1,546 research outputs found

    System Dynamics Model of Shanghai Passenger Transportation Structure Evolution

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    AbstractBased on the data from a comprehensive transportation survey of Shanghai in 2004 and 2009, this paper analyzed the evolution of urban passenger transportation structure using the system dynamics approach. A system dynamics model of Shanghai passenger transportation structure evolution is proposed, which consists of setting modeling targets, establishing transportation system boundaries, causality analysis, establishing flow diagram, parameter estimation and model validation

    Understanding taxi travel demand patterns through Floating Car Data

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    This paper analyses the current structure of taxi service use in Rome, processing taxi Floating Car Data (FCD). The methodology used to pass from the original data to data useful for the demand analyses is described. Further, the patterns of within-day and day-to-day service demand are reported, considering the origin, the destination and other characteristics of the trips (e.g. travel time). The analyses reported in the paper can help the definition of space-temporal characteristics of future Shared Autonomous Electrical Vehicles (SAEVs) demand in mobility scenarios

    Using mobility information to perform a feasibility study and the evaluation of spatio-temporal energy demanded by an electric taxi fleet

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    Half of the global population already lives in urban areas, facing to the problem of air pollution mainly caused by the transportation system. The recently worsening of urban air quality has a direct impact on the human health. Replacing today’s internal combustion engine vehicles with electric ones in public fleets could provide a deep impact on the air quality in the cities. In this paper, real mobility information is used as decision support for the taxi fleet manager to promote the adoption of electric taxi cabs in the city of San Francisco, USA. Firstly, mobility characteristics and energy requirements of a single taxi are analyzed. Then, the results are generalized to all vehicles from the taxi fleet. An electrificability rate of the taxi fleet is generated, providing information about the number of current trips that could be performed by electric taxis without modifying the current driver mobility patterns. The analysis results reveal that 75.2% of the current taxis could be replaced by electric vehicles, considering a current standard battery capacity (24–30 kWh). This value can increase significantly (to 100%), taking into account the evolution of the price and capacity of the batteries installed in the last models of electric vehicles that are coming to the market. The economic analysis shows that the purchasing costs of an electric taxi are bigger than conventional one. However, fuel, maintenance and repair costs are much lower. Using the expected energy consumption information evaluated in this study, the total spatio-temporal demand of electric energy required to recharge the electric fleet is also calculated, allowing identifying optimal location of charging infrastructure based on realistic routing patterns. This information could also be used by the distribution system operator to identify possible reinforcement actions in the electric grid in order to promote introducing electric vehicles

    Synergies between app-based car-related shared mobility services for the development of more profitable business models

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    Purpose: Emerging shared mobility services are an opportunity for cities to reduce the number of car single trips to both improve traffic congestion and the environment. Users of shared mobility services, such as carsharing, ridesharing and singular and shared ride-hailing services, often need to be customers of more than one service to cover all their transport needs, since few mobility providers offer more than one of these services from a single platform. On the other hand, providers offering these services separately do not optimize costly resources and activities, such as the vehicles or the technology. Hence, the aim of this paper is to find synergies between the different app-based car-related shared mobility services that foster the development of new business models, to increase the profitability of these services. Design/methodology/approach: The research approach is built on the literature of car-related shared mobility services business models, supported by the review of certain outstanding services websites, and face-to-face interviews with users and drivers of these transport services. The analysis is presented by means of the Business Model Canvas methodology. Findings: Based on the synergies found, this paper suggests a few different approaches for services to share some resources and activities. Originality/value: This study identifies the common features of carsharing, ridesharing and singular and shared ride-hailing services to develop more profitable business models, based on providing the services in aggregated form, or outsourcing activities and resources. In addition, the implications of these proposals are discussed as advantages and drawbacks from a business perspectivePeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Electric Two-Wheelers in China: Analysis ofEnvironmental, Safety, and Mobility Impacts

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    Electric powered two-wheel bicycles, while extremely popular in China, have been recently banned by policy makers due to safety, congestion, and environmental concerns. This study investigates the tremendous growth of electric two wheel bicycles in China and compares and quantifies their environmental and safety impacts with the impacts of alternative modes of transportation, such as traditional bicycles, public transportation, or personal cars. The research also analyzes the benefits of electric two wheel bicycles, such as increased mobility and access to opportunities. Additionally, the author looks at the impacts of prohibiting the use of electric bicycles. Two case studies are carried out in Kunming and Shanghai, cities that have similar electric bicycle use but with very distinct differences

    Private car O-D flow estimation based on automated vehicle monitoring data: theoretical issues and empirical evidence

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    Data on the daily activity of private cars form the basis of many studies in the field of transportation engineering. In the past, in order to obtain such data, a large number of collection techniques based on travel diaries and driver interviews were used. Telematics applied to vehicles and to a broad range of economic activities has opened up new opportunities for transportation engineers, allowing a significant increase in the volume and detail level of data collected. One of the options for obtaining information on the daily activity of private cars now consists of processing data from automated vehicle monitoring (AVM). Therefore, in this context, and in order to explore the opportunity offered by telematics, this paper presents a methodology for obtaining origin–destination flows through basic info extracted from AVM/floating car data (FCD). Then, the benefits of such a procedure are evaluated through its implementation in a real test case, i.e., the Veneto region in northern Italy where full-day AVM/FCD data were available with about 30,000 vehicles surveyed and more than 388,000 trips identified. Then, the goodness of the proposed methodology for O-D flow estimation is validated through assignment to the road network and comparison with traffic count data. Taking into account aspects of vehicle-sampling observations, this paper also points out issues related to sample representativeness, both in terms of daily activities and spatial coverage. A preliminary descriptive analysis of the O-D flows was carried out, and the analysis of the revealed trip patterns is presented

    Taxi services and the carsharing alternative: a case study of Valencia city

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    [EN] The public's awareness of pollution in cities is growing. The decrease of carbon dioxide emissions from the use of fossil-fuel-powered cars stands out among the different viable alternatives. To this purpose, more sustainable options, such as carsharing fleets, could be used to replace private automobiles and other services such as taxis. This type of vehicle, which is usually electric, is becoming more common in cities, providing a green mobility option. In this research, we use multi-agent simulations to examine the efficiency of the current taxi fleet in Valencia. After that, we evaluate various carsharing fleet arrangements. Our findings demonstrate the possibility for a mix of the two types of fleets to meet present demand while also improving the city's sustainability.This work is partially supported by grant RTI2018-095390-B-C31 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe". Pasqual Martí is supported by grant ACIF/2021/259 funded by the "Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital de la Generalitat Valenciana". Jaume Jordán is supported by grant IJC2020-045683-I funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR". Pablo Chamoso is supported by grant CCTT3/20/SA/0002 (AIR-SCity project), funded by Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León, and the European Regional Development Fund.Martí, P.; Jordán, J.; Chamoso, P.; Julian, V. (2022). Taxi services and the carsharing alternative: a case study of valencia city. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 19(7):6680-6698. https://doi.org/10.3934/mbe.202231466806698197L. Rayle, D. Dai, N. Chan, R. Cervero, S. Shaheen, Just a better taxi? a survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in san francisco, Transp. Policy, 45 (2016), 168–178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2015.10.004R. 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