4,192 research outputs found

    Comparing Decision Trees and Association Rules for Stock Market Expectations in BIST100 and BIST30

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    With the increased financial fragility, methods have been needed to predict financial data effectively. In this study, two leading data mining technologies, classification analysis and association rule mining, are implemented for modeling potentially successful and risky stocks on the BIST 30 index and BIST 100 Index based on the key variables of index name, index value, and stock price. Classification and Regression Tree (CART) is used for classification, and Apriori is applied for association analysis. The study data set covered monthly closing values during 2013-2019. The Apriori algorithm also obtained almost all of the classification rules generated with the CART algorithm. Validated by two promising data mining techniques, proposed rules guide decision-makers in their investment decisions. By providing early warning signals of risky stocks, these rules can be used to minimize risk levels and protect decision-makers from making risky decisions

    Technical and Fundamental Features Analysis for Stock Market Prediction with Data Mining Methods

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    Predicting stock prices is an essential objective in the financial world. Forecasting stock returns and their risk represents one of the most critical concerns of market decision makers. This thesis investigates the stock price forecasting with three approaches from the data mining concept and shows how different elements in the stock price can help to enhance the accuracy of our prediction. For this reason, the first and second approaches capture many fundamental indicators from the stocks and implement them as explanatory variables to do stock price classification and forecasting. In the third approach, technical features from the candlestick representation of the share prices are extracted and used to enhance the accuracy of the forecasting. In each approach, different tools and techniques from data mining and machine learning are employed to justify why the forecasting is working. Furthermore, since the idea is to evaluate the potential of features in the stock trend forecasting, therefore we diversify our experiments using both technical and fundamental features. Therefore, in the first approach, a three-stage methodology is developed while in the first step, a comprehensive investigation of all possible features which can be effective on stocks risk and return are identified. Then, in the next stage, risk and return are predicted by applying data mining techniques for the given features. Finally, we develop a hybrid algorithm, based on some filters and function-based clustering; and re-predicted the risk and return of stocks. In the second approach, instead of using single classifiers, a fusion model is proposed based on the use of multiple diverse base classifiers that operate on a common input and a meta-classifier that learns from base classifiers’ outputs to obtain a more precise stock return and risk predictions. A set of diversity methods, including Bagging, Boosting, and AdaBoost, is applied to create diversity in classifier combinations. Moreover, the number and procedure for selecting base classifiers for fusion schemes are determined using a methodology based on dataset clustering and candidate classifiers’ accuracy. Finally, in the third approach, a novel forecasting model for stock markets based on the wrapper ANFIS (Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System) – ICA (Imperialist Competitive Algorithm) and technical analysis of Japanese Candlestick is presented. Two approaches of Raw-based and Signal-based are devised to extract the model’s input variables and buy and sell signals are considered as output variables. To illustrate the methodologies, for the first and second approaches, Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) data for the period from 2002 to 2012 are applied, while for the third approach, we used General Motors and Dow Jones indexes.Predicting stock prices is an essential objective in the financial world. Forecasting stock returns and their risk represents one of the most critical concerns of market decision makers. This thesis investigates the stock price forecasting with three approaches from the data mining concept and shows how different elements in the stock price can help to enhance the accuracy of our prediction. For this reason, the first and second approaches capture many fundamental indicators from the stocks and implement them as explanatory variables to do stock price classification and forecasting. In the third approach, technical features from the candlestick representation of the share prices are extracted and used to enhance the accuracy of the forecasting. In each approach, different tools and techniques from data mining and machine learning are employed to justify why the forecasting is working. Furthermore, since the idea is to evaluate the potential of features in the stock trend forecasting, therefore we diversify our experiments using both technical and fundamental features. Therefore, in the first approach, a three-stage methodology is developed while in the first step, a comprehensive investigation of all possible features which can be effective on stocks risk and return are identified. Then, in the next stage, risk and return are predicted by applying data mining techniques for the given features. Finally, we develop a hybrid algorithm, based on some filters and function-based clustering; and re-predicted the risk and return of stocks. In the second approach, instead of using single classifiers, a fusion model is proposed based on the use of multiple diverse base classifiers that operate on a common input and a meta-classifier that learns from base classifiers’ outputs to obtain a more precise stock return and risk predictions. A set of diversity methods, including Bagging, Boosting, and AdaBoost, is applied to create diversity in classifier combinations. Moreover, the number and procedure for selecting base classifiers for fusion schemes are determined using a methodology based on dataset clustering and candidate classifiers’ accuracy. Finally, in the third approach, a novel forecasting model for stock markets based on the wrapper ANFIS (Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System) – ICA (Imperialist Competitive Algorithm) and technical analysis of Japanese Candlestick is presented. Two approaches of Raw-based and Signal-based are devised to extract the model’s input variables and buy and sell signals are considered as output variables. To illustrate the methodologies, for the first and second approaches, Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) data for the period from 2002 to 2012 are applied, while for the third approach, we used General Motors and Dow Jones indexes.154 - Katedra financívyhově

