3,260 research outputs found

    Routing for Flying Networks using Software-Defined Networking

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    Nos últimos anos, os Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (UAVs) estão a ser usados de forma crescente em inúmeras aplicações, tanto militares como civis. A sua miniaturização e o preço reduzido abriram o caminho para o uso de enxames de UAVs, que permitem melhores resultados na realização de tarefas em relação a UAVs independentes. Contudo, para permitir a cooperação entre UAVs, devem ser asseguradas comunicações contínuas e fiáveis.Além disso, os enxames de UAVs foram identificados pela comunidade científica como meio para permitir o acesso à Internet a utilizadores terrestres em cenários como prestação de socorros e Eventos Temporários Lotados (TCEs), tirando partido da sua capacidade para transportar Pontos de Acesso (APs) Wi-Fi e células Long-Term Evolution (LTE). Soluções que dependem de uma Estação de Controlo (CS) capaz de posicionar os UAVs de acordo com as necessidades de tráfego dos utilizadores demonstraram aumentar a Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) oferecida pela rede. No entanto, estas soluções introduzem desafios importantes no que diz respeito ao encaminhamento do tráfego.Recentemente, foi proposta uma solução que tira partido do conhecimento da CS sobre o estado futuro da rede para atualizar dinamicamente as tabelas de encaminhamento de modo a que as ligações na rede voadora não sejam interrompidas, em vez de se recuperar da sua interrupção, como é o caso na maioria dos protocolos de encaminhamento existentes. Apesar de não considerar o impacto das reconfigurações na rede de acesso, como consequência da mobilidade dos APs, ou o balanceamento da carga na rede, esta abordagem é promissora e merece ser desenvolvida e implementada num sistema real.Esta dissertação tem como foco a implementação de um protocolo de encaminhamento para redes voadoras baseado em Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Especificamente, aborda os problemas de mobilidade e de balanceamento da carga na rede de uma perspetiva centralizada, garantindo simultaneamente comunicações ininterruptas e de banda-larga entre utilizadores terrestres e a Internet, permitindo assim que os UAVs se possam reposicionar e reconfigurar sem interferir com as ligações dos terminais à rede.In recent years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are being increasingly used in various applications, both military and civilian. Their miniaturisation and low cost paved the way to the usage of swarms of UAVs, which provide better results when performing tasks compared to single UAVs. However, to enable cooperation between the UAVs, always-on and reliable communications must be ensured.Moreover, swarms of UAVs are being targeted by the scientific community as a way to provide Internet access to ground users in scenarios such as disaster reliefs and Temporary Crowded Events (TCEs), taking advantage of the capability of UAVs to carry Wi-Fi Access Points (APs) or Long-Term Evolution (LTE) cells. Solutions relying on a Control Station (CS) capable of positioning the UAVs according to the users' traffic demands have been shown to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) provided by the network. However, they introduce important challenges regarding network routing.Recently, a solution was proposed to take advantage of the knowledge provided by a CS regarding how the network will change, by dynamically updating the forwarding tables before links in the flying network are disrupted, rather than recovering from link failure, as is the case in most of the existing routing protocols. Although it does not consider the impact of reconfigurations on the access network due to the mobility of the APs, it is a promising approach worthy of being improved and implemented in a real system.This dissertation focuses on implementing a routing solution for flying networks based on Software-Defined Networking (SDN). Specifically, it addresses the mobility management and network load balancing issues from a centralised perspective, while simultaneously enabling uninterruptible and broadband communications between ground users and the Internet, thus allowing UAVs to reposition and reconfigure themselves without interfering with the terminals' connections to the network

    On the realization of VANET using named data networking: On improvement of VANET using NDN-based routing, caching, and security

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    Named data networking (NDN) presents a huge opportunity to tackle some of the unsolved issues of IP-based vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). The core characteristics of NDN such as the name-based routing, in-network caching, and built-in data security provide better management of VANET proprieties (e.g., the high mobility, link intermittency, and dynamic topology). This study aims at providing a clear view of the state-of-the-art on the developments in place, in order to leverage the characteristics of NDN in VANET. We resort to a systematic literature review (SLR) to perform a reproducible study, gathering the proposed solutions and summarizing the main open challenges on implementing NDN-based VANET. There exist several related studies, but they are more focused on other topics such as forwarding. This work specifically restricts the focus on VANET improvements by NDN-based routing (not forwarding), caching, and security. The surveyed solution herein presented is performed between 2010 and 2021. The results show that proposals on the selected topics for NDN-based VANET are recent (mainly from 2016 to 2021). Among them, caching is the most investigated topic. Finally, the main findings and the possible roadmaps for further development are highlighted

