420 research outputs found

    Robotic Automation of In Vivo Two-Photon Targeted Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Electrophysiology

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    Whole-cell patch-clamp electrophysiological recording is a powerful technique for studying cellular function. While in vivo patch-clamp recording has recently benefited from automation, it is normally performed “blind,” meaning that throughput for sampling some genetically or morphologically defined cell types is unacceptably low. One solution to this problem is to use two-photon microscopy to target fluorescently labeled neurons. Combining this with robotic automation is difficult, however, as micropipette penetration induces tissue deformation, moving target cells from their initial location. Here we describe a platform for automated two-photon targeted patch-clamp recording, which solves this problem by making use of a closed loop visual servo algorithm. Our system keeps the target cell in focus while iteratively adjusting the pipette approach trajectory to compensate for tissue motion. We demonstrate platform validation with patch-clamp recordings from a variety of cells in the mouse neocortex and cerebellum

    Quantum dot-based multiphoton fluorescent pipettes for targeted neuronal electrophysiology

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    Targeting visually identified neurons for electrophysiological recording is a fundamental neuroscience technique; however, its potential is hampered by poor visualization of pipette tips in deep brain tissue. We describe quantum dot-coated glass pipettes that provide strong two-photon contrast at deeper penetration depths than those achievable with current methods. We demonstrated the pipettes' utility in targeted patch-clamp recording experiments and single-cell electroporation of identified rat and mouse neurons in vitro and in vivo

    Two-photon targeted, quad whole-cell patch-clamping robot

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    We present an automated quad-channel patch-clamp technology platform for ex vivo brain slice electrophysiology, capable of both blind and two-photon targeted robotically automated patching. The robot scales up the patch-clamp single-cell recording technique to four simultaneous channels, with seal success rates for two-photon targeted and blind modes of 54% and 68% respectively. In 50% of targeted trials (where specific cells were required), two simultaneous recordings or more were obtained. For blind mode, most trials yielded dual or triple recordings. This robot, a milestone on the path to a true in vivo targeted robotic multi-patching technology platform, will allow numerous studies into the function and connectivity patterns of both primary and secondary cell types

    A versatile and open-source rapid LED switching system for one-photon imaging and photo-activation

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Battefeld, A., Popovic, M. A., van der Werf, D., & Kole, M. H. P. (2019). A versatile and open-source rapid LED switching system for one-photon imaging and photo-activation. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 12, (2019): 530. doi:10.3389/fncel.2018.00530.Combining fluorescence and transmitted light sources for microscopy is an invaluable method in cellular neuroscience to probe the molecular and cellular mechanisms of cells. This approach enables the targeted recording from fluorescent reporter protein expressing neurons or glial cells in brain slices and fluorescence-assisted electrophysiological recordings from subcellular structures. However, the existing tools to mix multiple light sources in one-photon microscopy are limited. Here, we present the development of several microcontroller devices that provide temporal and intensity control of light emitting diodes (LEDs) for computer controlled microscopy illumination. We interfaced one microcontroller with μManager for rapid and dynamic overlay of transmitted and fluorescent images. Moreover, on the basis of this illumination system we implemented an electronic circuit to combine two pulsed LED light sources for fast (up to 1 kHz) ratiometric calcium (Ca2+) imaging. This microcontroller enabled the calibration of intracellular Ca2+ concentration and furthermore the combination of Ca2+ imaging with optogenetic activation. The devices are based on affordable components and open-source hardware and software. Integration into existing bright-field microscope systems will take ∼1 day. The microcontroller based LED imaging substantially advances conventional illumination methods by limiting light exposure and adding versatility and speed.This work was supported by grants to MK: European Research Council (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement P261114, National Multiple Sclerosis Society grant (RG 4924A1/1) and a NWO-Vici grant 865.17.003. AB received a Grass Fellowship from the Grass Foundation

