64 research outputs found

    Towards a Conceptualization of Sociomaterial Entanglement

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    In knowledge representation, socio-technical systems can be modeled as multiagent systems in which the local knowledge of each individual agent can be seen as a context. In this paper we propose formal ontologies as a means to describe the assumptions driving the construction of contexts as local theories and to enable interoperability among them. In particular, we present two alternative conceptualizations of the notion of sociomateriality (and entanglement), which is central in the recent debates on socio-technical systems in the social sciences, namely critical and agential realism. We thus start by providing a model of entanglement according to the critical realist view, representing it as a property of objects that are essentially dependent on different modules of an already given ontology. We refine then our treatment by proposing a taxonomy of sociomaterial entanglements that distinguishes between ontological and epistemological entanglement. In the final section, we discuss the second perspective, which is more challenging form the point of view of knowledge representation, and we show that the very distinction of information into modules can be at least in principle built out of the assumption of an entangled reality

    Foundational Ontologies meet Ontology Matching: A Survey

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    Ontology matching is a research area aimed at finding ways to make different ontologies interoperable. Solutions to the problem have been proposed from different disciplines, including databases, natural language processing, and machine learning. The role of foundational ontologies for ontology matching is an important one. It is multifaceted and with room for development. This paper presents an overview of the different tasks involved in ontology matching that consider foundational ontologies. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of existing proposals and highlight the challenges to be addressed in the future

    An Ontological Account of the Action Theory of Economic Exchanges

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in thedevelopment of ontologically well-founded conceptual models for Information Systems in areas such as Service Management, Accounting Information Systems and Financial Reporting. Economic exchanges are central phenomena in these areas. For this reason, they occupy a prominent position in modelling frameworks such as the REA (Resource-EventAction) ISO Standard as well as the FIBO (Financial Industry BusinessOntology). In this paper, we begin a well-founded ontological analysisof economic exchanges inspired by a recent ontological view on the nature of economic transactions. According to this view, what counts asan economic transaction is based on an agreement on the actions thatthe agents are committed to perform. The agreement is in turn based on convergent preferences about the course of action to bring about. This view enables a unified treatment of economic exchanges, regardless the object of the transaction, and complies with the view that all economictransactions are about services. In this paper, we start developing our analysis in the framework of the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO)

    Research on conceptual modeling: Themes, topics, and introduction to the special issue

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    Conceptual modeling continues to evolve as researchers and practitioners reflect on the challenges of modeling and implementing data-intensive problems that appear in business and in science. These challenges of data modeling and representation are well-recognized in contemporary applications of big data, ontologies, and semantics, along with traditional efforts associated with methodologies, tools, and theory development. This introduction contains a review of some current research in conceptual modeling and identifies emerging themes. It also introduces the articles that comprise this special issue of papers from the 32nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2013).This article was supported, in part, by the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at the Georgia State University, the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University (EB-201313), and by the GEODAS-BI (TIN2012-37493-C03-03) project from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Competitivity

    Logics for modelling collective attitudes

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    We introduce a number of logics to reason about collective propositional attitudes that are defined by means of the majority rule. It is well known that majoritarian aggregation is subject to irrationality, as the results in social choice theory and judgment aggregation show. The proposed logics for modelling collective attitudes are based on a substructural propositional logic that allows for circumventing inconsistent outcomes. Individual and collective propositional attitudes, such as beliefs, desires, obligations, are then modelled by means of minimal modalities to ensure a number of basic principles. In this way, a viable consistent modelling of collective attitudes is obtained

    A Logic for Reasoning about Group Norms

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    We present a number of modal logics to reason about group norms. As a preliminary step, we discuss the ontological status of the group to which the norms are applied, by adapting the classification made by Christian List of collective attitudes into aggregated, common, and corporate attitudes. Accordingly, we shall introduce modality to capture aggregated, common, and corporate group norms. We investigate then the principles for reasoning about those types of modalities. Finally, we discuss the relationship between group norms and types of collective responsibility

    Investigating business process elements: a journey from the field of Business Process Management to ontological analysis, and back

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    Business process modelling languages (BPMLs) typically enable the representation of business processes via the creation of process models, which are constructed using the elements and graphical symbols of the BPML itself. Despite the wide literature on business process modelling languages, on the comparison between graphical components of different languages, on the development and enrichment of new and existing notations, and the numerous definitions of what a business process is, the BPM community still lacks a robust (ontological) characterisation of the elements involved in business process models and, even more importantly, of the very notion of business process. While some efforts have been done towards this direction, the majority of works in this area focuses on the analysis of the behavioural (control flow) aspects of process models only, thus neglecting other central modelling elements, such as those denoting process participants (e.g., data objects, actors), relationships among activities, goals, values, and so on. The overall purpose of this PhD thesis is to provide a systematic study of the elements that constitute a business process, based on ontological analysis, and to apply these results back to the Business Process Management field. The major contributions that were achieved in pursuing our overall purpose are: (i) a first comprehensive and systematic investigation of what constitutes a business process meta-model in literature, and a definition of what we call a literature-based business process meta-model starting from the different business process meta-models proposed in the literature; (ii) the ontological analysis of four business process elements (event, participant, relationship among activities, and goal), which were identified as missing or problematic in the literature and in the literature-based meta-model; (iii) the revision of the literature-based business process meta-model that incorporates the analysis of the four investigated business process elements - event, participant, relationship among activities and goal; and (iv) the definition and evaluation of a notation that enriches the relationships between activities by including the notions of occurrence dependences and rationales

