293,032 research outputs found

    Locative-Media Ethics: A Call for Protocols to Guide Interactions of People, Place, and Technologies

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    Imagine yourself wherever you were 20 years ago, and that an entrepreneurial, fresh-faced, and friendly young newsboy comes to your doorstep. He asks you to subscribe to the local paper. There is no cost to this subscription, he says, but, in exchange for community news, the boy must be allowed to come into your house and look at all of your photos, even the most intimate ones, making duplicates for his boss as he sees fit. As a part of this transaction, he also gets to copy down all of the details from your desk calendar, your Rolodex, your letters, your diary, your to-do lists, your bookcase, your documents from work, anything he comes across that he finds interesting. He gets to follow you around and gather even more information about what you do, where you go, and when. He can do all of this for as long as he wants, in whatever depth he wants, and however he wants, and then can use this information freely for some vague commercial purpose. For just a free subscription, would you have taken this deal

    Nude Home Teacher

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    Sierra “So there was this girl in my ward, Mariah, who I knew was an art student, so we decided to take ‘Drawing 2’ Together. So we’re taking Drawing 2 Together, they use nude models, it’s like whatever. Like the first couple times it’s weird and then it’s not weird anymore. So we get this email before class, from Ray, the Drawing professor and he’s like ‘Hey guys, just want to let you know
” cause we’ve used professional models up to this point. [Interjecting into his email quote] “
we’re having a student model come in today, so please be really cautious. When you come into class, please turn off your phone, and keep it in your backpack
 just so there’s no
. like just to protect yourself, so that there’s no accusations that you’re like taking photos or anything, make sure to be really respectful, please be on time
 blah blah blah” -- [Interrupted by waitress, the conversation side tracks to talking about the normal, professional models, includio Mario a frequent model for her class] -- Sierra: “so hE [Mario] was great to work with, so he [the professor] list’s off [that Mario would be coming] and the student’s name is like ‘whatever.’ And I’m just like skimming this email, and I’m like ‘whatever.’ And I’m like getting ready for class, and Mariah my next-door neighbor calls me and is like ‘Oh my Gosh Sierra, we can’t go to class today.’ And I’m like ‘Dude, we need to go to class, of course we need to go to class’ and she’s like ‘DID YOU NOT READ THE EMAIL?’ [said in a hushed yell voice] she’s freaking out at me, and I’m like ‘Mariah, I read the email, I don’t know why it’s such a big deal, like yeah, it’s a student model’ and she’s like ‘No did you read the name of who it is?’ and I’m like ‘yeah, but like I don’t know him’ she’s like ‘YES YOU DO! It’s Johnny in the ward, our home teacher!” [same hushed yell voice] and I was like ‘NNOOOOOOOOOOO’ and I’m like, ‘I’m not going, I can’t go to class, I can’t see my home teacher naked
’ Travis: “Did you GO?!” [Long pause] Sierra: “Well
” [Travis getting so excited to hear the end of this story, banging on the table] Sierra: “I made Mariah call him, I’m like ‘Call him and tell him: there are two girls in the ward in this class, and he will not show up, I guarantee it’ So she’s like ‘Okay.’ so she call’s him and tells him, and then she calls me back and says ‘he said he’s just going to stand it up, he’s not going to go’” Travis: “But doesn’t that effect like the whole class?” Me: “Stand it up”
”You get it?” [Me interjecting an inappropriate joke to laughter from Travis and rolled eyes from Sierra as she continues the story] Sierra: “So we just went to class, and like, he didn’t show up, and Ray was super mad, and was like ‘This guy called in sick at the last second’ and Mariah and i were like ‘well, too bad, lets get to work’
” Travis: “Come one why didn’t he just follow through with it, like he’s over at your house the next week, sharing some message from the Ensign [Mormon magazine] and you’re like ‘I’ve seen your penis’ that would just like hit you right then
” [story devolves into questions about nude models

    Review of \u3ci\u3eThe Guide to Oklahoma Wildflowers\u3c/i\u3e by Patricia Folley

