6,244 research outputs found

    Dynamic Race Prediction in Linear Time

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    Writing reliable concurrent software remains a huge challenge for today's programmers. Programmers rarely reason about their code by explicitly considering different possible inter-leavings of its execution. We consider the problem of detecting data races from individual executions in a sound manner. The classical approach to solving this problem has been to use Lamport's happens-before (HB) relation. Until now HB remains the only approach that runs in linear time. Previous efforts in improving over HB such as causally-precedes (CP) and maximal causal models fall short due to the fact that they are not implementable efficiently and hence have to compromise on their race detecting ability by limiting their techniques to bounded sized fragments of the execution. We present a new relation weak-causally-precedes (WCP) that is provably better than CP in terms of being able to detect more races, while still remaining sound. Moreover it admits a linear time algorithm which works on the entire execution without having to fragment it.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 1 algorithm, 1 tabl

    A Study of Concurrency Bugs and Advanced Development Support for Actor-based Programs

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    The actor model is an attractive foundation for developing concurrent applications because actors are isolated concurrent entities that communicate through asynchronous messages and do not share state. Thereby, they avoid concurrency bugs such as data races, but are not immune to concurrency bugs in general. This study taxonomizes concurrency bugs in actor-based programs reported in literature. Furthermore, it analyzes the bugs to identify the patterns causing them as well as their observable behavior. Based on this taxonomy, we further analyze the literature and find that current approaches to static analysis and testing focus on communication deadlocks and message protocol violations. However, they do not provide solutions to identify livelocks and behavioral deadlocks. The insights obtained in this study can be used to improve debugging support for actor-based programs with new debugging techniques to identify the root cause of complex concurrency bugs.Comment: - Submitted for review - Removed section 6 "Research Roadmap for Debuggers", its content was summarized in the Future Work section - Added references for section 1, section 3, section 4.3 and section 5.1 - Updated citation

    Graphical modelling language for spycifying concurrency based on CSP

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    Introduced in this (shortened) paper is a graphical modelling language for specifying concurrency in software designs. The language notations are derived from CSP and the resulting designs form CSP diagrams. The notations reflect both data-flow and control-flow aspects of concurrent software architectures. These designs can automatically be described by CSP algebraic expressions that can be used for formal analysis. The designer does not have to be aware of the underlying mathematics. The techniques and rules presented provide guidance to the development of concurrent software architectures. One can detect and reason about compositional conflicts (errors in design), potential deadlocks (errors at run-time), and priority inversion problems (performance burden) at a high level of abstraction. The CSP diagram collaborates with objectoriented modelling languages and structured methods

    Safety Verification of Phaser Programs

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    We address the problem of statically checking control state reachability (as in possibility of assertion violations, race conditions or runtime errors) and plain reachability (as in deadlock-freedom) of phaser programs. Phasers are a modern non-trivial synchronization construct that supports dynamic parallelism with runtime registration and deregistration of spawned tasks. They allow for collective and point-to-point synchronizations. For instance, phasers can enforce barriers or producer-consumer synchronization schemes among all or subsets of the running tasks. Implementations %of these recent and dynamic synchronization are found in modern languages such as X10 or Habanero Java. Phasers essentially associate phases to individual tasks and use their runtime values to restrict possible concurrent executions. Unbounded phases may result in infinite transition systems even in the case of programs only creating finite numbers of tasks and phasers. We introduce an exact gap-order based procedure that always terminates when checking control reachability for programs generating bounded numbers of coexisting tasks and phasers. We also show verifying plain reachability is undecidable even for programs generating few tasks and phasers. We then explain how to turn our procedure into a sound analysis for checking plain reachability (including deadlock freedom). We report on preliminary experiments with our open source tool

    A framework for pathologies of message sequence charts

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Information Software and Technology. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2012 Elsevier B.V.Context - It is known that a Message Sequence Chart (MSC) specification can contain different types of pathology. However, definitions of different types of pathology and the problems caused by pathologies are unclear, let alone the relationships between them. In this circumstance, it can be problematic for software engineers to accurately predict the possible problems that may exist in implementations of MSC specifications and to trace back to the design problems in MSC specifications from the observed problems of an implementation. Objective - We focus on generating a clearer view on MSC pathologies and building formal relationships between pathologies and the problems that they may cause. Method - By concentrating on the problems caused by pathologies, a categorisation of problems that a distributed system may suffer is first introduced. We investigate the different types of problems and map them to categories of pathologies. Thus, existing concepts related to pathology are refined and necessary concepts in the pathology framework are identified. Finally, we formally prove the relationships between the concepts in the framework. Results - A pathology framework is established as desired based on a restriction that considers problematic scenarios with a single undesirable event. In this framework, we define disjoint categories of both pathologies and the problems caused; the identified types of pathology are successfully mapped to the problems that they may cause. Conclusion - The framework achieved in this paper introduces taxonomies into and clarifies relationships between concepts in research on MSC pathologies. The taxonomies and relationships in the framework can help software engineers to predict problems and verify MSC specifications. The single undesirable event restriction not only enables a categorisation of pathological scenarios, but also has the potential practical benefit that a software engineer can concentrate on key problematic scenarios. This may make it easier to either remove pathologies from an MSC specification MM or test an implementation developed from MM for potential problems resulting from such pathologies

    Systems, methods and apparatus for generation and verification of policies in autonomic computing systems

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    Described herein is a method that produces fully (mathematically) tractable development of policies for autonomic systems from requirements through to code generation. This method is illustrated through an example showing how user formulated policies can be translated into a formal mode which can then be converted to code. The requirements-based programming method described provides faster, higher quality development and maintenance of autonomic systems based on user formulation of policies.Further, the systems, methods and apparatus described herein provide a way of analyzing policies for autonomic systems and facilities the generation of provably correct implementations automatically, which in turn provides reduced development time, reduced testing requirements, guarantees of correctness of the implementation with respect to the policies specified at the outset, and provides a higher degree of confidence that the policies are both complete and reasonable. The ability to specify the policy for the management of a system and then automatically generate an equivalent implementation greatly improves the quality of software, the survivability of future missions, in particular when the system will operate untended in very remote environments, and greatly reduces development lead times and costs
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