2,861 research outputs found

    Switching frequency regulation in sliding mode control by a hysteresis band controller

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksFixing the switching frequency is a key issue in sliding mode control implementations. This paper presents a hysteresis band controller capable of setting a constant value for the steady-state switching frequency of a sliding mode controller in regulation and tracking tasks. The proposed architecture relies on a piecewise linear modeling of the switching function behavior within the hysteresis band, and consists of a discrete-time integral-type controller that modifies the amplitude of the hysteresis band of the comparator in accordance with the error between the desired and the actually measured switching period. For tracking purposes, an additional feedforward action is introduced to compensate the time variation of the switching function derivatives at either sides of the switching hyperplane in the steady state. Stability proofs are provided, and a design criterion for the control parameters to guarantee closed-loop stability is subsequently derived. Numerical simulations and experimental results validate the proposal.Accepted versio

    Fixed Switching Period Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Current Control of a PMSM

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksA fixed switching period sliding mode control (SMC) for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs) is presented. The aim of the paper is to design a SMC that improves the traditional PI based Field Oriented Control (FOC) transient response, as well as to reduce the switching frequency variations of the Direct Torque Control (DTC). Such SMC requires a decoupling method of the control actions, which also brings constant switching functions slopes. These constant slopes allow to calculate the required hysteresis band value to control the switching frequency. The digital implementation degrades the performance of the hysteresis comparator and as a consequence, the previously calculated band becomes inaccurate to regulate the switching frequency. In order to recover the analogue hysteresis band comparator performance, a predictive algorithm is proposed. Finally, a set of experimental results with constant switching frequency during a torque reversal and speed control tests are provided.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fixed-switching frequency sliding mode control applied to power converters

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    The application of the sliding mode control in power converters has a well-known inconvenient from the practical point of view, which is to obtain fixed switching frequency implementations. This thesis deals with the development of a hysteresis band controller in charge of fixing the switching frequency of a sliding motion in power electronics applications. The proposed control measures the switching period of the control signal and modifies the hysteresis band of the comparator in order to regulate the switching frequency of the sliding motion. The proposed structure becomes in an additional control loop aside from main control loop implementing the sliding mode controller. In the first part of the thesis, the switching frequency control system is modelled and a design criteria for the control parameters are derived for guaranteeing closed loop stability, under different approaches and taking into account the most expectable working scenarios. In the second part of the thesis, the proposed strategies are applied to several power converters prototypes. Specifically, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC power converters are built and the experimental results are shown. In this part, the strategies used for implementing the controllers are also deeply discussed.La aplicación del control en modo deslizante en el ámbito de la electrónica de potencia presente una problemática ampliamente conocida, obtener aplicaciones a frecuencia fija de operación. Es esta tesis se estudia el desarrollo de un comparador con histéresis variable encargado de regular el periodo de conmutación de controladores bajo regímenes deslizantes en convertidores de potencia. La estructura propuesta mide el periodo de conmutación de la señal de control y actualiza, de manera adecuada, la banda de histéresis del comparador a tal fin de regular la frecuencia de conmutación al valor deseado. La solución propuesta forma un segundo lazo de control, además del lazo de control principal que implementa el controlador en modo deslizante. En la primera parte de la tesis, éste segundo lazo es modelado, haciendo posible el estudio de las condiciones de estabilidad bajo realizaciones en tiempo continuo y en tiempo discreto. Además, se estudian las condiciones típicas de trabajo de los controladores utilizados en convertidores de potencia, como son los esquemas de regulación y de seguimiento de señales variantes en el tiempo. La segunda parte de la tesis se centra en evaluar, de manera experimental, los desarrollos teóricos de los controladores propuestos en convertidores de potencia. Concretamente, en la tesis se presentan los resultados experimentales obtenidos con diversos convertidores DC-DC y DC-AC. Adicionalmente, las metodologías y técnicas de implementación de los controladores son, de igual modo, ampliamente descritas.Postprint (published version

