6 research outputs found

    Forecasting volatility with a stacked model based on a hybridized Artificial Neural Network

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    An appropriate calibration and forecasting of volatility and market risk are some of the main challenges faced by companies that have to manage the uncertainty inherent to their investments or funding opera- tions such as banks, pension funds or insurance companies. This has become even more evident after the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis, when the forecasting models assessing the market risk and volatility failed. Since then, a significant number of theoretical developments and methodologies have appeared to im- prove the accuracy of the volatility forecasts and market risk assessments. Following this line of thinking, this paper introduces a model based on using a set of Machine Learning techniques, such as Gradient Descent Boosting, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network, where those al- gorithms are stacked to predict S&P500 volatility. The results suggest that our construction outperforms other habitual models on the ability to forecast the level of volatility, leading to a more accurate assess- ment of the market ris

    Evaluating the performances of over-the-counter companies in developing countries using a stochastic dominance criterion and a PSO-ANN hybrid optimization model

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    With suitable optimization criteria, hybrid models have proven to be efficient for preparing portfolios in capital markets of developed countries. This study adapts and investigates these methods for a developing country, so providing a novel approach to the application of banking and finance. Our specific objectives are to employ a stochastic dominance criterion to evaluate the performances of over-the-counter (OTC) companies in a developing country and to analyse them with a hybrid model involving particle swarm optimization and artificial neural networks. In order to achieve these aims, we conduct a case study of OTC companies in Iran. Weekly and daily returns of 36 companies listed in this market are calculated for one year during 2014-2015. The hybrid model is particularly interesting and our results identify first, second and third-order stochastic dominances among these companies. Our chosen model uses the best performing combination of activation functions in our analysis, corresponding to TPT where T represents hyperbolic tangent transfers and P represents linear transfers. Our portfolios are based on the shares of companies ranked with respect to the stochastic dominance criterion. Considering the minimum and maximum numbers of shares to be 2 and 10 for each portfolio, an eight-share portfolio is determined to be optimal. Compared with the index of Iran OTC during the research period of this study, our selected portfolio achieves a significantly better performance. Moreover, the methods used in this analysis are shown to be as efficient as they were in the capital markets of developed countries

    Stochastic reserving with a stacked model based on a hybridized Artificial Neural Network

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    Currently, legal requirements demand that insurance companies increase their emphasis on monitoring the risks linked to the underwriting and asset management activities. Regarding underwriting risks, the main uncertainties that insurers must manage are related to the premium sufficiency to cover future claims and the adequacy of the current reserves to pay outstanding claims. Both risks are calibrated using stochastic models due to their nature. This paper introduces a reserving model based on a set of machine learning techniques such as Gradient Boosting, Random Forest and Artificial Neural Networks. These algorithms and other widely used reserving models are stacked to predict the shape of the runoff. To compute the deviation around a former prediction, a log-normal approach is combined with the suggested model. The empirical results demonstrate that the proposed methodology can be used to improve the performance of the traditional reserving techniques based on Bayesian statistics and a Chain Ladder, leading to a more accurate assessment of the reserving risk

    Stock Market Volatility Forecasting Using Ensemble Models

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    Extensive research has been done within the field of finance to better predict future volatility and anticipate changes in financial market uncertainty. The advent of more advanced machine learning methods, such as artificial neural networks, has led to ground-breaking improvements to modeling capabilities across many fields and industries, including finance and volatility forecasting. These advances have led to rendering some of the previous state of the art models obsolete. Even though it has been established that artificial neural networks are capable of outperforming traditional finance forecasting models when it comes to volatility forecasting, it remains an open question whether a more advanced machine learning algorithm can benefit from incorporating the strengths of specialized volatility forecasting models. In this study, we seek to uncover whether traditional finance volatility forecasting models, such as GARCH type models, contain unique information that when combined with artificial neural networks can lead to more capable models and improved prediction accuracy. We will explore these effects by looking into S&P 500 one-day-ahead volatility using GARCH type models to generate volatility forecasts and include those into different artificial neural networks to measure improvements in forecasting capabilities. GARCH forecasts will be added into the different artificial neural networks in the form of two different types of ensemble models. One approach being a stacked ensemble, and the other an averaging ensemble. We find evidence to suggest that even though the GARCH type models consistently underperform compared to artificial neural networks, there is sufficient grounds to conclude that there is great potential in combining different volatility forecasting models to attain better volatility predictions.nhhma

    Machine and deep learning applications for improving the measurement of key indicators for financial institutions: stock market volatility and general insurance reserving risk

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    Esta tesis trata de lograr mejoras en los modelos de estimación de los riesgo financieros y actuariales a través del uso de técnicas punteras en el campo del aprendizaje automático y profundo (machine y deep learning), de manera que los modelos de riesgo generen resultados que den un mejor soporte al proceso de toma de decisiones de las instituciones financieras. Para ello, se fijan dos objetivos. En primer lugar, traer al campo financiero y actuarial los mecanismos más punteros del campo del aprendizaje automático y profundo. Los algoritmos más novedosos de este campo son de amplia aplicación en robótica, conducción autónoma o reconocimiento facial, entre otros. En segundo lugar, se busca aprovechar la gran capacidad predictiva de los algoritmos anteriormente adaptados para construir modelos de riesgo más precisos y que, por tanto, sean capaces de generar resultados que puedan dar un mejor soporte a la toma de decisiones de las instituciones financieras. Dentro del universo de modelos de riesgos financieros, esta tesis se centra en los modelos de riesgo de renta variable y reservas de siniestros. Esta tesis introduce dos modelos de riesgo de renta variable y otros dos de reservas. Por lo que se refiere a la renta variable, el primero de los modelos apila algoritmos tales como redes neuronales, bosques aleatorios o regresiones aditivas múltiples con árboles con el objetivo de mejorar la estimación de la volatilidad y, por tanto, generar modelos de riesgo más precisos. El segundo de los modelos de riesgo adapta al mundo financiero y actuarial los Transformer, un tipo de red neuronal que, debido a su alta precisión, ha apartado al resto de algoritmos en el campo del procesamiento del lenguaje natural. Adicionalmente, se propone una extensión de esta arquitectura, llamada Multi-Transformer y cuyo objetivo es mejorar el rendimiento del algoritmo inicial mediante el ensamblaje y aleatorización de los mecanismos de atención. En lo relativo a los dos modelos de reservas introducidos por esta tesis el primero de ellos trata de mejorar la estimación de reservas y generar modelos de riesgo más precisos apilando algoritmos de aprendizaje automático con modelos de reservas basados en estadística bayesiana y Chain Ladder. El segundo modelo de reservas trata de mejorar los resultados de un modelo de uso habitual, como es el modelo de Mack, a través de la aplicación de redes neuronales recurrentes y conexiones residuales