4,082 research outputs found

    Analog Property Checkers: A Ddr2 Case Study

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    The formal specification component of verification can be exported to simulation through the idea of property checkers. The essence of this approach is the automatic construction of an observer from the specification in the form of a program that can be interfaced with a simulator and alert the user if the property is violated by a simulation trace. Although not complete, this lighter approach to formal verification has been effectively used in software and digital hardware to detect errors. Recently, the idea of property checkers has been extended to analog and mixed-signal systems. In this paper, we apply the property-based checking methodology to an industrial and realistic example of a DDR2 memory interface. The properties describing the DDR2 analog behavior are expressed in the formal specification language stl/psl in form of assertions. The simulation traces generated from an actual DDR2 interface design are checked with respect to the stl/psl assertions using the amt tool. The focus of this paper is on the translation of the official (informal and descriptive) specification of two non-trivial DDR2 properties into stl/psl assertions. We study both the benefits and the current limits of such approach

    Extending ACL2 with SMT Solvers

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    We present our extension of ACL2 with Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers using ACL2's trusted clause processor mechanism. We are particularly interested in the verification of physical systems including Analog and Mixed-Signal (AMS) designs. ACL2 offers strong induction abilities for reasoning about sequences and SMT complements deduction methods like ACL2 with fast nonlinear arithmetic solving procedures. While SAT solvers have been integrated into ACL2 in previous work, SMT methods raise new issues because of their support for a broader range of domains including real numbers and uninterpreted functions. This paper presents Smtlink, our clause processor for integrating SMT solvers into ACL2. We describe key design and implementation issues and describe our experience with its use.Comment: In Proceedings ACL2 2015, arXiv:1509.0552

    High-level modelling languages

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    This paper gives an introduction to the latest developments in modern electronic design methodology. It will give a brief history of the evolution of design software in an attempt to explain the seemingly haphazard development up to the present-day situation

    Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation vonSchaltungen und Systemen: MBMV 2015 - Tagungsband, Chemnitz, 03. - 04. März 2015

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    Der Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV 2015) findet nun schon zum 18. mal statt. Ausrichter sind in diesem Jahr die Professur Schaltkreis- und Systementwurf der Technischen Universität Chemnitz und das Steinbeis-Forschungszentrum Systementwurf und Test. Der Workshop hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, neueste Trends, Ergebnisse und aktuelle Probleme auf dem Gebiet der Methoden zur Modellierung und Verifikation sowie der Beschreibungssprachen digitaler, analoger und Mixed-Signal-Schaltungen zu diskutieren. Er soll somit ein Forum zum Ideenaustausch sein. Weiterhin bietet der Workshop eine Plattform für den Austausch zwischen Forschung und Industrie sowie zur Pflege bestehender und zur Knüpfung neuer Kontakte. Jungen Wissenschaftlern erlaubt er, ihre Ideen und Ansätze einem breiten Publikum aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft zu präsentieren und im Rahmen der Veranstaltung auch fundiert zu diskutieren. Sein langjähriges Bestehen hat ihn zu einer festen Größe in vielen Veranstaltungskalendern gemacht. Traditionell sind auch die Treffen der ITGFachgruppen an den Workshop angegliedert. In diesem Jahr nutzen zwei im Rahmen der InnoProfile-Transfer-Initiative durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderte Projekte den Workshop, um in zwei eigenen Tracks ihre Forschungsergebnisse einem breiten Publikum zu präsentieren. Vertreter der Projekte Generische Plattform für Systemzuverlässigkeit und Verifikation (GPZV) und GINKO - Generische Infrastruktur zur nahtlosen energetischen Kopplung von Elektrofahrzeugen stellen Teile ihrer gegenwärtigen Arbeiten vor. Dies bereichert denWorkshop durch zusätzliche Themenschwerpunkte und bietet eine wertvolle Ergänzung zu den Beiträgen der Autoren. [... aus dem Vorwort

    Real Islamic Logic

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    Four options for assigning a meaning to Islamic Logic are surveyed including a new proposal for an option named "Real Islamic Logic" (RIL). That approach to Islamic Logic should serve modern Islamic objectives in a way comparable to the functionality of Islamic Finance. The prospective role of RIL is analyzed from several perspectives: (i) parallel distributed systems design, (ii) reception by a community structured audience, (iii) informal logic and applied non-classical logics, and (iv) (in)tractability and artificial intelligence

    A Framework for Noise Analysis and Verification of Analog Circuits

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    Analog circuit design and verification face significant challenges due to circuit complexity and short market windows. In particular, the influence of technology parameters on circuits, noise modeling and verification still remain a priority for many applications. Noise could be due to unwanted interaction between the various circuit blocks or it could be inherited from the circuit elements. Current industrial designs rely heavily on simulation techniques, but ensuring the correctness of such designs under all circumstances usually becomes impractically expensive. In this PhD thesis, we propose a methodology for modeling and verification of analog designs in the presence of noise and process variation using run-time verification methods. Verification based on run-time techniques employs logical or statistical monitors to check if an execution (simulation) of the design model violates the design specifications (properties). In order to study the random behavior of noise, we propose an approach based on modeling the designs using stochastic differential equations (SDE) in the time domain. Then, we define assertion and statistical verification methods in a MATLAB SDE simulation framework for monitoring properties of interest in order to detect errors. In order to overcome some of the drawbacks associated with monitoring techniques, we define a pattern matching based verification method for qualitative estimation of the simulation traces. We illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methods on different benchmark circuits

    Understanding multidimensional verification: Where functional meets non-functional

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    Abstract Advancements in electronic systems' design have a notable impact on design verification technologies. The recent paradigms of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) assume devices immersed in physical environments, significantly constrained in resources and expected to provide levels of security, privacy, reliability, performance and low-power features. In recent years, numerous extra-functional aspects of electronic systems were brought to the front and imply verification of hardware design models in multidimensional space along with the functional concerns of the target system. However, different from the software domain such a holistic approach remains underdeveloped. The contributions of this paper are a taxonomy for multidimensional hardware verification aspects, a state-of-the-art survey of related research works and trends enabling the multidimensional verification concept. Further, an initial approach to perform multidimensional verification based on machine learning techniques is evaluated. The importance and challenge of performing multidimensional verification is illustrated by an example case study
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