43,097 research outputs found

    Protocol-Inspired Hardware Testing

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    The relevance of protocol conformance testing techniques to hardware testing is discussed. It is shown that the ioconf (input-output conformance) approach used in protocol testing can be applied to generate tests for a synchronous hardware design using its formal specification. The generated tests are automatically applied to a circuit by a VHDL testbench, thus giving confidence that the hardware design meets its high-level formal specification. Case studies illustrate how the ideas can be applied to standard hardware verification benchmarks such as the Single Pulser and Black-Jack Dealer

    The specification-based validation of reliable multicast protocol: Problem Report

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    Reliable Multicast Protocol (RMP) is a communication protocol that provides an atomic, totally ordered, reliable multicast service on top of unreliable IP multicasting. In this report, we develop formal models for RMP using existing automated verification systems, and perform validation on the formal RMP specifications. The validation analysis help identifies some minor specification and design problems. We also use the formal models of RMP to generate a test suite for conformance testing of the implementation. Throughout the process of RMP development, we follow an iterative, interactive approach that emphasizes concurrent and parallel progress of implementation and verification processes. Through this approach, we incorporate formal techniques into our development process, promote a common understanding for the protocol, increase the reliability of our software, and maintain high fidelity between the specifications of RMP and its implementation

    User-friendly Formal Methods for Security-aware Applications and Protocols

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    Formal support in the design and implementation of security-aware applications increases the assurance in the final artifact. Formal methods techniques work by setting a model that unambiguously defines attacker capabilities, protocol parties behavior, and expected security properties. Rigorous reasoning can be done on the model about the interaction of the external attacker with the protocol parties, assessing whether the security properties hold or not. Unfortunately, formal verification requires a high level of expertise to be used properly and, in complex systems, the model analysis requires an amount of resources (memory and time) that are not available with current technologies. The aim of this thesis is to propose new interfaces and methodologies that facilitate the usage of formal verification techniques applied to security-aware protocols and distributed applications. In particular, this thesis presents: (i) Spi2JavaGUI, a framework for the model-driven development of security protocols, that combines (for the first time in literature) an intuitive user interface, automated formal verification and code generation; (ii) a new methodology that enables the model-driven development and the automated formal analysis of distributed applications, which requires less resources and formal verification knowledge to complete the verification process, when compared to previous approaches; (iii) the formal verification of handover procedures defined by the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard for mobile communication networks, including the results and all the translation rules from specification documents to formal models, that facilitates the application of formal verification to other parts of the standard in the future

    A LOTOS Extension for the Performance Analysis of Distributed Systems

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    Performance analysis and formal correctness verification of computer communication protocols and distributed systems have traditionally been considered as two separate fields. However, their integration can be achieved by using formal description techniques as paradigms for the development of performance models. This paper presents a novel extension of LOTOS, one of the two formal specification languages that were standardized by ISO. The extension is specifically conceived to integrate performance analysis and formal verification. The extended language syntax and semantics are formally defined, along with a mapping from extended specifications to performance models, The mapping preserves the specified observable behavior. Two simple examples, a stop-and-wait protocol and a time-sharing system, are used to concretely demonstrate the new approach and to validate i

    Leveraging TLA+ Specifications to Improve the Reliability of the ZooKeeper Coordination Service

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    ZooKeeper is a coordination service, widely used as a backbone of various distributed systems. Though its reliability is of critical importance, testing is insufficient for an industrial-strength system of the size and complexity of ZooKeeper, and deep bugs can still be found. To this end, we resort to formal TLA+ specifications to further improve the reliability of ZooKeeper. Our primary objective is usability and automation, rather than full verification. We incrementally develop three levels of specifications for ZooKeeper. We first obtain the protocol specification, which unambiguously specifies the Zab protocol behind ZooKeeper. We then proceed to a finer grain and obtain the system specification, which serves as the super-doc for system development. In order to further leverage the model-level specification to improve the reliability of the code-level implementation, we develop the test specification, which guides the explorative testing of the ZooKeeper implementation. The formal specifications help eliminate the ambiguities in the protocol design and provide comprehensive system documentation. They also help find critical deep bugs in system implementation, which are beyond the reach of state-of-the-art testing techniques. Our specifications have been merged into the official Apache ZooKeeper project

    A formal specification and verification framework for timed security protocols

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    Nowadays, protocols often use time to provide better security. For instance, critical credentials are often associated with expiry dates in system designs. However, using time correctly in protocol design is challenging, due to the lack of time related formal specification and verification techniques. Thus, we propose a comprehensive analysis framework to formally specify as well as automatically verify timed security protocols. A parameterized method is introduced in our framework to handle timing parameters whose values cannot be decided in the protocol design stage. In this work, we first propose timed applied π-calculus as a formal language for specifying timed security protocols. It supports modeling of continuous time as well as application of cryptographic functions. Then, we define its formal semantics based on timed logic rules, which facilitates efficient verification against various authentication and secrecy properties. Given a parameterized security protocol, our method either produces a constraint on the timing parameters which guarantees the security property satisfied by the protocol, or reports an attack that works for any parameter value. The correctness of our verification algorithm has been formally proved. We evaluate our framework with multiple timed and untimed security protocols and successfully find a previously unknown timing attack in Kerberos V

