34 research outputs found

    Functors between M-adhesive Categories Applied to Petri Net and Graph Transformation Systems

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    Various kinds of graph transformations and Petri net transformation systems are examples of M-adhesive transformation systems based on M-adhesive categories, generalizing weak adhesive HLR categories. For typed attributed graph transformation systems, the tool environment AGG allows the modeling, the simulation and the analysis of graph transformations. A corresponding tool for Petri net transformation systems, the RON-Environment, has recently been developed which implements and simulates Petri net transformations based on corresponding graph transformations using AGG. Up to now, the correspondence between Petri net and graph transformations is handled on an informal level. The purpose of this paper is to establish a formal relationship between the corresponding M-adhesive transformation systems, which allow the translation of Petri net transformations into graph transformations with equivalent behavior, and, vice versa, the creation of Petri net transformations from graph transformations. Since this is supposed to work for different kinds of Petri nets, we propose to define suitable functors, called M-functors, between different M-adhesive categories and to investigate properties allowing us the translation and creation of transformations of the corresponding M-adhesive transformation systems

    Formal Relationship between Petri Net and Graph Transformation Systems based on Functors between M-adhesive Categories

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    Various kinds of graph transformations and Petri net transformation systems are examples of M-adhesive transformation systems based on M-adhesive categories, generalizing weak adhesive HLR categories. For typed attributed graph transformation systems, the tool environment AGG allows the modeling, the simulation and the analysis of graph transformations. A corresponding tool for Petri net transformation systems, the RON-Environment, has recently been developed which implements and simulates Petri net transformations based on corresponding graph transformations using AGG. Up to now, the correspondence between Petri net and graph transformations is handled on an informal level. The purpose of this paper is to establish a formal relationship between the corresponding M-adhesive transformation systems, which allow the translation of Petri net transformations into graph transformations with equivalent behavior, and, vice versa, the creation of Petri net transformations from graph transformations. Since this is supposed to work for different kinds of Petri nets, we propose to define suitable functors, called M-functors, between different M-adhesive categories and to investigate properties allowing us the translation and creation of transformations of the corresponding M-adhesive transformation systems

    Transfer of Local Confluence and Termination between Petri Net and Graph Transformation Systems Based on M-Functors: Extended Version

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    Recently, a formal relationship between Petri net and graph transformation systems has been established using the new framework of M-functors F : (C1;M1) -> (C2;M2) between M-adhesive categories. This new approach allows to translate transformations in (C1;M1) into corresponding transformations in (C2;M2) and, vice versa, to create transformations in (C1;M1) from those in (C2;M2). This is helpful because our tool for reconfigurable Petri nets, the RON-tool, performs the analysis of Petri net transformations by analyzing corresponding graph transformations using the AGG-tool. Up to now, this correspondence has been implemented as a converter on an informal level. The formal correspondence results given by our framework make the RON-tool more reliable. In this paper we extend this framework to the transfer of local confluence, termination and functional behavior. In particular, we are able to create these properties for transformations in (C1;M1) from corresponding properties of transformations in (C2;M2), where (C1;M1) are Petri nets with individual tokens and (C2;M2) typed attributed graphs. This allows us to apply the wellknown critical pair analysis for typed attributed graph transformations supported by the AGG-tool in order to analyze these properties for Petri net transformations

    Transfer of Local Confluence and Termination between Petri Net and Graph Transformation Systems Based on M-Functors

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    Recently, a formal relationship between Petri net and graph transformation systems has been established using the new framework of M-functors F : (C1;M1) -> (C2;M2) between M-adhesive categories. This new approach allows to translate transformations in (C1;M1) into corresponding transformationsĀ in (C2;M2) and, vice versa, to create transformations in (C1;M1) from those in (C2;M2). This is helpful because our tool for reconfigurable Petri nets, the RONtool, performs the analysis of Petri net transformations by analyzing corresponding graph transformations using the AGG-tool. Up to now, thisĀ  correspondence has been implemented as a converter on an informal level. The formal correspondence results given by our framework make the RON-tool more reliable.In this paper, we extend this framework to the transfer of local confluence, termination and functional behavior. In particular, we are able to create these properties for transformations in (C1;M1) from corresponding properties of transformations in (C2;M2), where (C1;M1) are Petri nets with individual tokens and (C2;M2) typed attributed graphs. This allows us to apply the well-known critical pair analysis for typed attributed graph transformations supported by the AGG-tool in order to analyze these properties for Petri net transformations

    Analysis of Hypergraph Transformation Systems in AGG based on M-Functors

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    Hypergraph transformation systems are examples of M-adhesive transformation systems based on M-adhesive categories. For typed attributed graph transformation systems, the tool environment AGG allows the modelling, the simu-lation and the analysis of graph transformations. A corresponding tool for analysis of hypergraph transformation systems does not exist up to now. The purpose of this paper is to establish a formal relationship between the corresponding M-adhesive transformation systems, which allows us the translation of hypergraph transformations into typed attributed graph transformations with equivalent behavior, and, vice versa, the creation of hypergraph transformations from typed attributed graph transformations. This formal relationship is based on the general theory of M-functors between different M-adhesive transformation systems. We construct a functor between the M-adhesive categories of hypergraphs and of typed attributed graphs, and show that our construction yields an M-functor with suitable properties. We then use existing results for M-functors to show that analysis results for hypergraph transformation systems can be obtained using AGGĀ  by analysis of the translated typed attributed graph transformation system. This is shown in general and for a concrete example

    Analysis of Hypergraph Transformation Systems in AGG based on M-Functors: Extended Version