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    Oklahoma is home to some 2,500 species of flowering plants. Patricia Folley has captured, in full color, some 200 striking and beautiful wildflowers. From the state wildflower (Gaillardia pulchella) to the state grass (Sorghastrum nutans), this wildflower guide covers plants growing in the Rocky Mountain foothills in the northwest to the cypress swamps of the southeast and a lot in between. Each species is illustrated with at least two photos showing the entire plant in its habitat and a closeup of its flower. The text offers a short description, followed by the geographic area of the state where the species grows, flowering time, and typical habitat. Common and scientific names are provided, but not the family name. The organization of the book is taxonomic, with monocots first, then followed by dicots with families (not noted) and genera in phylogenetic order-an arrangement the nonbotanist is likely to find difficult to follow. An organization by flower color would have made using the book for identification purposes much easier. The color index in the back of the book is organized into four color groups, then alphabetically by common name. Unless you know the common name, finding your plant by flower color can take time

    Review of \u3ci\u3eThe Guide to Oklahoma Wildflowers\u3c/i\u3e by Patricia Folley

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    Oklahoma is home to some 2,500 species of flowering plants. Patricia Folley has captured, in full color, some 200 striking and beautiful wildflowers. From the state wildflower (Gaillardia pulchella) to the state grass (Sorghastrum nutans), this wildflower guide covers plants growing in the Rocky Mountain foothills in the northwest to the cypress swamps of the southeast and a lot in between. Each species is illustrated with at least two photos showing the entire plant in its habitat and a closeup of its flower. The text offers a short description, followed by the geographic area of the state where the species grows, flowering time, and typical habitat. Common and scientific names are provided, but not the family name. The organization of the book is taxonomic, with monocots first, then followed by dicots with families (not noted) and genera in phylogenetic order-an arrangement the nonbotanist is likely to find difficult to follow. An organization by flower color would have made using the book for identification purposes much easier. The color index in the back of the book is organized into four color groups, then alphabetically by common name. Unless you know the common name, finding your plant by flower color can take time

    An Instagram is worth a thousand words: An industry panel and audience Q&A

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    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe the industry panel session hosted by Bond University Library at the Australian Library and Information Association's Information Online 2013 Conference. The panel was held to discuss the use and implications of professional Instagram profiles. The panel included a professional photographer, an internet marketing expert, a social media expert, a librarian and a social media‐savvy student. The inclusion of a range of perspectives from outside the library aimed to provide a holistic approach to the institutional use of Instagram and to provide inspiration. The panel took place on Wednesday 13 February 2013 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.Design/methodology/approachThe panel discussion covered three broad topic areas: the popularity of Instagram and listening to your audience. The risks, limitations and disadvantages of using Instagram. Engagement with followers and measuring the value of Instagram. Throughout the panel session live mobile polling was used to gather feedback and responses from the audience in regards to their photo‐sharing practices. Real examples from Instagram profiles were shared to stimulate discussion. The session concluded with a Q&amp;A session from the audience.FindingsThe session was attended by approximately 80 delegates. The results of the mobile polling will be included in the body of the article. Based on feedback from delegates on Twitter and Facebook (which was collated via Storify) the session was perceived as a useful introduction to a professional exploration of Instagram and photo sharing.Practical implicationsThe session was an opportunity for conference delegates to hear about Instagram use from professionals in other fields. Each panel member contributed a unique perspective on the use of Instagram. In particular, the inclusion of a current Bond University student on the panel allowed for a customer's perspective on the library's use of Instagram. This discussion and the feedback gathered from the audience has formed the basis for further evidence‐based research.Originality/valueTo date, few libraries are using Instagram. This discussion on the professional use of Instagram contributes to the body of knowledge about library social media use. It also extends the conversation to include mobile photo sharing, an area which has not been well addressed in the literature. This panel was unique in that it brought together professionals from other environments to reflect on library use of Instagram.</jats:sec

    Land Cover Site Selection

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    The purpose of the resource is to determine the major land cover type at a Land Cover Sample Site. Educational levels: Middle school, High school

    Engaging through social media. Part 1 social media explained

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    This guide is designed for youth project managers, and has the following aims "To explain social media technologies and functions using simple language. To provide you with the tools to increase interest and attendance at your project by working with young people and promoting your activities through social media.
