311 research outputs found

    The Power of Convex Algebras

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    Probabilistic automata (PA) combine probability and nondeterminism. They can be given different semantics, like strong bisimilarity, convex bisimilarity, or (more recently) distribution bisimilarity. The latter is based on the view of PA as transformers of probability distributions, also called belief states, and promotes distributions to first-class citizens. We give a coalgebraic account of the latter semantics, and explain the genesis of the belief-state transformer from a PA. To do so, we make explicit the convex algebraic structure present in PA and identify belief-state transformers as transition systems with state space that carries a convex algebra. As a consequence of our abstract approach, we can give a sound proof technique which we call bisimulation up-to convex hull.Comment: Full (extended) version of a CONCUR 2017 paper, to be submitted to LMC

    Extending Equational Monadic Reasoning with Monad Transformers

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    There is a recent interest for the verification of monadic programs using proof assistants. This line of research raises the question of the integration of monad transformers, a standard technique to combine monads. In this paper, we extend Monae, a Coq library for monadic equational reasoning, with monad transformers and we explain the benefits of this extension. Our starting point is the existing theory of modular monad transformers, which provides a uniform treatment of operations. Using this theory, we simplify the formalization of models in Monae and we propose an approach to support monadic equational reasoning in the presence of monad transformers. We also use Monae to revisit the lifting theorems of modular monad transformers by providing equational proofs and explaining how to patch a known bug using a non-standard use of Coq that combines impredicative polymorphism and parametricity

    Healthiness from Duality

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    Healthiness is a good old question in program logics that dates back to Dijkstra. It asks for an intrinsic characterization of those predicate transformers which arise as the (backward) interpretation of a certain class of programs. There are several results known for healthiness conditions: for deterministic programs, nondeterministic ones, probabilistic ones, etc. Building upon our previous works on so-called state-and-effect triangles, we contribute a unified categorical framework for investigating healthiness conditions. We find the framework to be centered around a dual adjunction induced by a dualizing object, together with our notion of relative Eilenberg-Moore algebra playing fundamental roles too. The latter notion seems interesting in its own right in the context of monads, Lawvere theories and enriched categories.Comment: 13 pages, Extended version with appendices of a paper accepted to LICS 201

    Bases as Coalgebras

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    The free algebra adjunction, between the category of algebras of a monad and the underlying category, induces a comonad on the category of algebras. The coalgebras of this comonad are the topic of study in this paper (following earlier work). It is illustrated how such coalgebras-on-algebras can be understood as bases, decomposing each element x into primitives elements from which x can be reconstructed via the operations of the algebra. This holds in particular for the free vector space monad, but also for other monads, like powerset or distribution. For instance, continuous dcpos or stably continuous frames, where each element is the join of the elements way below it, can be described as such coalgebras. Further, it is shown how these coalgebras-on-algebras give rise to a comonoid structure for copy and delete, and thus to diagonalisation of endomaps like in linear algebra
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