98 research outputs found

    Multinet : enabler for next generation enterprise wireless services

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    Wireless communications are currently experiencing a fast migration toward the beyond third-generation (B3G)/fourth generation (4G) era. This represents a generational change in wireless systems: new capabilities related to mobility and new services support is required and new concepts as individual-centric, user-centric or ambient-aware communications are included. One of the main restrictions associated to wireless technology is mobility management, this feature was not considered in the design phase; for this reason, a complete solution is not already found, although different solutions are proposed and are being proposed. In MULTINET project, features as mobility and multihoming are applied to wireless network to provide the necessary network and application functionality enhancements for seamless data communication mobility considering end-user scenario and preferences. The aim of this paper is to show the benefits of these functionalities from the Service Providers and final User point of view

    Design and evaluation of dynamic policy-based flow redirection for multihomed mobile netwotks

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    This paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a solution for dynamic redirection of traffic flows for multihomed mobile networks. The solution was developed for a mobile user that disposes of a Personal Area Network (PAN) with a Personal Mobile Router (PMR), in order to achieve Always Best Connected(ABC) service by distributing flows belonging to different applications among the most appropriate access networks. Designed in a modular way for a NEMO based mobility and multihoming support, the proposed flow redirection solution can be easily coupled with and controlled by dynamic traffic policies that come from advanced network intelligence, according to the currently available network resources and user and application requirements. A prototype implementation was validated and assessed on a testbed as proof-of-concept

    Network-based localized IP mobility management: Proxy Mobile IPv6 and current trends in standardization

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    IP mobility support has been a hot topic over the last years, recently fostered by the role of IP in the evolution of the 3G mobile communication networks. Standardization bodies, namely IETF, IEEE and 3GPP are working on different aspects of the mobility aiming at improving the mobility experience perceived by users. Traditional IP mobility support mechanisms, Mobile IPv4 or Mobile IPv6, are based on the operation of the terminal to keep ongoing sessions despite the movement. The current trend is towards network-based solutions where mobility support is based on network operation. Proxy Mobile IPv6 is a promising specification that allows network operators to provide localized mobility support without relying on mobility functionality or configuration present in the mobile nodes, which greatly eases the deployment of the solution. This paper presents Proxy Mobile IPv6 and the different extensions that are been considered by the standardization bodies to enhance the basic protocol with interesting features needed to offer a richer mobility experience, namely, flow mobility, multicast and network mobility support.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramThe research leading to the results presented in this paper has received funding from the Spanish MICINN through the I-MOVING project (TEC2010-18907) and from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 258053 (MEDIEVAL project).Publicad

    Client-based and Cross-layer Optimized Flow Mobility for Android Devices in Heterogeneous Femtocell/Wi-Fi Networks*

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    AbstractThe number of subscribers accessing Internet resources from mobile and wireless devices has been increasing continually since i-mode, the first mobile Internet service launched in 1999. The handling and support of dramatic growth of mobile data traffic create serious challenges for the network operators. Due to the spreading of WLAN networks and the proliferation of multi-access devices, offloading from 3G to Wi-Fi seems to be a promising step towards the solution. To solve the bandwidth limitation and coverage issues in 3G/4G environments, femtocells became key players. These facts motivate the design and development of femtocell/Wi-Fi offloading schemes. Aiming to support advanced offloading in heterogeneous networks, in this paper we propose a client-based, cross-layer optimized flow mobility architecture for Android devices in femtocell/Wi-Fi access environments. The paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation details of the aforementioned mechanisms

    Crypton: CRYptographic Prefixes for Route Optimization in NEMO

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    Proceedings of: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010), 23-27 May, 2010, Cape Town, South AfricaThe aviation community is in the process of designing the next generation Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN), based on Internet standards, to provide airground communications for the aircraft. Support for mobile networks in the current Internet architecture is provided by the NEtwork Mobility (NEMO) protocol. As currently defined, NEMO Basic Support protocol lacks of Route Optimization support which is an essential requirement for its adoption as part of the next generation ATN. This paper presents a novel security tool, the Crypto Prefixes, and their application to the Route Optimization in Nemo (CRYPTRON). The Crypto Prefixes are IPv6 prefixes with embedded cryptographic information that enable the Mobile Network Prefix proof-of ownership without any centralized trust infrastructure. In CRYPTRON, the Crypto Prefixes are used to protect the establishment of the bindings on the Correspondent Nodes for the whole Mobile Network PrefixEuropean Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad

    Performance analysis of a highly available home agent in mobile networks

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    Network Mobility as a service is provided by the NEMO protocol in IPv6 environments. NEMO is an extension to MIPv6, and thus inherits the same reliability problems of MIPv6. MIPv6 is not reliable because the Home Agent (HA) is a single point of failure. In order to provide real-time services for MIPv6 networks, reliability should be considered as part of any high availability solution used to deploy Mobile IPv6 networks. Approach: Many approaches have been taken to solve the problem of HA as a single point of failure. In our proposed solution, failure detection and recovery is handled by the home agent. Therefore, recovery is transparent to the mobile network. Results: In this work we opted for using HA redundancy to provide a highly available home agent solution which achieves recovery times suitable for real-time applications

    Towards an architecture to support complex multihomed mobility scenarios

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    In this paper, we present the Multihomed Mobile Network Architecture (MMNA), a comprehensive multihomed mobility solution for complex nested mobility scenarios. It provides a multihoming management mechanism for gateway discovery and selection, on top of an efficient multihomed mobility model integrating different mobility and multihoming protocols. We describe how the MMNA was experimentally implemented and evaluated in a testbed setup. We first validated the capabilities of the solution in terms of different multihoming features, namely load sharing, link failure recovery, and preference setting. We then examined the effectiveness and feasibility of the MMNA solution considering a use case example of a search and rescue scenario. The results highlight the practicality and advantages of deploying the MMNA solution into realistic scenarios