36,311 research outputs found

    Non-Integrability of Some Higher-Order Painlev\'e Equations in the Sense of Liouville

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    In this paper we study the equation w(4)=5w"(w2w)+5w(w)2w5+(λz+α)w+γ, w^{(4)} = 5 w" (w^2 - w') + 5 w (w')^2 - w^5 + (\lambda z + \alpha)w + \gamma, which is one of the higher-order Painlev\'e equations (i.e., equations in the polynomial class having the Painlev\'e property). Like the classical Painlev\'e equations, this equation admits a Hamiltonian formulation, B\"acklund transformations and families of rational and special functions. We prove that this equation considered as a Hamiltonian system with parameters γ/λ=3k\gamma/\lambda = 3 k, γ/λ=3k1\gamma/\lambda = 3 k - 1, kZk \in \mathbb{Z}, is not integrable in Liouville sense by means of rational first integrals. To do that we use the Ziglin-Morales-Ruiz-Ramis approach. Then we study the integrability of the second and third members of the PII\mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{II}}-hierarchy. Again as in the previous case it turns out that the normal variational equations are particular cases of the generalized confluent hypergeometric equations whose differential Galois groups are non-commutative and hence, they are obstructions to integrability

    Holonomic functions of several complex variables and singularities of anisotropic Ising n-fold integrals

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    Lattice statistical mechanics, often provides a natural (holonomic) framework to perform singularity analysis with several complex variables that would, in a general mathematical framework, be too complex, or could not be defined. Considering several Picard-Fuchs systems of two-variables "above" Calabi-Yau ODEs, associated with double hypergeometric series, we show that holonomic functions are actually a good framework for actually finding the singular manifolds. We, then, analyse the singular algebraic varieties of the n-fold integrals χ(n) \chi^{(n)}, corresponding to the decomposition of the magnetic susceptibility of the anisotropic square Ising model. We revisit a set of Nickelian singularities that turns out to be a two-parameter family of elliptic curves. We then find a first set of non-Nickelian singularities for χ(3) \chi^{(3)} and χ(4) \chi^{(4)}, that also turns out to be rational or ellipic curves. We underline the fact that these singular curves depend on the anisotropy of the Ising model. We address, from a birational viewpoint, the emergence of families of elliptic curves, and of Calabi-Yau manifolds on such problems. We discuss the accumulation of these singular curves for the non-holonomic anisotropic full susceptibility.Comment: 36 page

    Lectures on quantization of gauge systems

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    A gauge system is a classical field theory where among the fields there are connections in a principal G-bundle over the space-time manifold and the classical action is either invariant or transforms appropriately with respect to the action of the gauge group. The lectures are focused on the path integral quantization of such systems. Here two main examples of gauge systems are Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons.Comment: 63 pages, 22 figures. Based on lectures given at the Summer School "New paths towards quantum gravity", Holbaek, Denmark, 200