9 research outputs found

    A Roadmap for UEML

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    International audienceA Roadmap for Unified enterprise modelling languag

    Enterprise model verification and validation : an approach

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    This article presents a verification and validation approach which is used here in order to complete the classical tool box the industrial user may utilize in enterprise modeling and integration domain. This approach, which has been defined independently from any application domain is based on several formal concepts and tools presented in this paper. These concepts are property concepts, property reference matrix, properties graphs, enterprise modeling domain ontology, conceptual graphs and formal reasoning mechanisms

    The unified enterprise modelling language – Overview and further Work

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    ISBN 978-1-1234-7890-2/08International audienceThe Unified Enterprise Modelling Language (UEML) aims to support integrated use of enterprise and IS models expressed in a variety of languages. The achieve this aim, UEML provides a hub through which different languages can be connected, thereby paving the way for connecting the models expressed in those languages. UEML offers a structured approach to describing enterprise and IS modelling constructs, a common ontology to interrelate construct descriptions at the semantic level, a correspondence analysis approach to estimate semantic construct similarity, a quality framework to aid selection of languages, a meta-meta model to organise the UEML and a set of tools to aid its use. This paper presents an overview of UEML and points to paths for further work

    The Unified Enterprise Modelling Language – Overview and further work

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    International audienceThe Unified Enterprise Modelling Language (UEML) aims at supporting integrated use of enterprise and IS models expressed using different languages. To achieve this aim, UEML offers a hub through which modelling languages can be connected, thereby paving the way for also connecting the models expressed in those languages. This paper motivates and presents the most central parts of the UEML approach: a structured path to describing enterprise and IS modelling constructs; a common ontology to interrelate construct descriptions at the semantic level; a correspondence analysis approach to estimate semantic construct similarity; a quality framework to aid selection of languages; a meta-meta model to integrate the different parts of the approach; and a set of tools to aid its use and evolution. The paper also discusses the benefits of UEML and points to paths for further work

    Contribution à la définition d'un langage générique de modélisation d'entreprise

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    Cette thèse traite de la définition d’un langage unifié de modélisation d’entreprise (UEML). Celle-ci aborde, dans un premier temps, l’existant en modélisation d’entreprise. Nous exposons différentes approches et langages qui au cours des années ont eu pour objectif d’unifier des langages et nous montrons, qu’à l’heure actuelle, ils ne permettent pas de répondre à notre problématique. Par la suite, un exemple simple de traduction entre une activité SADT et une activité GRAI des réseaux GRAI est traité par une approche empirique. Il permet de faire ressortir un ensemble de difficultés inhérentes à la définition d’UEML, et, à partir de celui-ci, nous exposons notre point de vue ainsi qu’un ensemble de principes auxquels nous adhérons. Ensuite, nous proposons une approche basée sur la méta-modélisation des langages, en utilisant le langage UML, ainsi que sur la théorie des ensembles. Cette approche permet l’identification des composants élémentaires nécessaires à la définition de notre langage unifié. Enfin, nous présentons un exemple complet d’élaboration d’un UEML, en partant de trois langages de modélisation d’entreprise (GRAI, IEM et EEML) et en procédant par une approche ascendante. Ces travaux ont été réalisés dans le cadre du réseau thématique UEML. Nous exposons, finalement, les différences entre les deux approches et les éléments importants que l’on peut en dégager.This thesis deals with the definition of a unified enterprise modelling language (UEML). In a first step, the existing enterprise modelling languages are studied. We expose various approaches and languages which during years have aimed to unify languages and we show that at the present time, they do not allow to answer our problematic. Therefore, we will present a simple example of model translation between the SADT activity and the GRAI activity of GRAI nets, performed by an empiric approach. It allows to highlight a set of difficulties inherent to UEML definition and, from these ones, we expose our point of view and a set of principles to which we subscribe. Then, we propose an approach based on meta-modelling of the languages, by using UML language, and on the set theory. This approach allows the identification of the elementary constructs needed for the definition of our unified language. Finally, we present a whole example of an UEML elaboration, by starting from three enterprise modelling languages (GRAI, IEM and EEML) and by using a bottom-up approach. These works have been done in the framework of UEML thematic network. At last, we expose the differences between these two approaches and the pertinent elements which can come up from them

    Mise en oeuvre des architectures orientées services pour les systèmes d'information industriels