    Stock market prediction using machine learning classifiers and social media, news

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    Accurate stock market prediction is of great interest to investors; however, stock markets are driven by volatile factors such as microblogs and news that make it hard to predict stock market index based on merely the historical data. The enormous stock market volatility emphasizes the need to effectively assess the role of external factors in stock prediction. Stock markets can be predicted using machine learning algorithms on information contained in social media and financial news, as this data can change investors’ behavior. In this paper, we use algorithms on social media and financial news data to discover the impact of this data on stock market prediction accuracy for ten subsequent days. For improving performance and quality of predictions, feature selection and spam tweets reduction are performed on the data sets. Moreover, we perform experiments to find such stock markets that are difficult to predict and those that are more influenced by social media and financial news. We compare results of different algorithms to find a consistent classifier. Finally, for achieving maximum prediction accuracy, deep learning is used and some classifiers are ensembled. Our experimental results show that highest prediction accuracies of 80.53% and 75.16% are achieved using social media and financial news, respectively. We also show that New York and Red Hat stock markets are hard to predict, New York and IBM stocks are more influenced by social media, while London and Microsoft stocks by financial news. Random forest classifier is found to be consistent and highest accuracy of 83.22% is achieved by its ensemble

    Predicting Stock Price of Construction Companies using Weighted Ensemble Learning

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    Modeling the behavior of stock price data has always been one of the challengeous applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) due to its high complexity and dependence on various conditions. Recent studies show that this will be difficult to do with just one learning model. The problem can be more complex for companies of construction section, due to the dependency of their behavior on more conditions. This study aims to provide a hybrid model for improving the accuracy of prediction for stock price index of companies in construction section. The contribution of this paper can be considered as follows: First, a combination of several prediction models is used to predict stock price, so that learning models can cover each other's error. In this research, an ensemble model based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) is presented for predicting stock price index. Second, the optimization technique is used to determine the effect of each learning model on the prediction result. For this purpose, first all three mentioned algorithms process the data simultaneously and perform the prediction operation. Then, using the Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm, the output weight of each algorithm is determined as a coefficient. Finally, using the ensemble technique, these results are combined and the final output is generated through weighted averaging on optimal coefficients. The results showed that using CS optimization in the proposed ensemble system is highly effective in reducing prediction error. Comparing the evaluation results of the proposed system with similar algorithms, indicates that our model is more accurate and can be useful for predicting stock price index in real-world scenarios

    An academic review: applications of data mining techniques in finance industry

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    With the development of Internet techniques, data volumes are doubling every two years, faster than predicted by Moore’s Law. Big Data Analytics becomes particularly important for enterprise business. Modern computational technologies will provide effective tools to help understand hugely accumulated data and leverage this information to get insights into the finance industry. In order to get actionable insights into the business, data has become most valuable asset of financial organisations, as there are no physical products in finance industry to manufacture. This is where data mining techniques come to their rescue by allowing access to the right information at the right time. These techniques are used by the finance industry in various areas such as fraud detection, intelligent forecasting, credit rating, loan management, customer profiling, money laundering, marketing and prediction of price movements to name a few. This work aims to survey the research on data mining techniques applied to the finance industry from 2010 to 2015.The review finds that Stock prediction and Credit rating have received most attention of researchers, compared to Loan prediction, Money Laundering and Time Series prediction. Due to the dynamics, uncertainty and variety of data, nonlinear mapping techniques have been deeply studied than linear techniques. Also it has been proved that hybrid methods are more accurate in prediction, closely followed by Neural Network technique. This survey could provide a clue of applications of data mining techniques for finance industry, and a summary of methodologies for researchers in this area. Especially, it could provide a good vision of Data Mining Techniques in computational finance for beginners who want to work in the field of computational finance

