2 research outputs found

    Using social robots for language learning: are we there yet?

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    Along with the development of speech and language technologies and growing market interest, social robots have attracted more academic and commercial attention in recent decades. Their multimodal embodiment offers a broad range of possibilities, which have gained importance in the education sector. It has also led to a new technology-based field of language education: robot-assisted language learning (RALL). RALL has developed rapidly in second language learning, especially driven by the need to compensate for the shortage of first-language tutors. There are many implementation cases and studies of social robots, from early government-led attempts in Japan and South Korea to increasing research interests in Europe and worldwide. Compared with RALL used for English as a foreign language (EFL), however, there are fewer studies on applying RALL for teaching Chinese as a foreign language (CFL). One potential reason is that RALL is not well-known in the CFL field. This scope review paper attempts to fill this gap by addressing the balance between classroom implementation and research frontiers of social robots. The review first introduces the technical tool used in RALL, namely the social robot, at a high level. It then presents a historical overview of the real-life implementation of social robots in language classrooms in East Asia and Europe. It then provides a summary of the evaluation of RALL from the perspectives of L2 learners, teachers and technology developers. The overall goal of this paper is to gain insights into RALL’s potential and challenges and identify a rich set of open research questions for applying RALL to CFL. It is hoped that the review may inform interdisciplinary analysis and practice for scientific research and front-line teaching in future

    Hizketa-ezagutzan oinarritutako estrategiak, euskarazko online OBHI (Ordenagailu Bidezko Hizkuntza Ikaskuntza) sistemetarako

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    211 p. (eng) 217 p. (eusk.)Tesi honetan, euskarazko hizketa-ezagutze automatikoaren bi inplementazio aztertzen dira, Ordenagailu Bidezko Hizkuntza Ikaskuntza (OBHI) sistemetarako: Ordenagailu Bidezko Ebakera Lanketa (OBEL) eta Ahozko Gramatika Praktika (AGP). OBEL sistema klasikoan, erabiltzaileari esaldi bat irakurrarazten zaio, eta fonema bakoitzerako puntuazio bat jasotzen du bueltan. AGPn, Hitzez Hitzeko Esaldi Egiaztapena (HHEE) teknika proposatu dugu, ariketak ebatzi ahala egiaztatzen dituen sistema. Bi sistemon oinarrian, esakuntza egiaztatzeko teknikak daude, Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP) puntuazioa, adibididez.Sistema horiek inplementatzeko, eredu akustikoak entrenatu behar dira, eta, horretarako, Basque Speecon-like datu-basea erabili dugu, euskararako publikoki erabilgarri dagoen datu-base bakarra. Eredu akustiko onak lortzearren, datu-basean egokitzapenak egin behar izan dira hiztegi alternatibadun bat sortuz, eta fasekako entrenamendua ere probatu da. % 12.21eko PER (fonemen errore-tasa) lortu da hala.Lehendabiziko sistema laborategiko baldintzetan testatu da, eta emaitza lehiakorrak lortu dira.Hala ere, tesi honetako OBEL eta AGP sistemen helburua da bezero/zerbitzari motako arkitektura batean ezartzea, ikasleek edonondik atzi dezaten. Hori ahalbidetzeko, HTML5eko zehaztapenak erabili dira audioa zerbitzarira grabatu ahala bidaltzeko, eta, gainera, onlineko batezbesteko- eta bariantza-normalizazio cepstraleko (CMVN, Cepstral Mean and Variance Normalisation) teknika berri bat proposatu da erabiltzaileek grabatutako audio-seinaleen kanal desberdintasunen eragina txikiagotzeko. Teknika hori tesi honetan aurkeztutako metodo batean oinarriturik dago: normalizazio anitzeko puntuatzea (MNS, Multi Normalization Scoring), eta onlineko ahots-aktibitatearen detektagailu (VAD, Voice Activity Detector) berri bat ere proposatu da metodo horretan oinarriturik. Azkenik, parametro desberdinak ebaluatu dira neurona-sareak erabiliz, eta ondorioztatu da GOP puntuazioa dela eraginkorrena