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    Pour faire face aux contraintes économiques (demande de plus en plus importante pour de la personnalisation de masse, globalisation et réduction des coûts ), le développement de stratégies de production Juste À Temps , ou Lean Manufacturing impose la réorganisation de l entreprise sur les activités génératrices de valeur en suivant une logique de chaîne de valeur pour éviter tout gaspillage. Cette stratégie conduit de fait à un recentrage métier et une extension de la chaîne de valeur. L entreprise est donc amenée à développer des stratégies de collaboration (Bare et Cox, 2008 ; Davis, 1987) et doit disposer d un SI Lean (réponse au plus juste), agile pour réagir aux fluctuations et aléas, ouvert pour assurer un partenariat avec ses fournisseurs, ses clients et ses partenaires et, enfin, interopérable pour faciliter la communication entre les différents systèmes et concilier ces différentes facettes métiers. Or, le SI de l entreprise est constitué d une multiplicité de logiciels (l ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), le MES (Manufacturing Execution System), le PLM (Product Life-cycle Management), le SCM (Supply Chain Management) ). Chaque système vise à répondre à un objectif donné pour une facette métier, et est développé selon des spécifications métier propres échappant le plus souvent à toute standardisation. Ceci engendre une redondance, une hétérogénéité et une augmentation du volume d information, d où des risques d incohérence, de rigidité du SI et notamment une grande difficulté de communication dans le cadre de collaboration interentreprises. Pour répondre à ces aléas, il importe de définir un SI agile et interopérable et de réorganiser les processus pour supporter la chaîne de valeur de l entreprise. C est dans cet objectif que nous proposons de développer un Lean ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), socle d une Architecture Orientée Services, doté d une couche sémantique métier. Nous avons défini quatre modules du Lean ESB : Le module de médiation définit les échanges d information entre les différents métiers et entre le métier et la technologie pour assurer le fonctionnement des autres modules. Le module de chorégraphie dynamique permet de composer les services industriels pour définir les processus selon les besoins de production spécifiés par le client. Le module de routage intelligent organise les ressources de l atelier pour définir des processus en flux tirés. Le module de monitoring et gouvernance permet de contrôler la performance de la production et la qualité des produits.To meet the economic constraints (growth of mass customization demands, globalization and cost reducing), the development of new strategies forms as a Just In Time production strategy or Lean Manufacturing needs to reorganize the enterprise taking into account the activities which generates value (following the value-chain logic) in order to avoid wastefulness. This strategy leads to a business refocusing and a value-chain extension. The enterprise has to develop collaboration strategies (Bare and Cox, 2008 ; Davis, 1987) and has to have a Lean (just in time response) Information Systems (IS), agile IS to react fluctuations, open IS to support a partnership with suppliers, customers and partners and interoperable IS to make easier the communication between systems and business views. However, the enterprise IS contains multiple systems: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), MES (Manufacturing Execution System), PLM (Product Life-cycle Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management) Each system is designed to meet a particular business view, and is developed according to specific business requirementswithout any standardization which cause redundancy, heterogeneity and increase the volume of information including an inconsistency, a rigidity of the IS and a difficulty of inter-enterprise collaboration. To face theses disadvantages we have to define an agile and interoperable IS and to reorganize processes to support the enterprise value-chain. Therefore, we propose to develop a Lean ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) which is a Service Oriented Architecture middleware, improved by a business semantic layer. We defined four modules of Lean ESB: The mediation module defines information exchange between a business layers and IS and insures other modules operating. The dynamic choreography module enables industrial services composition to define processes in accordance with customer demands. The intelligent routing module organizes workshop resources in order to reorganize processes in a pull flow strategy. The monitoring and governance module enables the control of production performance and products quality.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Formal semantics of enterprise models

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    The paper provides a summary of the discussions held in a working group during ICEIMT Workshop 4 (Enterprise Integration Principles and Fundamentals). The topic of the working group was "Formal Semantics of Enterprise Models". In the paper, we suggest that enterprise integration is currently hindered by shortcomings of enterprise modelling languages (section 1), that a better language should be defined and that its semantics should be defined in terms of a formal theory (section 2). The paper concludes with two proposals for research and standardisation projects (section 3)

    Formal semantics of enterprise models

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    The paper provides a summary of the discussions held in a working group during ICEIMT Workshop 4 (Enterprise Integration Principles and Fundamentals). The topic of the working group was "Formal Semantics of Enterprise Models". In the paper, we suggest that enterprise integration is currently hindered by shortcomings of enterprise modelling languages (section 1), that a better language should be defined and that its semantics should be defined in terms of a formal theory (section 2). The paper concludes with two proposals for research and standardisation projects (section 3)