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    Hypergraph transformation systems are examples ofM-adhesive transformation systems based on M-adhesive categories. For typed attributed graph transformation systems, the tool environment Agg allows the modelling, the simulation and the analysis of graph transformations. A corresponding tool for analysis of hypergraph transformation systems does not exist up to now. The purpose of this paper is to establish a formal relationship between the corresponding M- adhesive transformation systems, which allows us the translation of hypergraph transformations into typed attributed graph transformations with equivalent behavior, and, vice versa, the creation of hypergraph transformations from typed attributed graph transformations. This formal relationship is based on the general theory ofM-functors between differentM-adhesive transformation systems. We construct a functor between the M-adhesive categories of hypergraphs and of typed attributed graphs, and show that our construction yields an M-functor with suitable properties. We then use existing results for M-functors to show that analysis results for hypergraph transformation systems can be obtained using Agg by analysis of the translated typed attributed graph transformation system. This is shown in general and for a concrete example

    Algebraic Approach to Timed Petri Nets

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    One aspect often needed when modelling systems of any kind is time-based analysis, especially for real-time or in general time-critical systems. Algebraic place/transition (P/T) nets do not inherently provide a way to model the passing of time or to restrict the ļ¬ring behaviour with regards to passing time. In this paper, we present an extension of algebraic P/T nets by adding time durations to transitions and timestamps to tokens. We deļ¬ne categories for different timed net classes and functorial relations between them. Our ļ¬rst result is the deļ¬nition of morphisms preserving ļ¬ring behaviour for all timed net classes. As second result, we deļ¬ne structuring techniques for timed P/T nets in a way that our category fulļ¬lls the properties of M-adhesive systems, a general categorical framework for structuring and transforming high-level algebraic structures. We demonstrate our approach by applying it to model a real-time communication network

    A Category Theoretical Approach to the Concurrent Semantics of Rewriting: Adhesive Categories and Related Concepts

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    This thesis studies formal semantics for a family of rewriting formalisms that have arisen as category theoretical abstractions of the so-called algebraic approaches to graph rewriting. The latter in turn generalize and combine features of term rewriting and Petri nets. Two salient features of (the abstract versions of) graph rewriting are a suitable class of categories which captures the structure of the objects of rewriting, and a notion of independence or concurrency of rewriting steps ā€“ as in the theory of Petri nets. Category theoretical abstractions of graph rewriting such as double pushout rewriting encapsulate the complex details of the structures that are to be rewritten by considering them as objects of a suitable abstract category, for example an adhesive one. The main difficulty of the development of appropriate categorical frameworks is the identification of the essential properties of the category of graphs which allow to develop the theory of graph rewriting in an abstract framework. The motivations for such an endeavor are twofold: to arrive at a succint description of the fundamental principles of rewriting systems in general, and to apply well-established verification and analysis techniques of the theory of Petri nets (and also term rewriting systems) to a wide range of distributed and concurrent systems in which states have a "graph-like" structure. The contributions of this thesis thus can be considered as two sides of the same coin: on the one side, concepts and results for Petri nets (and graph grammars) are generalized to an abstract category theoretical setting; on the other side, suitable classes of "graph-like" categories which capture the essential properties of the category of graphs are identified. Two central results are the following: first, (concatenable) processes are faithful partial order representations of equivalence classes of system runs which only differ w.r.t. the rescheduling of causally independent events; second, the unfolding of a system is established as the canonical partial order representation of all possible events (following the work of Winskel). Weakly Ļ‰-adhesive categories are introduced as the theoretical foundation for the corresponding formal theorems about processes and unfoldings. The main result states that an unfolding procedure for systems which are given as single pushout grammars in weakly Ļ‰-adhesive categories exists and can be characetrised as a right adjoint functor from a category of grammars to the subcategory of occurrence grammars. This result specializes to and improves upon existing results concerning the coreflective semantics of the unfolding of graph grammars and Petri nets (under an individual token interpretation). Moreover, the unfolding procedure is in principle usable as the starting point for static analysis techniques such as McMillanā€™s finite complete prefix method. Finally, the adequacy of weakly Ļ‰-adhesive categories as a categorical framework is argued for by providing a comparison with the notion of topos, which is a standard abstraction of the categories of sets (and graphs)

    Non-Deterministic Matching Algorithm for Net Transformations

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    Modeling and simulating dynamic systems require to represent their processes and the system changes within one model. To that effect, reconfigurable Petri nets consist of a Ā place/transition net and a set of rules that can Ā modify the Petri net. The application of a rule is based on finding a suitable match of the rule in the given net. This match is an isomorphic Ā subnet that Ā has to be located meeting Ā requirements of the rule application as well as the simulation. In this paper a non-deterministic algorithm is presented for the matching in reconfigurable Petri nets. It is an extension of the VF2 algorithm for graph (sub-)isomorphisms. We show that this extension is correct and complete. Ā Ā Non-determinism Ā ensures that during simulation different matches can be found for Ā each transformation step and is hence crucial for the simulation. But non-determinism has not been present in the VF2 algorithm. For the matching algorithm non-determinism is proven

    Rewriting Structured Cospans: A Syntax For Open Systems

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    The concept of a system has proliferated through natural and social sciences. While myriad theories of systems exist, there is no mathematical general theory of systems. In this thesis, we take a first step towards formulating such a theory. Our focus is on developing a syntax for compositional systems equipped with a rewriting theory. We pull from category theory and linguistics to accomplish this. The basic syntactical unit is a structured cospan and rewriting is introduced via the double pushout method. Two versions of rewriting are proposed: one that tracks intermediate steps and another disregards them. Benefits and drawbacks of both versions are discussed. We apply our results to the decomposition of closed systems, obtaining a structurally inductive viewpoint of rewriting such systems