831 research outputs found

    SOTER: A Runtime Assurance Framework for Programming Safe Robotics Systems

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    The recent drive towards achieving greater autonomy and intelligence in robotics has led to high levels of complexity. Autonomous robots increasingly depend on third party off-the-shelf components and complex machine-learning techniques. This trend makes it challenging to provide strong design-time certification of correct operation. To address these challenges, we present SOTER, a robotics programming framework with two key components: (1) a programming language for implementing and testing high-level reactive robotics software and (2) an integrated runtime assurance (RTA) system that helps enable the use of uncertified components, while still providing safety guarantees. SOTER provides language primitives to declaratively construct a RTA module consisting of an advanced, high-performance controller (uncertified), a safe, lower-performance controller (certified), and the desired safety specification. The framework provides a formal guarantee that a well-formed RTA module always satisfies the safety specification, without completely sacrificing performance by using higher performance uncertified components whenever safe. SOTER allows the complex robotics software stack to be constructed as a composition of RTA modules, where each uncertified component is protected using a RTA module. To demonstrate the efficacy of our framework, we consider a real-world case-study of building a safe drone surveillance system. Our experiments both in simulation and on actual drones show that the SOTER-enabled RTA ensures the safety of the system, including when untrusted third-party components have bugs or deviate from the desired behavior

    Autonomous Task Planning for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems

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    This paper presents a solution to the automatic task planning problem for multi-agent systems. A formal framework is developed based on the Nondeterministic Finite Automata with ϵ\epsilon-transitions, where given the capabilities, constraints and failure modes of the agents involved, an initial state of the system and a task specification, an optimal solution is generated that satisfies the system constraints and the task specification. The resulting solution is guaranteed to be complete and optimal; moreover a heuristic solution that offers significant reduction of the computational requirements while relaxing the completeness and optimality requirements is proposed. The constructed system model is independent from the initial condition and the task specification, alleviating the need to repeat the costly pre-processing cycle for solving other scenarios, while allowing the incorporation of failure modes on-the-fly. Two case studies are provided: a simple one to showcase the concepts of the proposed methodology and a more elaborate one to demonstrate the effectiveness and validity of the methodology.Comment: Long version of paper submitted to the IEEE ICRA 2023 Conferenc

    Hot-swapping robot task goals in reactive formal synthesis

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    We consider the problem of synthesizing robot controllers to realize a task that unpredictably changes with time. Tasks are formally expressed in the GR(1) fragment of temporal logic, in which some of the variables are set by an adversary. The task changes by the addition or removal of goals, which occurs online (i.e., at run-time). We present an algorithm for mending control strategies to realize tasks after the addition of goals, while avoiding global re-synthesis of the strategy. Experiments are presented for a planar surveillance task in which new regions of interest are incrementally added. Run-times are empirically shown to be favorable compared to re-synthesizing from scratch. We also present an algorithm for mending control strategies for the removal of goals. While in this setting the original strategy is still feasible, our algorithm provides a more satisfying solution by "tightening loose ends.'' Both algorithms are shown to yield so-called reach annotations, and thus the control strategies are easily amenable to other algorithms concerning incremental synthesis, e.g., as in previous work by the authors for navigation in uncertain environments

    Formalization of Robot Collision Detection Method based on Conformal Geometric Algebra

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    Cooperative robots can significantly assist people in their productive activities, improving the quality of their works. Collision detection is vital to ensure the safe and stable operation of cooperative robots in productive activities. As an advanced geometric language, conformal geometric algebra can simplify the construction of the robot collision model and the calculation of collision distance. Compared with the formal method based on conformal geometric algebra, the traditional method may have some defects which are difficult to find in the modelling and calculation. We use the formal method based on conformal geometric algebra to study the collision detection problem of cooperative robots. This paper builds formal models of geometric primitives and the robot body based on the conformal geometric algebra library in HOL Light. We analyse the shortest distance between geometric primitives and prove their collision determination conditions. Based on the above contents, we construct a formal verification framework for the robot collision detection method. By the end of this paper, we apply the proposed framework to collision detection between two single-arm industrial cooperative robots. The flexibility and reliability of the proposed framework are verified by constructing a general collision model and a special collision model for two single-arm industrial cooperative robots

    Planning for behaviour-based robotic assembly: a logical framework

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    Advanced flight control system study

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    A fly by wire flight control system architecture designed for high reliability includes spare sensor and computer elements to permit safe dispatch with failed elements, thereby reducing unscheduled maintenance. A methodology capable of demonstrating that the architecture does achieve the predicted performance characteristics consists of a hierarchy of activities ranging from analytical calculations of system reliability and formal methods of software verification to iron bird testing followed by flight evaluation. Interfacing this architecture to the Lockheed S-3A aircraft for flight test is discussed. This testbed vehicle can be expanded to support flight experiments in advanced aerodynamics, electromechanical actuators, secondary power systems, flight management, new displays, and air traffic control concepts