    Flexible HW-SW design and analysis of an MMT-based MANET system on FPGA

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    Recently there has been a rapid growth of research interests in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). Their infrastructureless and dynamic nature demands that new strategies be implemented on a robust wireless communication platform in order to provide efficient end-to-end communication. Many routing algorithms have been developed to serve this purpose. This thesis investigated Multi-Meshed Tree (MMT) algorithm, an integrated solution that combines routing, clustering and medium access control operations based on a common multi-meshed tree concept. It provides the robustness and redundancy inherent in mesh topologies and uses the tree branches to deliver packets. MMT is the first of its kind that enables a single algorithm to form multiple proactive routes within a cluster while supporting reactive routes between different clusters. Recent published research and simulations have shown its favorable features and results. To explore the MMT algorithm\u27s novel feature in real systems against simulation work, this work adopts Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) as the platform for wireless system implementations. Full hardware and various System-on-Chip Hardware-Software designs are developed and studied, providing a design practice that contributes to low-cost system development in the field of MANET by utilizing the evolving FPGA technology. The results show that the MMT-based systems functioned accurately and effectively; in all proposed test scenarios they demonstrated many of the features that a desired MANET routing algorithm should have: high transmission success rate, low latency, scalability, few queued packets and low overhead. The results give valuable insights into the MMT algorithm\u27s performance and facilitate its future improvements

    Design of an UAV swarm

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    This master thesis tries to give an overview on the general aspects involved in the design of an UAV swarm. UAV swarms are continuoulsy gaining popularity amongst researchers and UAV manufacturers, since they allow greater success rates in task accomplishing with reduced times. Appart from this, multiple UAVs cooperating between them opens a new field of missions that can only be carried in this way. All the topics explained within this master thesis will explain all the agents involved in the design of an UAV swarm, from the communication protocols between them, navigation and trajectory analysis and task allocation

    Flexible handover solution for vehicular ad-hoc networks based on software defined networking and fog computing

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    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) suffer from dynamic network environment and topological instability that caused by high mobility feature and varying vehicles density. Emerging 5G mobile technologies offer new opportunities to design improved VANET architecture for future intelligent transportation system. However, current software defined networking (SDN) based handover schemes face poor handover performance in VANET environment with notable issues in connection establishment and ongoing communication sessions. These poor connectivity and inflexibility challenges appear at high vehicles speed and high data rate services. Therefore, this paper proposes a flexible handover solution for VANET networks by integrating SDN and fog computing (FC) technologies. The SDN provides global knowledge, programmability and intelligence functions for simplified and efficient network operation and management. FC, on the other hand, alleviates the core network pressure by providing real time computation and transmission functionalities at edge network to maintain the demands of delay sensitive applications. The proposed solution overcomes frequent handover challenges and reduces the processing overhead at core network. Moreover, the simulation evaluation shows significant handover performance improvement of the proposed solution compared to current SDN based schemes, especially in terms of handover latency and packet loss ratio under various simulation environments

    Applicability of network coding with location based addressing over a simplified VANETmodel

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, 2016The design and implementation of network coding into a location based ad- dressing algorithm for VANET has been investigated. Theoretical analysis of the network coding algorithm has been done by using a simplified topology called the ladder topology. The theoretical models were shown to describe the way that network coding and standard location based addressing works over the VANET network. All tests were performed over simulation. Network coding was shown to improve performance by a factor of 1.5 to 2 times in both simulation and theoretical models. The theoretical models demonstrate a fundamental limit to how much network coding can improve performance by, and these were confirmed by the simulations. Network coding does have a susceptibility to interference, but the other benefits of the techniques are substantial despite this. Network coding demonstrates strong possibilities for future development for VANET protocols. The ladder topology is an important tool for future analysis.G

    Wireless Communications Challenges to Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANET)

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    The increasing demand for Internet access from more and more different devices in recent years has provided a challenge for companies and the academic community to research and develop new solutions that support the increasing flow in the network, applications that require very low latencies and more dynamic and scalable infrastructures, in this context the mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) emerged as a possible solution and applying this technology in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) was developed the flying ad hoc networks (FANETs) which are wireless networks independent, its main characteristics are to have high mobility, scalability for different applications and scenarios and robustness to deal with possible communication failures. However, they still have several constraints such as limited flight time of UAVs and routing protocols that are capable of supporting network dynamics. To analyze this scenario, two simulations were developed where it was possible to observe the behavior of FANET with different routing protocols both during data transmission and video transmission. The results show that the choice of the best routing protocol must take into account the mobility of the UAVs and the necessary communication priority in the network

    Cloud Computing in VANETs: Architecture, Taxonomy, and Challenges

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    Cloud Computing in VANETs (CC-V) has been investigated into two major themes of research including Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) and Vehicle using Cloud (VuC). VCC is the realization of autonomous cloud among vehicles to share their abundant resources. VuC is the efficient usage of conventional cloud by on-road vehicles via a reliable Internet connection. Recently, number of advancements have been made to address the issues and challenges in VCC and VuC. This paper qualitatively reviews CC-V with the emphasis on layered architecture, network component, taxonomy, and future challenges. Specifically, a four-layered architecture for CC-V is proposed including perception, co-ordination, artificial intelligence and smart application layers. Three network component of CC-V namely, vehicle, connection and computation are explored with their cooperative roles. A taxonomy for CC-V is presented considering major themes of research in the area including design of architecture, data dissemination, security, and applications. Related literature on each theme are critically investigated with comparative assessment of recent advances. Finally, some open research challenges are identified as future issues. The challenges are the outcome of the critical and qualitative assessment of literature on CC-V