8 research outputs found


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    Proses persiapan keberangkatan ibadah haji sangat lama sehingga perlu dilaksanakan persiapan yang panjang agar bisa melaksanakan kewajiban ini. Namun, meskipun hal ini sudah dilakukan oleh para calon haji di tanah air, kenyataannnya sesampainya di tanah suci masih banyak yang kebingungan dalam hal pelaksanaan maupun tata cara yang berkaitan dengan ibadah haji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi virtual reality untuk simulasi pembelajaran manasik haji. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development tipe waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi yang terdiri dari 6 fitur, yaitu: fitur rangkaian haji, seri panduan haji, Percakapan bahasa arab, denah, tanya jawab, petunjuk penggunaan. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini calon jamaah akan belajar bagaimana menunaikan haji tidak hanya teori tetapi juga menyajikan ide, amalan dan kondisi aktual, seperti berada langsung di Mekah. ***** The process of preparing for the departure of the hajj pilgrimage is very long so it is necessary to carry out long preparations in order to carry out this obligation. However, even though this has been done by prospective pilgrims in the country, the reality is that when they arrive in the holy land, there are still many who are confused in terms of implementation and procedures related to the pilgrimage. This study aims to create a virtual reality application for simulating Hajj rituals. This study uses the waterfall type Research and Development method. The results of this study are in the form of an application consisting of 6 features, namely: Hajj series features, Hajj guide series, Arabic conversation, floor plans, questions and answers, instructions for use. By using this application prospective pilgrims will learn how to perform Hajj not only in theory but also presenting ideas, practices and actual conditions, such as being directly in Mecca

    Creació d'una aplicació de realitat augmentada utilitzant el kinect

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    [CATALÀ] En aquest TFG s'ha desenvolupat una aplicació de realitat augmentada. S'utilitza Kinect com a controlador de l'aplicació. S'ha creat una classe 'kinect' en C++ que utilitza l'aplicació, però és totalment independent. Amb aquesta classe pots interactuar i extreure la informació del dispositiu.[ANGLÈS] In this TFG I have developed an augmented reality application. We use Kinect as an application controller. We have made a C++ class 'kinect' which is used by the application. The class is totally independent. We can use this class in order to interact and get information from the controller

    Natural Physical Interaction Between Real and Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality Systems

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    In this paper, we present an method for implementing natural, real object-like physical interaction between real world objects and augmented virtual objects in Augmented Reality (AR) systems. First, we implemented physical interaction between virtual objects and the surrounding real world environment, which most AR contents lack, by reconstructing the detailed geometry of real world scenes. Second, we simulated collision response between pairs of colliding real and virtual objects using the corresponding premeasured coefficient of restitution (COR) to consider the differences of COR between different collision pairs. In addition, occlusion and shadowing between real and virtual objects was also implemented to prevent the other interactions from looking unnatural. User evaluation results show that our method was able to reproduce interaction between real and virtual objects which test subjects felt was natural for virtual objects representing real objects which has a wide-varying COR value against each collision

    Forked! A demonstration of physics realism in augmented reality

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    In making fully immersive augmented reality (AR) applications, real and virtual objects will have to be seen to physically interact together in a realistic and believable way. This paper describes Forked! a system that has been developed to show how physical interactions between real and virtual objects can be simulated re- alistically and believably through appropriate use of a physics en- gine. The system allows users control a robotic forklift to manipu- late virtual crates in an AR environment. The paper also describes a evaluation experiment in which it is shown that the physical inter- actions between the forklift and the virtual creates are realistic and believable enough to be comparable with the physical interactions between a forklift and real crates

    Scalable and Extensible Augmented Reality with Applications in Civil Infrastructure Systems.

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    In Civil Infrastructure System (CIS) applications, the requirement of blending synthetic and physical objects distinguishes Augmented Reality (AR) from other visualization technologies in three aspects: 1) it reinforces the connections between people and objects, and promotes engineers’ appreciation about their working context; 2) It allows engineers to perform field tasks with the awareness of both the physical and synthetic environment; 3) It offsets the significant cost of 3D Model Engineering by including the real world background. The research has successfully overcome several long-standing technical obstacles in AR and investigated technical approaches to address fundamental challenges that prevent the technology from being usefully deployed in CIS applications, such as the alignment of virtual objects with the real environment continuously across time and space; blending of virtual entities with their real background faithfully to create a sustained illusion of co- existence; integrating these methods to a scalable and extensible computing AR framework that is openly accessible to the teaching and research community, and can be readily reused and extended by other researchers and engineers. The research findings have been evaluated in several challenging CIS applications where the potential of having a significant economic and social impact is high. Examples of validation test beds implemented include an AR visual excavator-utility collision avoidance system that enables spotters to ”see” buried utilities hidden under the ground surface, thus helping prevent accidental utility strikes; an AR post-disaster reconnaissance framework that enables building inspectors to rapidly evaluate and quantify structural damage sustained by buildings in seismic events such as earthquakes or blasts; and a tabletop collaborative AR visualization framework that allows multiple users to observe and interact with visual simulations of engineering processes.PHDCivil EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96145/1/dsuyang_1.pd

    Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a natural development from virtual reality (VR), which was developed several decades earlier. AR complements VR in many ways. Due to the advantages of the user being able to see both the real and virtual objects simultaneously, AR is far more intuitive, but it's not completely detached from human factors and other restrictions. AR doesn't consume as much time and effort in the applications because it's not required to construct the entire virtual scene and the environment. In this book, several new and emerging application areas of AR are presented and divided into three sections. The first section contains applications in outdoor and mobile AR, such as construction, restoration, security and surveillance. The second section deals with AR in medical, biological, and human bodies. The third and final section contains a number of new and useful applications in daily living and learning