10 research outputs found

    Static Trace-Based Deadlock Analysis for Synchronous Mini-Go

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    We consider the problem of static deadlock detection for programs in the Go programming language which make use of synchronous channel communications. In our analysis, regular expressions extended with a fork operator capture the communication behavior of a program. Starting from a simple criterion that characterizes traces of deadlock-free programs, we develop automata-based methods to check for deadlock-freedom. The approach is implemented and evaluated with a series of examples

    Bounded verification of message-passing concurrency in Go using Promela and Spin

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    This paper describes a static verification framework for the message-passing fragment of the Go programming language. Our framework extracts models that over-approximate the message-passing behaviour of a program. These models, or behavioural types, are encoded in Promela, hence can be efficiently verified with Spin. We improve on previous works by verifying programs that include communication-related parameters that are unknown at compile-time, i.e., programs that spawn a parameterised number of threads or that create channels with a parameterised capacity. These programs are checked via a bounded verification approach with bounds provided by the user

    An Empirical Study of Messaging Passing Concurrency in Go Projects

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    Go is a popular programming language renowned for its good support for system programming and its channel- based message passing concurrency mechanism. These strengths have made it the language of choice of many platform software such as Docker and Kubernetes. In this paper, we analyse 865 Go projects from GitHub in order to understand how message passing concurrency is used in publicly available code. Our results include the following findings: (1) message passing primitives are used frequently and intensively, (2) concurrency-related features are generally clustered in specific parts of a Go project, (3) most projects use synchronous communication channels over asynchronous ones, and (4) most Go projects use simple concurrent thread topologies, which are however currently unsupported by existing static verification frameworks

    Automated Verification of Concurrent Go Programs via Bounded Model Checking

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    The Go programming language offers a wide range of primitives to coordinate lightweight threads, e.g., channels, waitgroups, and mutexes — all of which may cause concurrency bugs. Static checkers that guarantee the absence of bugs are essential to help programmers avoid these costly errors before their code is executed. However existing tools either miss too many bugs or cannot handle large programs, and do not sup- port programs that rely on statically unknown parameters that affect their concurrent structure (e.g., number of threads). To address these limitations, we propose a static checker for Go programs which relies on performing bounded model checking of their concurrent behaviours. In contrast to previous works, our approach deals with large codebases, sup- ports programs that have statically unknown parameters, and is extensible to additional concurrency primitives. Our work includes a detailed presentation of the extraction algorithm from Go programs to models, an algorithm to automatically check programs with statically unknown parameters, and a large scale evaluation of our approach. The latter shows that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art on 220 synthetic programs and 78 buggy programs adapted from existing codebases

    Distributed programming using role-parametric session types in go

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    This paper presents a framework for the static specification and safe programming of message passing protocols where the number and kinds of participants are dynamically instantiated. We develop the first theory of distributed multiparty session types (MPST) to support parameterised protocols with indexed rolesÐour framework statically infers the different kinds of participants induced by a protocol definition as role variants, and produces decoupled endpoint projections of the protocol onto each variant. This enables safe MPST-based programming of the parameterised endpoints in distributed settings: each endpoint can be implemented separately by different programmers, using different techniques (or languages). We prove the decidability of role variant inference and well-formedness checking, and the correctness of projection. We implement our theory as a toolchain for programming such role-parametric MPST protocols in Go. Our approach is to generate API families of lightweight, protocol- and variant-specific type wrappers for I/O. The APIs ensure a well-typed Go endpoint program (by native Go type checking) will perform only compliant I/O actions w.r.t. the source protocol. We leverage the abstractions of MPST to support the specification and implementation of Go applications involving multiple channels, possibly over mixed transports (e.g., Go channels, TCP), and channel passing via a unified programming interface. We evaluate the applicability and run-time performance of our generated APIs using microbenchmarks and real-world applications

    Bounded Verification of Message-Passing Concurrency in Go

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    Go is a programming language that has gained increased popularity due to its good support for system programming and its channel-based message passing concurrency mechanism. These features rendered Go the language of choice of many platform software developers. Go offers a wide range of primitives to coordinate lightweight threads, e.g., channels, waitgroups, and mutexes. Although, these concurrency primitives help mitigate data races, they introduce additional complications due to the complexity of reasoning about concurrency. In this thesis, we first perform an empirical analysis on concurrent Go programs which analyses 125 Go projects from GitHub in order to understand how concurrency is used in publicly available code. Our results include the following findings: (1) concurrency primitives are used frequently and intensively, (2) most projects use synchronous communication channels over asynchronous ones, and (3) most Go projects use simple concurrent thread topologies, which are however currently not fully supported by existing static verification frameworks. To address these limitations, we propose a novel static checker for Go programs that relies on performing bounded model checking of their concurrent behaviours. In contrast to previous works, our approach deals with large codebases, supports programs that have statically unknown parameters and is extensible to additional concurrency primitives. Our work includes an empirical analysis that studies the usage of concurrency in Go projects, a detailed presentation of the extraction algorithm from Go programs to Promela models, an algorithm to automatically check programs with statically unknown parameters, and a large scale evaluation of our approach. The latter shows that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art