8 research outputs found

    Challenges to describe QoS requirements for web services quality prediction to support web services interoperability in electronic commerce

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    Quality of service (QoS) is significant and necessary for web service applications quality assurance. Furthermore, web services quality has contributed to the successful implementation of Electronic Commerce (EC) applications. However, QoS is still the big issue for web services research and remains one of the main research questions that need to be explored. We believe that QoS should not only be measured but should also be predicted during the development and implementation stages. However, there are challenges and constraints to determine and choose QoS requirements for high quality web services. Therefore, this paper highlights the challenges for the QoS requirements prediction as they are not easy to identify. Moreover, there are many different perspectives and purposes of web services, and various prediction techniques to describe QoS requirements. Additionally, the paper introduces a metamodel as a concept of what makes a good web service

    A rule driven approach for developing adaptive service oriented business collaboration

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    Current composite web service development and management solutions, e.g. BPEL, do not cater for flexible and adaptive business collaborations due to their pre-defined and inflexible nature that precludes them accommodating business dynamics. In this paper we propose a rule driven approach for adaptive business collaboration development in which rules drive and govern the development process. We introduce the Business Collaboration Development Framework (BCDF), which provides enterprizes with the context to define their capabilities and business collaboration agreements. Subsequently, we explain how rules can drive and control the business collaboration development process to develop complete, correct and consistent business collaboration agreements that are conform the conditions under which parties wish to cooperate.12 page(s

    State of runtime adaptation in service-oriented systems:what, where, when, how and right

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    Software as a Service reflects a ‘service-oriented’ approach to software development that is based on the notion of composing applications by discovering and invoking network-available services to accomplish some task. However, as more business organisations adopt service-oriented solutions and the demands on them grow, the problem of ensuring that the software systems can adapt fast and effectively to changing business needs, changes in their runtime environment and failures in provided services has become an increasingly important research problem. Dynamic adaptation has been proposed as a way to address the problem. However, for adaptation to be effective several other factors need to be considered. This study identifies the key factors that influence runtime adaptation in service-oriented systems (SOSs) and examines how well they are addressed in 29 adaptation approaches intended to support SOSs

    A self-learning framework for validation of runtime adaptation in service-oriented systems

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    Ensuring that service-oriented systems can adapt quickly and effectively to changes in service quality, business needs and their runtime environment is an increasingly important research problem. However, while considerable research has focused on developing runtime adaptation frameworks for service-oriented systems, there has been little work on assessing how effective the adaptations are. Effective adaptation ensures the system remains relevant in a changing environment. One way to address the problem is through validation. Validation allows us to assess how well a recommended adaptation addresses the concerns for which the system is reconfigured and provides us with insights into the nature of problems for which different adaptations are suited. However, the dynamic nature of runtime adaptation and the changeable contexts in which service-oriented systems operate make it difficult to specify appropriate validation mechanisms in advance. This thesis describes a novel consumer-centred approach that uses machine learning to continuously validate and refine runtime adaptation in service-oriented systems, through model-based clustering and deep learning. To evaluate the efficacy of the approach a medium sized health care case study was devised and implemented. The results obtained show that self-validation significantly improves the dynamic adaptation process by autonomously addressing changing user requirements at runtime. Further work in this area can improve the framework by integrating other learning algorithms as well as testing the framework on a larger case study

    On the Development and Management of Adaptive Business Collaborations.

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    Today’s business climate demands a high rate of change with which Information Technology (IT)-minded organizations are required to cope. Organizations face rapidly changing market conditions, new competitive pressures, new regulatory fiats that demand compliance, and new competitive threats. All of these situations and more drive the need for the IT infrastructure of an organization to respond quickly in support of new business models and requirements. This dissertation studies the adaptive development and management of such dynamic business models and requirements. A rule based environment is developed in which the people who develop and manage business collaborations in organizations can do so in a way that is as independent of specific implementation technologies as possible; and where they can take business requirements into consideration, and in which they can respond to changes as effectively as possible.