    Non-normal modalities in variants of Linear Logic

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    This article presents modal versions of resource-conscious logics. We concentrate on extensions of variants of Linear Logic with one minimal non-normal modality. In earlier work, where we investigated agency in multi-agent systems, we have shown that the results scale up to logics with multiple non-minimal modalities. Here, we start with the language of propositional intuitionistic Linear Logic without the additive disjunction, to which we add a modality. We provide an interpretation of this language on a class of Kripke resource models extended with a neighbourhood function: modal Kripke resource models. We propose a Hilbert-style axiomatization and a Gentzen-style sequent calculus. We show that the proof theories are sound and complete with respect to the class of modal Kripke resource models. We show that the sequent calculus admits cut elimination and that proof-search is in PSPACE. We then show how to extend the results when non-commutative connectives are added to the language. Finally, we put the logical framework to use by instantiating it as logics of agency. In particular, we propose a logic to reason about the resource-sensitive use of artefacts and illustrate it with a variety of examples

    A new WebGIS approach to support ground penetrating radar deployment

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    En raison de l’agglomération complexe des infrastructures souterraines dans les grandes zones urbaines et des préoccupations accrues des municipalités ou des gouvernements qui déploient des systèmes d’information foncière ou des industries qui souhaitent construire ou creuser, il devient de plus en plus impératif de localiser et de cartographier avec précision les pipelines, les câbles d’énergie hydroélectrique, les réseaux de communication ou les conduites d’eau potable et d’égout. Le géoradar (Ground Penetrating Radar ou GPR) est un outil en géophysique qui permet de produire des images en coupe du sous-sol desquelles de l’information utile sur les infrastructures souterraines peut être tirée. Des expériences antérieures et une analyse documentaire approfondie ont révélé que les logiciels disponibles pour réaliser des levés GPR qui sont utilisés directement sur le terrain et hors site ne reposent pas ou très peu sur des fonctionnalités géospatiales. En outre, l’intégration de données telles que la visualisation de données GPR dans des espaces géoréférencés avec des orthophotos, des cartes, des points d’intérêt, des plans CAO, etc., est impossible. Lorsque disponible, l’ajout d’annotations ou l’interrogation d’objets géospatiaux susceptibles d’améliorer ou d’accélérer les investigations ne proposent pas des interfaces conviviales. Dans ce projet de recherche, une nouvelle approche est proposée pour déployer le GPR et elle est basée sur quatre fonctionnalités issues du Web et des systèmes d’information géographique (WebGIS) jugées essentielles pour faciliter la réalisation de levés GPR sur le terrain. Pour démontrer la faisabilité de cette nouvelle approche, une extension de la plate-forme logicielle existante GVX (conçue et vendue par Geovoxel) appelée GVX-GPR a été développée. GVX-GPR propose aux utilisateurs d’instruments GPR quatre fonctionnalités soit 1) intégration de cartes, 2) géo-annotations et points d’intérêt, 3) géoréférencement et visualisation de radargrammes et 4) visualisation de sections GPR géoréférencées. Afin de tester l’approche WebGIS et GPXGPR, deux sites d’étude ont été relevés par deux professionnels différents, un expert et un non-expert en géophysique, ont été sélectionnés. Une première expérimentation réalisée sur le campus de l’Université Laval à Québec prévoyait l’identification de trois objets enterrés soit un câble électrique, une fibre optique et un tunnel dont leur position XYZ était connue. Le deuxième essai s’est passé à l’Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brésil), avec un professionnel expert en géophysique. Ce 2e site cherchait à reproduire un environnent plus réaliste avec une quantité inconnue d’objets enterrés. Les quatre fonctionnalités proposées par GVX-GPR ont donc été testées et leur intérêt discuté par les deux utilisateurs GPR. Les deux utilisateurs GPR se sont dits très intéressés par l’outil GVX-GPR et ses nouvelles fonctionnalités et ils aimeraient pouvoir l’intégrer à leur travail quotidien car ils y voient des avantages. En particulier, l’approche et GVX-GPR les a aidés à découvrir de nouvelles cibles, à délimiter le territoire à couvrir, à interpréter les données GPR brutes en permettant l’interaction entre les données géospatiales (en ligne) et les profils de données GPR, et finalement pour la cartographie à produire tout en respectant la norme CityGML (donc utile au partage éventuel des données). De même, une fois le système maitrisé, GVX-GPR a permis d’optimiser la durée du levé. Ce projet de maitrise a donc permis d’élaborer une nouvelle approche pour effectuer des levés GPR et proposer un outil logiciel pour tester la faisabilité de celle-ci. Une première étape de validation de la faisabilité et de l’utilité a été réalisée grâce aux deux tests effectués. Évidemment, ces deux tests sont des premiers pas dans une phase plus large de validation qui pourrait s’effectuer, et ils ont ouvert la porte à des ajustements ou l’ajout d’autres fonctionnalités, comme la manipulation des outils de visualisation 3D et l’ajout de