    Methods in Molecular Biology

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    Primary neuronal cell culture preparations are widely used to investigate synaptic functions. This chapter describes a detailed protocol for the preparation of a neuronal cell culture in which giant calyx-type synaptic terminals are formed. This chapter also presents detailed protocols for utilizing the main technical advantages provided by such a preparation, namely, labeling and imaging of synaptic organelles and electrophysiological recordings directly from presynaptic terminals

    Light-induced silencing of neural activity in Rosa26 knock-in and BAC transgenic mice conditionally expressing the microbial halorhodopsin eNpHR3

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    An engineered light-inducible chloride pump, Natronomonas pharaonis halorhodopsin 3 (eNpHR3) enables temporally and spatially precise inhibition of genetically defined cell populations in the intact nervous tissues. In this report, we show the generation of new mouse strains that express eNpHR3-EYFP fusion proteins after Cre- and/or Flp-mediated recombination to optically inhibit neuronal activity. In these mouse strains, Cre/Flp recombination induced high levels of opsin expression. We confirmed their light-induced activities by brain slice whole-cell patch clamp experiments. eNpHR3-expressing neurons were optically hyperpolarized and silenced from firing action potentials. In prolonged silencing of action potentials, eNpHR3 was superior to eNpHR2, a former version of the engineered pump. Thus, these eNpHR3 mouse strains offer reliable genetic tools for light-induced inhibiting of neuronal activity in defined sets of neurons

    Loss of Saltation and Presynaptic Action Potential Failure in Demyelinated Axons

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    In cortical pyramidal neurons the presynaptic terminals controlling transmitter release are located along unmyelinated axon collaterals, far from the original action potential (AP) initiation site, the axon initial segment (AIS). Once initiated, APs will need to reliably propagate over long distances and regions of geometrical inhomogeneity like branch points (BPs) to rapidly depolarize the presynaptic terminals and confer temporally precise synaptic transmission. While axon pathologies such as demyelinating diseases are well established to impede the fidelity of AP propagation along internodes, to which extent myelin loss affects propagation along BPs and axon collaterals is not well understood. Here, using the cuprizone demyelination model, we performed optical voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging from control and demyelinated layer 5 pyramidal neuron axons. In the main axon, we find that myelin loss switches the modality of AP propagation from rapid saltation towards a slow continuous wave. The duration of single AP waveforms at BPs or nodes was, however, only slightly briefer. In contrast, by using two-photon microscopy-guided loose-seal patch recordings from axon collaterals we revealed a presynaptic AP broadening in combination with a reduced velocity and frequency-dependent failure. Finally, internodal myelin loss was also associated with de novo sprouting of axon collaterals starting from the primary (demyelinated) axon. Thus, the loss of oligodendrocytes and myelin sheaths bears functional consequences beyond the main axon, impeding the temporal fidelity of presynaptic APs and affecting the functional and structural organization of synaptic connectivity within the neocortex

    Technologies to Study Action Potential Propagation With a Focus on HD-MEAs

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    Axons convey information in neuronal circuits via reliable conduction of action potentials (APs) from the axon initial segment (AIS) to the presynaptic terminals. Recent experimental findings increasingly evidence that the axonal function is not limited to the simple transmission of APs. Advances in subcellular-resolution recording techniques have shown that axons display activity-dependent modulation in spike shape and conduction velocity, which influence synaptic strength and latency. We briefly review here, how recent methodological developments facilitate the understanding of the axon physiology. We included the three most common methods, i.e., genetically encoded voltage imaging (GEVI), subcellular patch-clamp and high-density microelectrode arrays (HD-MEAs). We then describe the potential of using HD-MEAs in studying axonal physiology in more detail. Due to their robustness, amenability to high-throughput and high spatiotemporal resolution, HD-MEAs can provide a direct functional electrical readout of single cells and cellular ensembles at subcellular resolution. HD-MEAs can, therefore, be employed in investigating axonal pathologies, the effects of large-scale genomic interventions (e.g., with RNAi or CRISPR) or in compound screenings. A combination of extracellular microelectrode arrays (MEAs), intracellular microelectrodes and optical imaging may potentially reveal yet unexplored repertoires of axonal functions