    Privacy compliance verification in cryptographic protocols

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    To provide privacy protection, cryptographic primitives are frequently applied to communication protocols in an open environment (e.g. the Internet). We call these protocols privacy enhancing protocols (PEPs) which constitute a class of cryptographic protocols. Proof of the security properties, in terms of the privacy compliance, of PEPs is desirable before they can be deployed. However, the traditional provable security approach, though well-established for proving the security of cryptographic primitives, is not applicable to PEPs. We apply the formal language of Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) to construct an executable specification of a representative PEP, namely the Private Information Escrow Bound to Multiple Conditions Protocol (PIEMCP). Formal semantics of the CPN specification allow us to reason about various privacy properties of PIEMCP using state space analysis techniques. This investigation provides insights into the modelling and analysis of PEPs in general, and demonstrates the benefit of applying a CPN-based formal approach to the privacy compliance verification of PEPs

    Design and Analysis of Transport Protocols for Reliable High-Speed Communications

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    The design and analysis of transport protocols for reliable communications constitutes the topic of this dissertation. These transport protocols guarantee the sequenced and complete delivery of user data over networks which may lose, duplicate and reorder packets. Reliable transport services are required by a wide range of applications such as the World-Wide Web, remote network access, and distributed computing. The design of these protocols is heavily influenced by the parameters of the underlying network infrastructure and by the assumptions about the host computers and applications. Therefore the recent advances in optical transmission and computer technologies stimulated the design of several novel transport protocols. Many of the proposed protocols use similar or at least related techniques. Our goal with this thesis is to improve the understanding of reliable communications by analyzing the protocols that implement this service and to contribute to the design of reliable transport protocols. The basis of our analysis is the formal specification and verification of the protocol mechanisms under investigation. The behavior of the protocol is captured by a state-transition system and properties are established using assertional reasoning. The framework is capable to handle unbounded and modulo-N state variables and to capture real-time aspects of the protocols which is essential for the modeling of realistic systems. Practical protocols of considerable complexity are specified and verified in the thesis. One advantage of the formal verification is that it increases our confidence in the correctness of these protocols. The formalism forces us to clarify all the details of the working of the protocol and to state explicitly every assumption about the protocol and its environment. During the process of the verification one also gains insight into the mechanisms of the protocol. But probably the most important result is that during the verication we obtain conditions for the correctness of the protocol in the form of inequalities on some protocol parameters. These conditions allow the comparison of the different protocol mechanisms and can be used to judge the suitability of a protocol for a certain environment. The functionality of transport protocols can be naturally divided into data transfer and connection management. Data transfer deals with the sequenced delivery of user data, while connection management is concerned with the orderly setup and release of connections.\ud In the thesis we study three different data transfer protocols. The usage of timestamps in data transfer protocols is analyzed in detail through the example of the PAWS mechanism which was proposed as an extension to TCP. The analysis reveals that the use of timestamps increases the functionality of the transport protocol by facilitating the simple measurement of round-trip delays, but it also reduces the maximum allowable transmission rate as compared to the plain sliding-window protocol. Another data transfer protocol called SNR is analyzed which is based on the idea of periodic state exchange. We start from an earlier specification of SNR and compare it to the plain sliding-window protocol. The analysis reveals that the maximum transmission speed achievable by that SNR specification is higher than that of the plain sliding-window protocol, but it comes with a serious limitation. In the SNR specication it is assumed that no duplicates are generated by either the network or the transport protocol itself. This assumption may seriously limit the eective performance of the protocol in case of losses in the network and demonstrates the importance of considering all the assumptions when selecting a protocol for a certain environment. The use of timestamps is also investigated in the context of connection management protocols. The detailed analysis of the connection setup protocol SCMP is presented which is based on the assumption that clocks of computers can be synchronized relatively cheaply even in a large network. In our verification it is proven that the safety of the protocol does not depend of the synchronization assumption, therefore the protocol can be used safely in cases when there are no absolute guarantees of the clocks being synchronized. Since practical clock synchronization algorithms give only probabilistic guarantees, our result provides an important theoretical support of the applicability of the protocol in practical environments. Based on earlier work by others, a family of connection management protocols is analyzed that use a cache to store information needed to shorten the connection setup latency. We contribute to this work by proposing improvements which allow to reduce considerably the memory usage of these protocols. Furthermore, we show that the correctness of the protocol can be assured without assuming an upper bound on the incarnation lifetime, i.e., the maximum duration of a connection. This result greatly improves the practical applicability of the protocol

    Specification and Verification of various Distributed Leader Election Algorithm for Unidirectional Ring Networks

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    This report deals with the formal specification and verification of distributed leader election algorithms for a set of machines connected by a unidirectional ring network. Starting from an algorithm proposed by Le~Lann in 1977, and its variant proposed by Chang and Roberts in 1979, we study the robustness of this class of algorithms in presence of unreliable communication medium and/or unreliable machines. We suggest various improvements of these algorithms in order to obtain a fully fault-tolerant protocol. These algorithms are formally described using the ISO specification language LOTOS and verified (for a fixed number of machines) using the CADP (CÆSAR/ALDEBARAN) toolbox. Model-checking and bisimulation techniques allow the verification of these non-trivial algorithms to be carried out automatically
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