50,865 research outputs found

    Folding and unfolding phylogenetic trees and networks

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    Phylogenetic networks are rooted, labelled directed acyclic graphs which are commonly used to represent reticulate evolution. There is a close relationship between phylogenetic networks and multi-labelled trees (MUL-trees). Indeed, any phylogenetic network NN can be "unfolded" to obtain a MUL-tree U(N)U(N) and, conversely, a MUL-tree TT can in certain circumstances be "folded" to obtain a phylogenetic network F(T)F(T) that exhibits TT. In this paper, we study properties of the operations UU and FF in more detail. In particular, we introduce the class of stable networks, phylogenetic networks NN for which F(U(N))F(U(N)) is isomorphic to NN, characterise such networks, and show that they are related to the well-known class of tree-sibling networks.We also explore how the concept of displaying a tree in a network NN can be related to displaying the tree in the MUL-tree U(N)U(N). To do this, we develop a phylogenetic analogue of graph fibrations. This allows us to view U(N)U(N) as the analogue of the universal cover of a digraph, and to establish a close connection between displaying trees in U(N)U(N) and reconcilingphylogenetic trees with networks

    Symbolic dynamics for Lozi maps

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    In this paper we study the family of the Lozi maps La,b:R2β†’R2L_{a,b} : {\mathbb R}^2 \to {\mathbb R}^2, La,b=(1+yβˆ’a∣x∣,bx)L_{a,b} = (1 + y - a|x|, bx), and their strange attractors Ξ›a,b\Lambda_{a,b}. We introduce the set of kneading sequences for the Lozi map and prove that it determines the symbolic dynamics for that map. We also introduce two other equivalent approaches
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