48,487 research outputs found

    System Design of a CC-NUMA Multiprocessor Architecture Using Formal Specification, Model-Checking, Co-Simulation, and Test Generation

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    The application of formal methods to system-level design of hardware components is still an open issue for which concrete case-studies are needed. We present here an industrial experiment concerning the application of the process algebraic language Lotos (ISO standard 8807) to the design of Polykid, a CC-NUMA (Cache Coherent -- Non Uniform Memory Access) multiprocessor architecture developed by Bull. The formal descriptions developed for Polykid have served as a basis not only for model-checking verification using CADP (Caesar/Aldebaran Development Package), but also for hardware-software co-simulation using the Exec/Caesar tool, and for automatic generation of executable tests using the TGV tool

    Speeding up hardware verification by automated data path scaling

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    The main obstacle for formal hardware verification of digital circuits is formed by ever increasing design sizes and circuit complexity. Therefore, reducing runtimes and the amount of memory needed for verification computations is a major requirement in order to successfully apply formal verification techniques to industrial circuit designs. This thesis presents a new abstraction technique for Bounded Model Checking of digital circuits. The proposed technique reduces the sizes of design models before verification by implementing a fully automated scaling of data path widths. Digital circuit designs are usually given as Register-Transfer-Level (RTL) specifications, but most industrial hardware verification tools are based on bit-level methods such as SAT or BDD techniques. RTL specifications contain explicit structural information about high-level data flow and about the widths of data path signals. We introduce a one-to-one abstraction technique for RTL property checking which exploits such high-level information. Given an RTL circuit description, a scaled-down abstract model is computed in which signal widths are reduced with respect to an additionally given formal property. For each data path and each signal accessing the data path, the original width n is shrunken to the minimum width m<=n such that the property which is to be checked holds for the scaled model if and only if it holds for the original design. We furthermore provide a technique which, if the property does not hold, computes counterexamples for the original design from counterexamples found on the reduced model. Thus, the verification task can be completely carried out on the scaled-down version of the design; false-negatives cannot occur. The complexity of SAT and BDD based model checking often depends on the number of bits occurring in a design and therefore depends on the widths of the data path signals. Linear signal width reductions result in exponentially smaller state spaces. Hence, automated data path scaling can significantly speed up the runtimes of verification tools and allows larger design sizes to be handled. Experimental results on large industrial circuits demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed method

    An experimental Study using ACSL and Frama-C to formulate and verify Low-Level Requirements from a DO-178C compliant Avionics Project

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    Safety critical avionics software is a natural application area for formal verification. This is reflected in the formal method's inclusion into the certification guideline DO-178C and its formal methods supplement DO-333. Airbus and Dassault-Aviation, for example, have conducted studies in using formal verification. A large German national research project, Verisoft XT, also examined the application of formal methods in the avionics domain. However, formal methods are not yet mainstream, and it is questionable if formal verification, especially formal deduction, can be integrated into the software development processes of a resource constrained small or medium enterprise (SME). ESG, a Munich based medium sized company, has conducted a small experimental study on the application of formal verification on a small portion of a real avionics project. The low level specification of a software function was formalized with ACSL, and the corresponding source code was partially verified using Frama-C and the WP plugin, with Alt-Ergo as automated prover. We established a couple of criteria which a method should meet to be fit for purpose for industrial use in SME, and evaluated these criteria with the experience gathered by using ACSL with Frama-C on a real world example. The paper reports on the results of this study but also highlights some issues regarding the method in general which, in our view, will typically arise when using the method in the domain of embedded real-time programming.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    Cyber-Virtual Systems: Simulation, Validation & Visualization

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    We describe our ongoing work and view on simulation, validation and visualization of cyber-physical systems in industrial automation during development, operation and maintenance. System models may represent an existing physical part - for example an existing robot installation - and a software simulated part - for example a possible future extension. We call such systems cyber-virtual systems. In this paper, we present the existing VITELab infrastructure for visualization tasks in industrial automation. The new methodology for simulation and validation motivated in this paper integrates this infrastructure. We are targeting scenarios, where industrial sites which may be in remote locations are modeled and visualized from different sites anywhere in the world. Complementing the visualization work, here, we are also concentrating on software modeling challenges related to cyber-virtual systems and simulation, testing, validation and verification techniques for them. Software models of industrial sites require behavioural models of the components of the industrial sites such as models for tools, robots, workpieces and other machinery as well as communication and sensor facilities. Furthermore, collaboration between sites is an important goal of our work.Comment: Preprint, 9th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2014

