24,186 research outputs found

    Force Density Function Relationships in 2-D Granular Media

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    An integral transform relationship is developed to convert between two important probability density functions (distributions) used in the study of contact forces in granular physics. Developing this transform has now made it possible to compare and relate various theoretical approaches with one another and with the experimental data despite the fact that one may predict the Cartesian probability density and another the force magnitude probability density. Also, the transforms identify which functional forms are relevant to describe the probability density observed in nature, and so the modified Bessel function of the second kind has been identified as the relevant form for the Cartesian probability density corresponding to exponential forms in the force magnitude distribution. Furthermore, it is shown that this transform pair supplies a sufficient mathematical framework to describe the evolution of the force magnitude distribution under shearing. Apart from the choice of several coefficients, whose evolution of values must be explained in the physics, this framework successfully reproduces the features of the distribution that are taken to be an indicator of jamming and unjamming in a granular packing. Key words. Granular Physics, Probability Density Functions, Fourier Transform

    A New Approach based on Langevin type Equation for Driven Granular Gas under Gravity

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    We propose a novel approach based on a Langevin equation for fluctuating motion of the center of mass of granular media fluidized by energy injection from a bottom plate. In this framework, the analytical solution of the Langevin equation is used to derive analytic expressions for several macroscopic quantities and the power spectrum for the center of mass. In order to test our theory, we performed event-driven molecular dynamics simulations for one- and two-dimensional systems. Energy is injected from a vibrating bottom plate in the one-dimensional case and from a thermal wall at the bottom in the two-dimensional case. We found that the theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the results of those simulations under the assumption that the fluctuation-dissipation relation holds in the case of nearly elastic collisions between particles. However, as the inelasticity of the interparticle collisions increases, the power spectrum for the center of mass obtained by the simulations gradually deviates from the prediction of theoretical curve. Connection between this deviation and violation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures; corrected typos, to be published in the AIP Conference Proceedings of the IUTAM-ISIMM Symposium "Mathematical and Physical Instances of Granular Flows" held in Reggio Calabria, September 14-18, 200

    Power law scaling of early-stage forces during granular impact

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    We experimentally and computationally study the early-stage forces during intruder impacts with granular beds in the regime where the impact velocity approaches the granular force propagation speed. Experiments use 2D assemblies of photoelastic disks of varying stiffness, and complimentary discrete-element simulations are performed in 2D and 3D. The peak force during the initial stages of impact and the time at which it occurs depend only on the impact speed, the intruder diameter, the mass density of the grains, and the elastic modulus of the grains according to power-law scaling forms that are not consistent with Poncelet models, granular shock theory, or added-mass models. The insensitivity of our results to many system details suggest that they may also apply to impacts into similar materials like foams and emulsions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Contact tribology also affects the slow flow behavior of granular emulsions

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    Recent work on suspension flows has shown that contact mechanics plays a role in suspension flow dynamics. The contact mechanics between particulate matter in dispersions should depend sensitively on the composition of the dispersed phase: evidently emulsion droplets interact differently with each other than angular sand particles. We therefore ask: what is the role of contact mechanics in dispersed media flow? We focus on slow flows, where contacts are long-lasting and hence contact mechanics effects should be most visible. To answer our question, we synthesize soft hydrogel particles with different friction coefficients. By making the particles soft, we can drive them at finite confining pressure at all driving rates. For particles with a low friction coefficient, we obtain a rheology similar to that of an emulsion, yet with an effective friction much larger than expected from their microscopic contact mechanics. Increasing the friction coefficient of the particles, we find a flow instability in the suspension. Particle level flow and fluctuations are also greatly affected by the microscopic friction coefficient of the suspended particles. The specific rheology of our "granular emulsions" provides further evidence that a better understanding of microscopic particle interactions is of broad relevance for dispersed media flows

    Comparison of different capillary bridge models for application in the discrete element method

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    Weakly wetted granular material is the subject of many studies. Several formulations were proposed to calculate the capillary forces between wet particles. In this paper some of such models have been implemented in a DEM-framework, and simulation results were compared to experimental measurements. Also, the influence of capillary model type on macro parameters like local shear viscosity and cohesive parameters of sheared material have been investigated through the simulation of spherical beads using a DEM-model of a split-bottom shear-cell. It was concluded that the water content, simulated with the help of capillary bridge models, changes the macro-properties of the simulated granular material. Different capillary bridge models do not influence the macroscopic results visibly

    Discrete modelling of capillary mechanisms in multi-phase granular media

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    A numerical study of multi-phase granular materials based upon micro-mechanical modelling is proposed. Discrete element simulations are used to investigate capillary induced effects on the friction properties of a granular assembly in the pendular regime. Capillary forces are described at the local scale through the Young-Laplace equation and are superimposed to the standard dry particle interaction usually well simulated through an elastic-plastic relationship. Both effects of the pressure difference between liquid and gas phases and of the surface tension at the interface are integrated into the interaction model. Hydraulic hysteresis is accounted for based on the possible mechanism of formation and breakage of capillary menisci at contacts. In order to upscale the interparticular model, triaxial loading paths are simulated on a granular assembly and the results interpreted through the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The micro-mechanical approach is validated with a capillary cohesion induced at the macroscopic scale. It is shown that interparticular menisci contribute to the soil resistance by increasing normal forces at contacts. In addition, more than the capillary pressure level or the degree of saturation, our findings highlight the importance of the density number of liquid bonds on the overall behaviour of the material

    The effects of packing structure on the effective thermal conductivity of granular media: A grain scale investigation

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    Structural characteristics are considered to be the dominant factors in determining the effective properties of granular media, particularly in the scope of transport phenomena. Towards improved heat management, thermal transport in granular media requires an improved fundamental understanding. In this study, the effects of packing structure on heat transfer in granular media are evaluated at macro- and grain-scales. At the grain-scale, a gas-solid coupling heat transfer model is adapted into a discrete-element-method to simulate this transport phenomenon. The numerical framework is validated by experimental data obtained using a plane source technique, and the Smoluschowski effect of the gas phase is found to be captured by this extension. By considering packings of spherical SiO2 grains with an interstitial helium phase, vibration induced ordering in granular media is studied, using the simulation methods developed here, to investigate how disorder-to-order transitions of packing structure enhance effective thermal conductivity. Grain-scale thermal transport is shown to be influenced by the local neighbourhood configuration of individual grains. The formation of an ordered packing structure enhances both global and local thermal transport. This study provides a structure approach to explain transport phenomena, which can be applied in properties modification for granular media.Comment: 11 figures, 29 page

    From liquid to solid bonding in cohesive granular media

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    We study the transition of a granular packing from liquid to solid bonding in the course of drying. The particles are initially wetted by a liquid brine and the cohesion of the packing is ensured by capillary forces, but the crystallization of the solute transforms the liquid bonds into partially cemented bonds. This transition is evidenced experimentally by measuring the compressive strength of the samples at regular intervals of times. Our experimental data reveal three regimes: 1) Up to a critical degree of saturation, no solid bonds are formed and the cohesion remains practically constant; 2) The onset of cementation occurs at the surface and a front spreads towards the center of the sample with a nonlinear increase of the cohesion; 3) All bonds are partially cemented when the cementation front reaches the center of the sample, but the cohesion increases rapidly due to the consolidation of cemented bonds. We introduce a model based on a parametric cohesion law at the bonds and a bond crystallization parameter. This model predicts correctly the phase transition and the relation between microscopic and macroscopic cohesion.Comment: 20
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