43 research outputs found

    Formalisation and experiences of R2RML-based SPARQL to SQL query translation using Morph

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    R2RML is used to specify transformations of data available in relational databases into materialised or virtual RDF datasets. SPARQL queries evaluated against virtual datasets are translated into SQL queries according to the R2RML mappings, so that they can be evaluated over the underlying relational database engines. In this paper we describe an extension of a well-known algorithm for SPARQL to SQL translation, originally formalised for RDBMS-backed triple stores, that takes into account R2RML mappings. We present the result of our implementation using queries from a synthetic benchmark and from three real use cases, and show that SPARQL queries can be in general evaluated as fast as the SQL queries that would have been generated by SQL experts if no R2RML mappings had been used

    morph-LDP: an R2RML-based Linked Data Platform implementation

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    The W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) candidate recom- mendation defines a standard HTTP-based protocol for read/write Linked Data. The W3C R2RML recommendation defines a language to map re- lational databases (RDBs) and RDF. This paper presents morph-LDP, a novel system that combines these two W3C standardization initiatives to expose relational data as read/write Linked Data for LDP-aware ap- plications, whilst allowing legacy applications to continue using their relational databases

    Enhancing Virtual Ontology Based Access over Tabular Data with Morph-CSV

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    Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) has traditionally focused on providing a unified view of heterogeneous datasets, either by materializing integrated data into RDF or by performing on-the fly querying via SPARQL query translation. In the specific case of tabular datasets represented as several CSV or Excel files, query translation approaches have been applied by considering each source as a single table that can be loaded into a relational database management system (RDBMS). Nevertheless, constraints over these tables are not represented; thus, neither consistency among attributes nor indexes over tables are enforced. As a consequence, efficiency of the SPARQL-to-SQL translation process may be affected, as well as the completeness of the answers produced during the evaluation of the generated SQL query. Our work is focused on applying implicit constraints on the OBDA query translation process over tabular data. We propose Morph-CSV, a framework for querying tabular data that exploits information from typical OBDA inputs (e.g., mappings, queries) to enforce constraints that can be used together with any SPARQL-to-SQL OBDA engine. Morph-CSV relies on both a constraint component and a set of constraint operators. For a given set of constraints, the operators are applied to each type of constraint with the aim of enhancing query completeness and performance. We evaluate Morph-CSV in several domains: e-commerce with the BSBM benchmark; transportation with a benchmark using the GTFS dataset from the Madrid subway; and biology with a use case extracted from the Bio2RDF project. We compare and report the performance of two SPARQL-to-SQL OBDA engines, without and with the incorporation of MorphCSV. The observed results suggest that Morph-CSV is able to speed up the total query execution time by up to two orders of magnitude, while it is able to produce all the query answers

    Translation of Heterogeneous Databases into RDF, and Application to the Construction of a SKOS Taxonomical Reference

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    International audienceWhile the data deluge accelerates, most of the data produced remains locked in deep Web databases. For the linked open data to benefit from the potential represented by this huge amount of data, it is crucial to come up with solutions to expose heterogeneous databases as linked data. The xR2RML mapping language is an endeavor towards this goal: it is designed to map various types of databases to RDF, by flexibly adapting to heterogeneous query languages and data models while remaining free from any specific language. It extends R2RML, the W3C recommendation for the mapping of relational databases to RDF, and relies on RML for the handling of various data formats. In this paper we present xR2RML, we analyse data models of several modern databases as well as the format in which query results are returned , and we show how xR2RML translates any result data element into RDF, relying on existing languages such as XPath and JSONPath when necessary. We illustrate some features of xR2RML such as the generation of RDF collections and containers, and the ability to deal with mixed data formats. We also describe a real-world use case in which we applied xR2RML to build a SKOS thesaurus aimed at supporting studies on History of Zoology, Archaeozoology and Conservation Biology

    Interoperable & efficient: linked data for the internet of things

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    Two requirements to utilise the large source of time-series sensor data from the Internet of Things are interoperability and efficient access. We present a Linked Data solution that increases interoperability through the use and referencing of common identifiers and ontologies for integration. From our study of the shape of Internet of Things data, we show how we can improve access within the resource constraints of Lightweight Computers, compact machines deployed in close proximity to sensors, by storing time-series data succinctly as rows and producing Linked Data ‘just-in-time’. We examine our approach within two scenarios: a distributed meteorological analytics system and a smart home hub. We show with established benchmarks that in comparison to storing the data in a traditional Linked Data store, our approach provides gains in both storage efficiency and query performance from over 3 times to over three orders of magnitude on Lightweight Computers. Finally, we reflect how pushing computing to edge networks with our infrastructure can affect privacy, data ownership and data locality

    SPARQL-to-SQL on Internet of Things Databases and Streams

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    To realise a semantic Web of Things, the challenge of achieving efficient Resource Description Format (RDF) storage and SPARQL query performance on Internet of Things (IoT) devices with limited resources has to be addressed. State-of-the-art SPARQL-to-SQL engines have been shown to outperform RDF stores on some benchmarks. In this paper, we describe an optimisation to the SPARQL-to-SQL approach, based on a study of time-series IoT data structures, that employs metadata abstraction and efficient translation by reusing existing SPARQL engines to produce Linked Data ‘just-in-time’. We evaluate our approach against RDF stores, state-of-the-art SPARQL-to-SQL engines and streaming SPARQL engines, in the context of IoT data and scenarios. We show that storage efficiency, with succinct row storage, and query performance can be improved from 2 times to 3 orders of magnitude

    Virtual Knowledge Graphs: An Overview of Systems and Use Cases

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    In this paper, we present the virtual knowledge graph (VKG) paradigm for data integration and access, also known in the literature as Ontology-based Data Access. Instead of structuring the integration layer as a collection of relational tables, the VKG paradigm replaces the rigid structure of tables with the flexibility of graphs that are kept virtual and embed domain knowledge. We explain the main notions of this paradigm, its tooling ecosystem and significant use cases in a wide range of applications. Finally, we discuss future research directions