    Techniques for Stock Market Prediction: A Review

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    Stock market forecasting has long been viewed as a vital real-life topic in economics world. There are many challenges in stock market prediction systems such as the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), Nonlinearity, complex, diverse datasets, and parameter optimization. A stock's value on the stock market fluctuates due to many factors like previous trends of the stock, the current news, twitter feeds, any online customer feedbacks etc. In this paper, the literature is critically analysed on approaches used for stock market prediction in terms of stock datasets, features used, evaluation metrics used, statistical, machine learning and deep learning techniques along with the directions for the future. The focus of this review is on trend and value prediction for stocks. Overall, 68 research papers have been considered for review from years 1998-2023. From the review, Indian stock market datasets are found to be most frequently used datasets. Evaluation metrics used commonly are accuracy and Mean Absolute Percentage Error. ARIMA is reported as the most used frequently statistical technique for stick market prediction. Long-Short Term Memory and Support Vector Machine are the commonly used algorithms in stock market prediction. The advantages and disadvantages of frequently used evaluation metrics, machine learning, deep learning and statistical approaches are also included in this survey

    Designing appliances for mobile commerce and retailtainment

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    In the emerging world of the new consumer and the `anytime, anywhere' mobile commerce, appliances are located at the collision point of the retailer and consumer agendas. The consequence of this is twofold: on the one hand appliances that were previously considered plain and utilitarian become entertainment devices and on the other, for the effective design of consumer appliances it becomes paramount to employ multidisciplinary expertise. In this paper, we discuss consumer perceptions of a retailtainment commerce system developed in collaboration between interactivity designers, information systems engineers, hardware and application developers, marketing strategists, product development teams, social scientists and retail professionals. We discuss the approached employed for the design of the consumer experience and its implications for appliance design

    Forecasting Short Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings in the Istanbul Stock Exchange

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    Previous research on IPOs has identified several factors or issue characteristics that play a role in the level of short term underpricing of initial public offerings. Some of those issue features are the firm size, market trend, size of the offer, investment banker reputation, method of intermediation, stock price range and investor type. The objective of this study is to develop a model based on these features to forecast the short term performance of IPOs in the Istanbul Stock Exchange. To this end we divided our sample period into a model building subperiod and a testing subperiod. After identifying 9 issue features that are related to IPO short term pricing, we estimated our models using multiple regression, multiple discriminant and logit methods. The estimated models are then tested against the IPO data in the subsequent period between 1997-2000. The overall predictive ability of the forecasting models can be described as mediocre. In terms of actual abnormal returns obtained from investment strategies based on model predictions, only the logit models beat the outcome of naive strategies, albeit only marginally

    Forecasting Chinese EPU based on financial uncertainty in emerging market economies (EMEs): evidence from six selected East Asian economies

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    While the influential role of Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) on economic activity and financial markets is well-documented, little is known about how to forecast EPU, especially in the framework of an emerging market economy (EME). We forecast the newly developed EPU index of China based on financial uncertainty (measured by a realised volatility) of the selected East Asian Economies (EAEs) including ASEAN5 and Hong Kong, having close trade linkages with China, by using LR and DT methods. After controlling for macroeconomic variables, it is evident that the realised volatility of regional EAEs significantly forecasts the EPU of China, except for Thailand. Moreover, comparing the performance of both models based on the accuracy classification score test, LR performs better than DT. Policymakers, who aim to keep and maintain a low level of EPU to achieve effective investment policies and avoid reduced consumer spending, should take into account the findings of this study