2,825 research outputs found

    Properties of Fuzzy Implications obtained via the Interval Constructor

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    POWERPLAY: Training an Increasingly General Problem Solver by Continually Searching for the Simplest Still Unsolvable Problem

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    Most of computer science focuses on automatically solving given computational problems. I focus on automatically inventing or discovering problems in a way inspired by the playful behavior of animals and humans, to train a more and more general problem solver from scratch in an unsupervised fashion. Consider the infinite set of all computable descriptions of tasks with possibly computable solutions. The novel algorithmic framework POWERPLAY (2011) continually searches the space of possible pairs of new tasks and modifications of the current problem solver, until it finds a more powerful problem solver that provably solves all previously learned tasks plus the new one, while the unmodified predecessor does not. Wow-effects are achieved by continually making previously learned skills more efficient such that they require less time and space. New skills may (partially) re-use previously learned skills. POWERPLAY's search orders candidate pairs of tasks and solver modifications by their conditional computational (time & space) complexity, given the stored experience so far. The new task and its corresponding task-solving skill are those first found and validated. The computational costs of validating new tasks need not grow with task repertoire size. POWERPLAY's ongoing search for novelty keeps breaking the generalization abilities of its present solver. This is related to Goedel's sequence of increasingly powerful formal theories based on adding formerly unprovable statements to the axioms without affecting previously provable theorems. The continually increasing repertoire of problem solving procedures can be exploited by a parallel search for solutions to additional externally posed tasks. POWERPLAY may be viewed as a greedy but practical implementation of basic principles of creativity. A first experimental analysis can be found in separate papers [53,54].Comment: 21 pages, additional connections to previous work, references to first experiments with POWERPLA

    Silent MST approximation for tiny memory

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    In network distributed computing, minimum spanning tree (MST) is one of the key problems, and silent self-stabilization one of the most demanding fault-tolerance properties. For this problem and this model, a polynomial-time algorithm with O(log2 ⁣n)O(\log^2\!n) memory is known for the state model. This is memory optimal for weights in the classic [1,poly(n)][1,\text{poly}(n)] range (where nn is the size of the network). In this paper, we go below this O(log2 ⁣n)O(\log^2\!n) memory, using approximation and parametrized complexity. More specifically, our contributions are two-fold. We introduce a second parameter~ss, which is the space needed to encode a weight, and we design a silent polynomial-time self-stabilizing algorithm, with space O(logns)O(\log n \cdot s). In turn, this allows us to get an approximation algorithm for the problem, with a trade-off between the approximation ratio of the solution and the space used. For polynomial weights, this trade-off goes smoothly from memory O(logn)O(\log n) for an nn-approximation, to memory O(log2 ⁣n)O(\log^2\!n) for exact solutions, with for example memory O(lognloglogn)O(\log n\log\log n) for a 2-approximation

    Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops in Prolog

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    We present a new approach to termination analysis of numerical computations in logic programs. Traditional approaches fail to analyse them due to non well-foundedness of the integers. We present a technique that allows overcoming these difficulties. Our approach is based on transforming a program in a way that allows integrating and extending techniques originally developed for analysis of numerical computations in the framework of query-mapping pairs with the well-known framework of acceptability. Such an integration not only contributes to the understanding of termination behaviour of numerical computations, but also allows us to perform a correct analysis of such computations automatically, by extending previous work on a constraint-based approach to termination. Finally, we discuss possible extensions of the technique, including incorporating general term orderings.Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programmin

    Utilization-Based Scheduling of Flexible Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Tasks

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    Mixed-criticality models are an emerging paradigm for the design of real-time systems because of their significantly improved resource efficiency. However, formal mixed-criticality models have traditionally been characterized by two impractical assumptions: once \textit{any} high-criticality task overruns, \textit{all} low-criticality tasks are suspended and \textit{all other} high-criticality tasks are assumed to exhibit high-criticality behaviors at the same time. In this paper, we propose a more realistic mixed-criticality model, called the flexible mixed-criticality (FMC) model, in which these two issues are addressed in a combined manner. In this new model, only the overrun task itself is assumed to exhibit high-criticality behavior, while other high-criticality tasks remain in the same mode as before. The guaranteed service levels of low-criticality tasks are gracefully degraded with the overruns of high-criticality tasks. We derive a utilization-based technique to analyze the schedulability of this new mixed-criticality model under EDF-VD scheduling. During runtime, the proposed test condition serves an important criterion for dynamic service level tuning, by means of which the maximum available execution budget for low-criticality tasks can be directly determined with minimal overhead while guaranteeing mixed-criticality schedulability. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the FMC scheme compared with state-of-the-art techniques.Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE Transaction on Computers (TC) on Sept-09th-201

    Interval-valued contractive fuzzy negations

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    In this work we consider the concept of contractive interval-valued fuzzy negation, as a negation such that it does not increase the length or amplitude of an interval. We relate this to the concept of Lipschitz function. In particular, we prove that the only strict (strong) contractive interval-valued fuzzy negation is the one generated from the standard (Zadeh's) negation