6,402 research outputs found

    Definition and Validation of a Business IT Alignment Method for Enterprise Governance Improvement in the Context of Processes Based Organizations

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    These days, it is remarkable to note the growing of interest in professional responsibility. Specifically, the responsibility a person commits to when he or she performs a task. Based on a review of research currently performed in the field of policy (from corporate to technical ones), we observe that the perception of responsibility has often been limited to a combination of rights and obligations. In addition, we are seeing a re-emergence in business (for example, in the financial sector) of a belief that business ethics foundation can be improved and that a renewed focus in this area would help to prevent future breakdowns in the system. With regard to improving business/IT alignment and corporate ICT governance, it becomes increasingly important to define a commonly accepted personal responsibility model that embodies important and well-known concepts like accountability, capability and commitment. Moreover, because responsibility constitutes a fundamental notion of management theory, it is likewise identified as a meaningful bridge toward organizational artifacts. Exploiting process-based approach to define policy seems to offer new research opportunities since process-based organization becomes a continuous widely spread structure.ICT Governance, Responsibility model, Capability, Accountability, Commitment.

    Towards defining semantic foundations for purpose-based privacy policies

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    We define a semantic model for purpose, based on which purpose-based privacy policies can be meaningfully expressed and enforced in a business system. The model is based on the intuition that the purpose of an action is determined by its situation among other inter-related actions. Actions and their relationships can be modeled in the form of an action graph which is based on the business processes in a system. Accordingly, a modal logic and the corresponding model checking algorithm are developed for formal expression of purpose-based policies and verifying whether a particular system complies with them. It is also shown through various examples, how various typical purpose-based policies as well as some new policy types can be expressed and checked using our model

    A transaction-oriented architecture for structuring unstructured information in enterprise applications

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    As 80-85% of all corporate information remains unstructured, outside of the processing scope of enterprise systems, many enterprises rely on Information Systems that cause them to risk transactions that are based on lack of information (errors of omission) or misleading information (errors of commission). To address this concern, the fundamental business concept of monetary transactions is extended to include qualitative business concepts. A Transaction Concept (TC) is accordingly identified that provides a structure for these unstructured but vital aspects of business transactions. Based on REA (Resources, Events, Agents) and modelled using Conceptual Graphs (CGs) and Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), the TC provides businesses with a more balanced view of the transactions they engage in and a means of discovering new transactions that they might have otherwise missed. A simple example is provided that illustrates this integration and reveals a key missing element. This example is supported by reference to a wide range of case studies and application areas that demonstrate the added value of the TC. The TC is then advanced into a Transaction-Oriented Architecture (TOA). The TOA provides the framework by which an enterprise’s business processes are orchestrated according to the TC. TOA thus brings Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the productivity of enterprise applications to the height of the real, transactional world that enterprises actually operate in.</jats:p

    Formal REA model at operational level

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    Despite a lot of attention gained by the Resource-Event-Agent (REA) framework among researchers in enterprise modeling, it still lacks comprehensive formal description. Most of the formalization approaches to REA use only UML or other graphical representation. This paper aims to define REA ontology at operational level using formal logic tools. The general approach to formal logic description of REA was motivated by LTAP introduced by Ito, Hagihara and Yonezaki. After basic REA concepts are presented, semantics and logical language LREA are defined including axioms for the REA operational level. Future research is shortly described in conclusion.REA framework; formal models; modal logic

    Transforming enterprise ontologies into SBVR formalizations

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    In 2007 the Object Management Group (OMG) adopted the Se- mantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) specification. The languages specified by this specification must be used to create business vocab- ularies and business rules of all kinds of business activities of all kinds of or- ganizations. This paper describes and demonstrates how enterprise ontologies can be transformed into SBVR formalizations

    A goal-oriented requirements modelling language for enterprise architecture

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    Methods for enterprise architecture, such as TOGAF, acknowledge the importance of requirements engineering in the development of enterprise architectures. Modelling support is needed to specify, document, communicate and reason about goals and requirements. Current modelling techniques for enterprise architecture focus on the products, services, processes and applications of an enterprise. In addition, techniques may be provided to describe structured requirements lists and use cases. Little support is available however for modelling the underlying motivation of enterprise architectures in terms of stakeholder concerns and the high-level goals that address these concerns. This paper describes a language that supports the modelling of this motivation. The definition of the language is based on existing work on high-level goal and requirements modelling and is aligned with an existing standard for enterprise modelling: the ArchiMate language. Furthermore, the paper illustrates how enterprise architecture can benefit from analysis techniques in the requirements domain

    Towards a Definition of Role-related Concepts for Business Modeling

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    Abstract—While several role-related concepts play an\ud important role in business modeling, their definitions,\ud relations, and use differ greatly between languages, papers,\ud and reports. Due to this, the knowledge captured by models is\ud not transferred correctly, and models are incomparable. In this\ud paper, we provide a meta-model and definitions for several\ud role-related concepts based on the practice of existing modeling\ud languages and ontological analysis. This forms a basis for\ud creating comparable, formal business models, which enable\ud further enterprise engineering, in a repeatable wa