    Symbolic QED Pre-silicon Verification for Automotive Microcontroller Cores: Industrial Case Study

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    We present an industrial case study that demonstrates the practicality and effectiveness of Symbolic Quick Error Detection (Symbolic QED) in detecting logic design flaws (logic bugs) during pre-silicon verification. Our study focuses on several microcontroller core designs (~1,800 flip-flops, ~70,000 logic gates) that have been extensively verified using an industrial verification flow and used for various commercial automotive products. The results of our study are as follows: 1. Symbolic QED detected all logic bugs in the designs that were detected by the industrial verification flow (which includes various flavors of simulation-based verification and formal verification). 2. Symbolic QED detected additional logic bugs that were not recorded as detected by the industrial verification flow. (These additional bugs were also perhaps detected by the industrial verification flow.) 3. Symbolic QED enables significant design productivity improvements: (a) 8X improved (i.e., reduced) verification effort for a new design (8 person-weeks for Symbolic QED vs. 17 person-months using the industrial verification flow). (b) 60X improved verification effort for subsequent designs (2 person-days for Symbolic QED vs. 4-7 person-months using the industrial verification flow). (c) Quick bug detection (runtime of 20 seconds or less), together with short counterexamples (10 or fewer instructions) for quick debug, using Symbolic QED

    Building Blocks for Control System Software

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    Software implementation of control laws for industrial systems seem straightforward, but is not. The computer code stemming from the control laws is mostly not more than 10 to 30% of the total. A building-block approach for embedded control system development is advocated to enable a fast and efficient software design process.\ud We have developed the CTJ library, Communicating Threads for JavaÂż,\ud resulting in fundamental elements for creating building blocks to implement communication using channels. Due to the simulate-ability, our building block method is suitable for a concurrent engineering design approach. Furthermore, via a stepwise refinement process, using verification by simulation, the implementation trajectory can be done efficiently

    Runtime Verification Based on Executable Models: On-the-Fly Matching of Timed Traces

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    Runtime verification is checking whether a system execution satisfies or violates a given correctness property. A procedure that automatically, and typically on the fly, verifies conformance of the system's behavior to the specified property is called a monitor. Nowadays, a variety of formalisms are used to express properties on observed behavior of computer systems, and a lot of methods have been proposed to construct monitors. However, it is a frequent situation when advanced formalisms and methods are not needed, because an executable model of the system is available. The original purpose and structure of the model are out of importance; rather what is required is that the system and its model have similar sets of interfaces. In this case, monitoring is carried out as follows. Two "black boxes", the system and its reference model, are executed in parallel and stimulated with the same input sequences; the monitor dynamically captures their output traces and tries to match them. The main problem is that a model is usually more abstract than the real system, both in terms of functionality and timing. Therefore, trace-to-trace matching is not straightforward and allows the system to produce events in different order or even miss some of them. The paper studies on-the-fly conformance relations for timed systems (i.e., systems whose inputs and outputs are distributed along the time axis). It also suggests a practice-oriented methodology for creating and configuring monitors for timed systems based on executable models. The methodology has been successfully applied to a number of industrial projects of simulation-based hardware verification.Comment: In Proceedings MBT 2013, arXiv:1303.037

    Using ACL2 to Verify Loop Pipelining in Behavioral Synthesis

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    Behavioral synthesis involves compiling an Electronic System-Level (ESL) design into its Register-Transfer Level (RTL) implementation. Loop pipelining is one of the most critical and complex transformations employed in behavioral synthesis. Certifying the loop pipelining algorithm is challenging because there is a huge semantic gap between the input sequential design and the output pipelined implementation making it infeasible to verify their equivalence with automated sequential equivalence checking techniques. We discuss our ongoing effort using ACL2 to certify loop pipelining transformation. The completion of the proof is work in progress. However, some of the insights developed so far may already be of value to the ACL2 community. In particular, we discuss the key invariant we formalized, which is very different from that used in most pipeline proofs. We discuss the needs for this invariant, its formalization in ACL2, and our envisioned proof using the invariant. We also discuss some trade-offs, challenges, and insights developed in course of the project.Comment: In Proceedings ACL2 2014, arXiv:1406.123
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