filtres et traitement de signal. Nous estimons néanmoins ces premiers tests concluant pour ce projet de maîtrise, et surtout ils démontrent que les instruments GPR gagneraient à davantage intégrer les données et fonctionnalités géospatiales. Nous pensons également que nos travaux vont permettre à des communautés de non spécialistes en géophysique de s’intéresser aux instruments de type GPR pour les levés d’objets enfouis. Notre approche pourra les aider à préparer les données géospatiales utiles à la planification, à effectuer le levé terrain et à produire les cartes associéesDue to the complex agglomeration of underground infrastructures in large urban areas and accordingly increased concerns by municipalities or government who deploy land information systems or industries who want to construct or excavate, it is imperative to accurately locate and suitability map existing underground utility networks (UUN) such as pipelines, hydroelectric power cables, communication networks, or drinking water and sewage conduits. One emerging category of instrument in geophysics for collecting and extracting data from the underground is the ground penetrating radar (GPR). Previous experiments and a thorough literature review revealed that GPR software used in and off the field do not take advantage of geospatial features and data integration such as visualization of GPR data in a georeferenced space with orthophotographies, map, point of interest, CAD plans, etc. Also missing is the capability to add annotation or querying geospatial objects that may improve or expedite the investigations. These functions are long-lived in the geospatial domain, such as in geographic information system (GIS). In this research project, a new approach is proposed to deploy GPR based on four core WebGIS-enabled features, used to support field investigations with GPR. This WebGIS is based on an existing platform called GVX, designed and sold by Geovoxel as a risk management tool for civil engineering projects. In this proposed approach, a generic guideline based on GVX-GPR was developed which users can follow when deploying GPR. This approach is based on four core features which are missing on most GPR software, (1) map integration, (2) geo-annotations and points of interest, (3) radargram georeferencing and visualization, and (4) georeferenced slice visualization. In order to test the designed WebGIS-based approach, two different professionals, an expert in geophysics and a person without any background in geophysics, used the proposed approach in their day-to-day professional practice. The first experiment was conducted at Université Laval (Québec – Canada) when the subject undertook an area to a survey in order to identify 3 possible targets premapped. The second, with a Geophysics-specialist, took place in Rio de Janeiro, at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro’s campus. This study covered an area counting on an unknown number of buried objects, aiming at reproducing a realistic survey scenario. Four new feature were added and discussed with GPR practitioners. Both GPR user declared to be very interested by the proposed by the tool GVX-GPR and its features, being willing to apply this software on their daily basis due to the added advantages. Particularly, this approach has aided these professionals to find new buried objects, delimit the survey area, interpret raw GPR data by allowing geospatial data interaction and GPR profiles, and, finally, to produce new maps compliant with standards such as CityGML. Also, once mastered, the technology allowed the optimization of survey time. This project enabled the development of a new approach to leverage GPR surveys and proposed a new tool in order to test the approach’s feasibility. A first step into the validation of this proposal has been taken towards a feasibility and utility evaluation with two tests accomplished. Unmistakably, these are the first steps of a likely larger validation process, opening up new possibilities for the continuity of the project such as the addition of signal processing techniques and 3D data handling. We nevertheless consider these conclusive for this master’s project, above all demonstrating the value add by geospatial data integration and functions to GPR instruments. This work is also intended to the community of newcomers, or interested in GPR, to further explore this technology, since this approach shall facilitate the preparation, execution, and post-processing phases of a GPR survey

    Science in the Forest, Science in the Past

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    This collection brings together leading anthropologists, historians, philosophers, and artificial-intelligence researchers to discuss the sciences and mathematics used in various Eastern, Western, and Indigenous societies, both ancient and contemporary. The authors analyze prevailing assumptions about these societies and propose more faithful, sensitive analyses of their ontological views about reality—a step toward mutual understanding and translatability across cultures and research fields. Science in the Forest, Science in the Past is a pioneering interdisciplinary exploration that will challenge the way readers interested in sciences, mathematics, humanities, social research, computer sciences, and education think about deeply held notions of what constitutes reality, how it is apprehended, and how to investigate it
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