    Frameworks and models to identify and increase the success potential of e-services

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Über die Anwendung des service-orientierten Architekturstils auf heterogene Anwendungslandschaften

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    This thesis investigates the application of the service-oriented architectural style in the context of industrial enterprises. This style provides a commonly perceived paradigm for organizing distributed software systems. However, beyond general attention to this style, there are only few descriptions of the difference between service orientation and more mature styles, such as component orientation. This dissertation argues that the service-oriented style is an approach that centralizes control over distributed functionality that is provided by the application systems of an organization. This means that service orientation is a paradigm for application integration. Moreover, we argue that it is not possible to fully formalize the inherent principles of service orientation as part of an architectural style description. In fact, soft design principles are a differentiator of this style. These principles, however, are rarely applied in the context of industrial enterprises. This is why we analyze how such design principles could be objectively described and what attention should be paid to them. This analysis is performed by categorizing the potential benefits of this style and assigning the respective underlying principles to the identified benefits. Subsequently, a reference architecture is defined on the basis of these findings. This architecture focuses on structuring service-oriented applications - so-called composite applications. In order to apply the defined reference architecture in the context of actual projects, we describe a design methodology for composite applications. This design methodology focuses on using business processes for designing various types of services and on describing their interconnections by the reference architecture. To achieve this, a service design algorithm is included that derives services from business processes by incorporating the results of a statistical analysis of service design principles. The result of this methodology is a platform-independent design of a composite application. It considers the restrictions of the application landscape in which a composite will be deployed. To permit the realization of composite applications, we informally map the platform-independent reference architecture to a platform that is widely used in industrial enterprises. This mapping is, together with the design methodology and the reference architecture, applied to an industry-scale use case. This way, the applicability of the concepts is demonstrated.Diese Dissertation untersucht, wie der service-orientierte Architekturstil von großen Konzernen angewandt werden kann. Dieser Architekturstil strukturiert verteilte Systeme. Neben allgemeiner Aufmerksamkeit sind jedoch nur wenige Beschreibungen verfügbar, die zeigen, wie sich dieser Stil von anderen - so z.B. von dem der Komponentenorientierung - absetzt. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt, dass der service-orientierte Stil ein Ansatz zur Kontrollzentralisierung ist. Dabei zentralisiert er die Kontrolle über die Funktionalität, die von den Applikationssystemen einer Organisation bereitgestellt wird. Daher kann er auch als Integrationsansatz verstanden werden. Zusätzlich ist es nicht möglich, alle Prinzipien des service-orientierten Stils als Architekturstil zu beschreiben. Tatsächlich stellen weiche Designprinzipien das Alleinstellungsmerkmal dieses Stils dar. Diese Prinzipien werden allerdings von großen Organisationen kaum angewendet. Diese Dissertation untersucht deshalb den Stellenwert der einzelnen Prinzipien und beschreibt, wie sie objektiviert werden können. In dieser Untersuchung werden die möglichen Vorteile dieses Architekturstils zunächst kategorisiert. Danach werden diesen potentiellen Vorteilen die Prinzipien zugewiesen, die zu ihrer Erlangung beitragen. Auf Basis dieser Analyse wird danach eine Referenzarchitektur erstellt. Diese Architektur beschreibt eine Struktur für service-orientierte Applikationen, so genannte composite applications, die es erlaubt weiche Designprinzipien zu berücksichtigen. Um diese Referenzarchitektur auf reelle Problemstellungen anwenden zu können, wird außerdem eine Methodik zum Design von composite applications beschrieben. Im Fokus dieser Methodik steht es, Geschäftsprozesse als Ausgangspunkt für das Design von Services zu benutzen und deren Verbindungen zu beschreiben. Dabei orientiert sie sich an den möglichen Verbindungen, die von der Referenzarchitektur definiert werden. Um dies zu erreichen ist außerdem ein Algorithmus für das Design von Services enthalten. Dieser Algorithmus leitet aus Geschäftsprozessen Services ab und berücksichtigt dabei die Ergebnisse einer statistischen Auswertung, die die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Services als Untersuchungsziel hat. Das Ergebnis dieser Methodik ist das plattformunabhängige Design einer composite application. Dieses Design ist an einem Geschäftsprozess orientiert, berücksichtigt aber auch die Einschränkungen der Systemlandschaft, in der die Applikation betrieben werden soll. Um auf der Basis eines solchen Designs eine composite application erstellen zu können, ist weiterhin eine informelle Abbildung der plattformunabhängigen Architektur auf eine häufig eingesetzte Plattform in der Arbeit beschrieben. Zusammen mit der Methodik und der Referenzarchitektur wird diese Abbildung dann auf ein industrielles Fallbeispiel angewandt. Auf diese Weise wird die Anwendbarkeit der beschriebenen Konzepte demonstriert