11 research outputs found

    Neukonzeptionierung, Umgestaltung und Erweiterung des „99drei Radio Mittweida“ Übertragungswagens

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    Diese Bachelorarbeit beinhaltet die Neugestaltung, Planung und praktische Rea-lisierung des „99drei Radio Mittweida“ Audio Übertragungswagens. Von der Pla-nung, Auswahl, Bestellung bis hin zum Einbau und Funktionstest werden hier die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte beschrieben

    The impact of mobile amusement information on use behavior, satisfaction, and loyalty

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    The relationship between satisfaction and loyalty has been well explored in services marketing or customer relationship management. In this study, the authors studied the relationship of 7 types of service variables under “amusement” factor. Amusement is one of the three factors extracted from 21 mobile information services. Among many different frameworks of satisfaction-loyalty, we used the framework of “past use behavior” on “satisfaction”, and then of “satisfaction” on “continued use intention” (or loyalty), resulting in a strong support of the existing model with positive significant influence on the both paths. Further, our research reveals that, on the both paths, there are stronger, significant positive relationships between a latent variable and the measurement variables for mobile information services with stronger amusement elements than those with other ones. The results lead to useful implications that amusement is a crucial dimension in mobile information services, not only in use motivation, but also on behavior, satisfaction, and continued use intention

    Building a map-based transit planner for the tro-tro system in Accra

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2017Technology has been a useful tool in the way we transcend our limitations as human beings. In the transport sector, we have seen remarkable improvements such as the variety of modes through which we travel as well as the applications that make planning our journey more easy and effective. Transit planning applications have been used in developing countries to make sense of their transportation systems and to help people travel in more effective ways. However, most of these applications have limited coverage or reduced functionality when used in developing countries such as Ghana since the data these functions depend on are usually inexistent. In this project, a transit planning application is implemented to make use of tro-tro data to help users obtain a travel itinerary for their journeys within Accra while minimizing travel distance and time.Ashesi University Colleg

    Gestão de construção de marcas e habilidades da arquitetura de marca na atualidade : estudos das principais marcas existentes e suas extensões

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    Orientador : Danielle MantovaniMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de ..., Curso de Especialização em ...Inclui referênciasResumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal pesquisar e analisar como construir uma marca e em específico gerenciar e organizar as demais marcas dentro da arquitetura de marca. Dentro desse contexto o presente trabalho trata de construção de marca, brand equity, branding, construção de arquitetura de marca, extensão da arquitetura de marca e análise de cases de marcas de empresas renomadas no mercado. Para isso buscou-se teorias que puderam explicar essas estratégias e comprovar o assunto sem deixar dúvidas da eficácia de uma estratégia bem estruturada de gestão de marca. Como exemplo de cases de sucesso, usou-se duas grandes empresas com marcas bem conhecidas para analisar e demonstrar as estratégias de marcas utilizadas por elas

    The History Of Election Day In Philadelphia: A Study In American Political Ritual

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    The dissertation is a history of Election Day practices, and the public discourse about Election Day, in the city of Philadelphia, from the early 1700s to the present time. The questions animating the work are two-fold. First, a historical question: how and why did Election Day disappear as a public celebration in Philadelphia’s civic calendar? Second, a theoretical question: what general statements can we make about the message that the performance of an Election Day sends to a population like the voting public of Philadelphia? The answer to the first question is that the disappearance of Election Day’s more spectacular, obvious, and public features— especially those that emphasized bodily communication—was part of a more general shift in American public culture. This was shift away from populist, vulgar forms of publicity toward a more personalized, sedate, and textualized style. The answer to the second question is that Election Day, like many other forms of ritual, is a mode of communication that addresses particularly the tensions and paradoxes within a society—whether these be tensions between classes of people or between worldviews. Because Election Day is a public illustration of the democratic paradox, it provides an important forum in which the public can reflect upon and struggle with central questions within the culture. Its disappearance as public holiday thus marks a significant loss for democratic life

    Ethical aspects of the newborn screening program : the Israeli program as a test case

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    Background: In the past twenty years most western countries have been expanding their newborn screening (NBS) services, relying on novel bio- and information technologies. This process has been accompanied by significant lay, ethical and legal debates regarding the structuring of the expanded program and the roles it grants to personal parental choices and values. In order to better understand expanded NBS as a health service, this research focuses on the recently expanded Israeli program and examines it from different perspectives, especially ethics, public participation and cultural awareness in pediatric public health services and programs. Methods: This research employs three main methodologies. Historical research of primary and secondary sources; bioethical analysis in the style of analytic philosophy; qualitative methodology in the form of in depth interviews with two groups of people (the Israeli National Newborn Screening Lab and certified home birth midwives). Results: Whereas it is customary to represent NBS as a discrete and cheap universal public health service that prevents catastrophic inborn diseases, this thesis highlights NBS as a complex practice, which have impacted the contemporary construction of childbirth as a hospital based event, and that it has been constructed as a hybrid of public health and clinical service. Despite the explicit commitment to patient autonomy and parental responsibility, the framing of choice in NBS is not in line with the standards of respect for patients’ autonomy in other areas of medicine. The analysis of the Israeli program, data and policy exposes inconsistencies and ambiguities at the normative level as well as in the actual daily practice. This is borne out by the diverse avenues of information and communication strategies adopted. The professionals responsible for the screening program articulate commitment to universal coverage and diagnostic precision; home-birth midwives, who self-represent as an alternative to the mainstream biomedical establishment, direct their critical attention to the notion of natural birth, practically relegating newborn screening to the spheres of pathology and expert opinion. Based on the research’s findings and the literature on public participation in public services, the thesis concludes with a model for integrating public participation with expert authority in the planning of a health service such as the newborn screening


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