831 research outputs found

    Properties of higher order nonlinear diffusion filtering

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    This paper provides a mathematical analysis of higher order variational methods and nonlinear diffusion filtering for image denoising. Besides the average grey value, it is shown that higher order diffusion filters preserve higher moments of the initial data. While a maximum-minimum principle in general does not hold for higher order filters, we derive stability in the 2-norm in the continuous and discrete setting. Considering the filters in terms of forward and backward diffusion, one can explain how not only the preservation, but also the enhancement of certain features in the given data is possible. Numerical results show the improved denoising capabilities of higher order filtering compared to the classical methods

    Speckle Noise Reduction using Local Binary Pattern

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    AbstractA novel local binary pattern (LBP) based adaptive diffusion for speckle noise reduction is presented. The LBP operator unifies traditionally divergent statistical and structural models of region analysis. We use LBP textons to classify an image around a pixel into noisy, homogenous, corner and edge regions. According to different types of regions, a variable weight is assigned in to the diffusion equation, so that our algorithm can adaptively encourage strong diffusion in homogenous/noisy regions and less on the edge/corner regions. The diffusion preserves edges, local details while diffusing more on homogenous region. The experiments results are evaluated both in terms of objective metric and the visual quality

    Multiplicative Noise Removal Using L1 Fidelity on Frame Coefficients

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    We address the denoising of images contaminated with multiplicative noise, e.g. speckle noise. Classical ways to solve such problems are filtering, statistical (Bayesian) methods, variational methods, and methods that convert the multiplicative noise into additive noise (using a logarithmic function), shrinkage of the coefficients of the log-image data in a wavelet basis or in a frame, and transform back the result using an exponential function. We propose a method composed of several stages: we use the log-image data and apply a reasonable under-optimal hard-thresholding on its curvelet transform; then we apply a variational method where we minimize a specialized criterion composed of an â„“1\ell^1 data-fitting to the thresholded coefficients and a Total Variation regularization (TV) term in the image domain; the restored image is an exponential of the obtained minimizer, weighted in a way that the mean of the original image is preserved. Our restored images combine the advantages of shrinkage and variational methods and avoid their main drawbacks. For the minimization stage, we propose a properly adapted fast minimization scheme based on Douglas-Rachford splitting. The existence of a minimizer of our specialized criterion being proven, we demonstrate the convergence of the minimization scheme. The obtained numerical results outperform the main alternative methods
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