methodologies introduced enabled participants to explore the meanings they brought to equality and diversity work, by creating a liminal space for learning. We illustrate our findings through an exploration of how participants engaged with the inquiry, the learning about equality and diversity that took place in the workshops and the challenges and opportunities of translating this into change practice in the workplace. The article’s originality lies in its analysis of poetic writings, dreams and visual artefacts created in the context of participative inquiry. Engaging with tacit knowledge extended understanding of the contribution that arts-based, aesthetic inquiry can bring to organisational practice, and more specifically towards restoring the transformative potential of organisational practices to promote equality and diversity

    Analyzing an absorptive capacity : unlearning context and information system capabilities as catalysts for innovativeness

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    This study examines the impact of a company’s unlearning context and information system (IS) capabilities on the company’s ability to challenge of basic beliefs and to implement processes that are explicitly or tacitly helpful in the reception of new ideas (absorptive capacity). We also examine the relationship between absorptive capacity and the existence and enhancement of innovativeness. These relationships are examined through an empirical investigation of 286 large Spanish companies. Our results show that absorptive capacity is an important dynamic determinant for developing a company’s innovativeness. Moreover, this relationship is best explained with two related constructs. Firstly, the company’s unlearning context plays a key role in managing the tension between potential absorptive capacity and realised absorptive capacity. Secondly, the results also shed light on a tangible means for managers to enhance their company’s innovativeness through IS capabilities