28 research outputs found

    A Study of Geocast Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET)

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    Geocast routing has been comprehensively investigated for consistent and well-organized spreading of information due to growing number of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications favouring geocasting. Freshly, different geocast routing protocol have been developed in vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). In this paper, a qualitative survey of recent geocast routing protocols and some specific future research issues in geocast routing have been provided. A practical and qualitative explanation of each considered protocols have been presented. All the considered protocols have been relatively characterized. This relative study leads us towards some future research challenges in geocast routing. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150519

    The Ex Hoc Infrastructure Framework: Enhancing Traffic Safety through LIfe Warning Systems

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    New pervasive computing technologies for sensing and communication open up novel possibilities for enhancing traffic safety. We are currently designing and implementing the Ex Hoc infrastructure framework for communication among mobile and stationary units including vehicles. The infrastructure will connect sensing devices on vehicles with sensing devices on other vehicles and with stationary communication units placed alongside roads. The current application of Ex Hoc is to enable the collection and dissemination of information on road condition through LIfe Warning Systems (LIWAS) units

    On the Application of Zone Flooding in a Traffic Warning System

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    The LIWAS Traffic Warning System aims at providing early warning to vehicles about slippery conditions on the road. The LIWAS system is currently under development and consists of two main parts: sensors for measuring and classifying the state of the road, and a communication infrastructure for distributing road-state information to vehicles. This paper concentrates on the communication infrastructure, and considers the application of zone flooding for implementing the distribution of road-state information. Zone flooding combines flooding and geocasting to distribute road-state information in a geographically bounded area. To evaluate the applicability of zone flooding in the LIWAS system, a simulation model has been created using the Network Simulator 2. The simulation model captures a representative road-scenario and has been used to evaluate several flooding protocols when used to implement zone flooding. The primary evaluationcriteria are the load on the network and the capability to warn other vehicles in time

    Probabilistic Road-Aware Geocast In VANETs

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    Geocast is a communication technique to disseminate information in specific geographic regions instead of node addresses. Traffic congestion, accidents, local hazards and digital content sharing are potential use cases of information sharing in VANETs. Recently, several approaches for geocast routing have been proposed to achieve high delivery ratios. These approaches consider a center point and radius to define the destination region also called geocast region. They focus only on routing scheme to enhance the delivery ratio and delays. However, these approaches do not consider the target region selection problem in the geocast routing. In this paper, we propose a novel application-level mechanism for sharing road conditions, such as accidents, detours and congestion in VANETs through probabilistic road-aware geocast routing. We assign probabilities to the roads around each intersection in the neighborhood road network of the source vehicle. We then build a spanning tree of roads (from graph representation of the road network) with information source as the root node. Nodes below the root represent junctions and edges represent inter-connecting road segments. Messages propagate along the branches of the spanning tree. The spanning tree represents the geocast region. As the information propagates down the branches, probability of road as geocast region decreases. Information is propagated until a threshold probability is reached. Our method also ensures that messages are not delivered to irrelevant vehicles irrespective of their proximity to the source. We evaluate our application through extensive and realistic simulations in ns-3 simulator using IDM car following and MOBIL lane change models for realistic modeling of vehicle mobility

    A Gossip-based optimistic replication for efficient delay-sensitive streaming using an interactive middleware support system

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    While sharing resources the efficiency is substantially degraded as a result of the scarceness of availability of the requested resources in a multiclient support manner. These resources are often aggravated by many factors like the temporal constraints for availability or node flooding by the requested replicated file chunks. Thus replicated file chunks should be efficiently disseminated in order to enable resource availability on-demand by the mobile users. This work considers a cross layered middleware support system for efficient delay-sensitive streaming by using each device's connectivity and social interactions in a cross layered manner. The collaborative streaming is achieved through the epidemically replicated file chunk policy which uses a transition-based approach of a chained model of an infectious disease with susceptible, infected, recovered and death states. The Gossip-based stateful model enforces the mobile nodes whether to host a file chunk or not or, when no longer a chunk is needed, to purge it. The proposed model is thoroughly evaluated through experimental simulation taking measures for the effective throughput Eff as a function of the packet loss parameter in contrast with the effectiveness of the replication Gossip-based policy.Comment: IEEE Systems Journal 201

    TDMA-aware Routing Protocol for Multi-hop Communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    International audienceVehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) have become an emerging technology due to the variety of their applicationsin Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). By creating a vehicular network, each vehicle can exchange information toinform drivers in other vehicles about the current status of the traffic flow or a dangerous situation. Multi-hop communicationsis an effective method that can be used for information exchange over distances greater than the transmission range of thetransmitting vehicle. However, it is a great challenge to ensure a stable multi-hop communication link with a low delivery delaydue to the high mobility of the vehicles involved. The goal of this paper is to design a TDMA aware Routing Protocolfor Multi-hop wireless vehicular ad hoc networks (TRPM) in order to provide the ability to transmit/receive packets over longdistances. The proposed routing scheme is based on a medium access control protocol, in which the intermediate vehicles areselected based on the TDMA scheduling. The simulation results reveal that our routing protocol significantly outperforms otherprotocols in terms of average end-to-end delay, average number of relay vehicles and the average delivery ratio