8 research outputs found

    What is Integration?

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    Relational integration: a response to Willem Schinkel

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    Protótipo didático automatizado de ventilação pulmonar exibe uma simulação de variações de pressão intratorácica durante a função diafragmática

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    The movement of air from the environment to the alveoli is a vital and complex phenomenon that occurs due to variations in intrathoracic and airway pressures in relation to the atmosphere. The construction of didactic prototypes can minimize the abstraction required in these in vivo phenomena. In this study, we automated a didactic prototype of pulmonary ventilation already described in literature to simulate and exhibit variations in intrathoracic pressure during diaphragmatic function. A pulmonary ventilation (PV) prototype was produced with recyclable materials, and automated by adapting a pressure sensor in the system to generate pressure curves as a function of time during the simulation of diaphragmatic function. The automated plunger’s downward traction induced by the servomotor (such as diaphragmatic) reduced the pressure inside the bottle (intrathoracic), and this variation can be observed graphically on a computer interface while the balloon was expanded, and atmospheric air invaded its interior. Conclusion: The incorporation of technology into a simple PV prototype allowed a safe and simulated demonstration of how the diaphragm induces the variation of the intrathoracic pressure in relation to the atmosphere concomitantly with the pulmonary deformation that occurs during inspiration and exhalation.O movimento do ar do ambiente para os alvéolos é um fenômeno vital e complexo que ocorre devido às variações nas pressões intratorácicas e nas vias aéreas em relação à atmosfera. A construção de protótipos didáticos pode minimizar a abstração necessária nestes fenômenos in vivo. Neste estudo, automatizamos um protótipo didático de ventilação pulmonar já descrito na literatura para simular e exibir variações na pressão intratorácica durante a função diafragmática. Um protótipo de ventilação pulmonar (PV) foi produzido com materiais recicláveis, e automatizado adaptando um sensor de pressão no sistema para gerar curvas de pressão em função do tempo durante a simulação da função diafragmática. A tração descendente do êmbolo automatizado induzida pelo servomotor (como o diafragmático) reduziu a pressão dentro da garrafa (intratorácica), e esta variação pode ser observada graficamente em uma interface de computador enquanto o balão foi expandido, e o ar atmosférico invadiu seu interior. Conclusão: A incorporação da tecnologia em um protótipo PV simples permitiu uma demonstração segura e simulada de como o diafragma induz a variação da pressão intratorácica em relação à atmosfera concomitantemente com a deformação pulmonar que ocorre durante a inspiração e a exalação

    The size and heterogeneity of egocentric networks and social integration in Hungary

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    "In this study we examine the relationship between objective and subjective dimensions of social integration and the size and the heterogeneity of egocentric network using nationally representative databases from Hungary. On the one hand, we define social integration with its ‘objective’ dimensions: a high level of trust and a high level of public participation. On the other hand, we analyse the ‘subjective’ or perceived component of integration as well, which is based on individuals’ self-evaluation of whether they are integrated or not. Subjective integration has two sides: external, which refers to the perception that someone feels that she is a respected part of society, and internal which means that she feels that she is recognised for being the person she is. Our results show that while the size and heterogeneity of the egocentric network associate positively, the proportion of relatives among strong ties correlates negatively with objective indicators of social integration. The heterogeneity of weak ties is related positively to public participation. The correlation between the size and composition of egocentric networks and subjective integration is less clear: the proportion of relatives among strong ties seems to be unrelated to the external side of perceived social integration, while it is associated positively with the internal side of subjective integration. The number of strong ties seems to be positively correlated with both sides of subjective integration.

    Comparative integration context theory: participation and belonging in new diverse European cities

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    Drawing upon results from the TIES survey on the second generation in eight European countries the authors propose a new perspective on integration or assimilation. The proposed comparative integration context theory argues that participation in social organizations and belonging to local communities across European cities is strongly dependent on the integration context. Differences in integration contexts include institutional arrangements in education, the labour market, housing, religion and legislation. Differences in the social and political context are especially important for social and cultural participation and belonging. The TIES data show high degrees of local involvement in the second generation and the dwindling centrality of single ethnic belongings - a reflection of the dramatically changing ethnic and (sub)cultural landscapes in cities in Europe. The article challenges established notions of ‘newcomers’ and ‘natives’, explores the ‘remaking of the mainstream’ and argues for the investigation of mobility pathways for a better understanding of integration or assimilation as on-going processes

    Les chemins de l'insertion (une étude empirique menée dans cinq pays européens pour une meilleure compréhension des processus d'insertion, d'exclusion et de reproduction des inégalités sociales )

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    Les populations précaires sont soumises à des déterminismes sociaux, Economiques et politiques, et en même temps, elles entrent dans des interactions qui impliquent la mise en place d'un processus d'insertion particulier, que j'appelle des " stratégies participatives d'insertion ". Les " stratégies participatives d'insertion " concilient les approches structurelles (inspirées de Karl Marx et de Pierre Bourdieu) avec les perspectives interactionnistes de Georg Simmel et de Norbert Elias. A partir d'un travail de terrain mené en France, en Allemagne, en Suède, aux Pays-Bas et au Royaume-Uni, la thèse questionne d'une part la définition de l'insertion ainsi que les modalités de participation des acteurs au sein du processus d'insertion et, d'autre part, les conditions qui influent sur la reproduction des inégalités sociales.Deprived populations are submitted to social, economic and political determinisms. At the same time, they interact in a social integration process, called " participative integration strategies ". These " participative integration strategies " combine a structural approach inspired by Karl Marx and Pierre Bourdieu with interactionist perspectives from Georg Simmel and Norbert Elias. Using fieldwork done in France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United-Kingdom, I am considering the possibility to conceptualise a consensual definition of social integration and to analyse conditions influencing social inequalities reproduction. The paths towards integration : empirical evidence from five European countries for a better understanding of integration, exclusion and processes of social inequality reproduction.NANCY2-BU Lettres (543952103) / SudocSudocFranceF