    Fixed-switching frequency sliding mode control applied to power converters

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    The application of the sliding mode control in power converters has a well-known inconvenient from the practical point of view, which is to obtain fixed switching frequency implementations. This thesis deals with the development of a hysteresis band controller in charge of fixing the switching frequency of a sliding motion in power electronics applications. The proposed control measures the switching period of the control signal and modifies the hysteresis band of the comparator in order to regulate the switching frequency of the sliding motion. The proposed structure becomes in an additional control loop aside from main control loop implementing the sliding mode controller. In the first part of the thesis, the switching frequency control system is modelled and a design criteria for the control parameters are derived for guaranteeing closed loop stability, under different approaches and taking into account the most expectable working scenarios. In the second part of the thesis, the proposed strategies are applied to several power converters prototypes. Specifically, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC power converters are built and the experimental results are shown. In this part, the strategies used for implementing the controllers are also deeply discussed.La aplicación del control en modo deslizante en el ámbito de la electrónica de potencia presente una problemática ampliamente conocida, obtener aplicaciones a frecuencia fija de operación. Es esta tesis se estudia el desarrollo de un comparador con histéresis variable encargado de regular el periodo de conmutación de controladores bajo regímenes deslizantes en convertidores de potencia. La estructura propuesta mide el periodo de conmutación de la señal de control y actualiza, de manera adecuada, la banda de histéresis del comparador a tal fin de regular la frecuencia de conmutación al valor deseado. La solución propuesta forma un segundo lazo de control, además del lazo de control principal que implementa el controlador en modo deslizante. En la primera parte de la tesis, éste segundo lazo es modelado, haciendo posible el estudio de las condiciones de estabilidad bajo realizaciones en tiempo continuo y en tiempo discreto. Además, se estudian las condiciones típicas de trabajo de los controladores utilizados en convertidores de potencia, como son los esquemas de regulación y de seguimiento de señales variantes en el tiempo. La segunda parte de la tesis se centra en evaluar, de manera experimental, los desarrollos teóricos de los controladores propuestos en convertidores de potencia. Concretamente, en la tesis se presentan los resultados experimentales obtenidos con diversos convertidores DC-DC y DC-AC. Adicionalmente, las metodologías y técnicas de implementación de los controladores son, de igual modo, ampliamente descritas

    On average real sliding dynamics in linear systems

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    It is well known that in implementations of sliding mode controllers using hysteresis comparators, when the hysteresis band amplitude tends to zero the real dynamics tends to the ideal sliding dynamics. However, in real systems physical limitations do not allow to effectively lower this value at will, and a steady state error is likely to appear. In this paper we relate this error with a non zero average value of the switching function in each switching period: it is shown that, in linear systems, when the controller has a constant switching frequency and the switching function is periodic, the average value of the difference between real and ideal steady state dynamics is proportional to the average value of the switching function. Hence, when this average value is non zero an average steady state error appears, while a zero average value for the switching function entails no average steady state error. The proof is carried out using a regular form approach, and the result is exemplified in a buck converter. Simulation results show that when the switching function is periodic and shows a piecewise linear behavior within the hysteresis band, thus guaranteeing zero average value, the average state error disappears. In turn, when this piecewise linear character is lost and the switching function has non zero mean value, an average steady state error arises.Postprint (published version

    HM-Based SMVC with Adaptive Feedforward Controller Applied to DC-DC Converter

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    International audienceThis paper aims to provide a comprehensive study of sliding mode controller (SMC) performance for closed-loop voltage control of DC-DC three-cells buck converter based on hysteresis modulation (HM) where an adaptive feedforward technique is adopted. To fix the switching frequency, the approach is to incorporate a feedforward adaptive scheme which is effectively a variant of SM control. Further, the use of an adaptive feedforward control that makes the hysteresis band variable in the hysteresis modulator of the SM controller to restrict the switching frequency variation feeding parameters uncertainties and loads disturbance, in order to overcome the design constraints and to mitigate the undesired transient response. The results obtained under load change, input change and reference change clearly demonstrates a great dynamic response of the proposed technique, as well as provide stability in any operating conditions, the effectiveness is fast with a smooth tracking of the desired output voltage. Simulations studies in MATLAB/Simulink environment have been performed to verify the concept

    On modeling and real-time simulation of a robust adaptive controller applied to a multicellular power converter

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    Introduction. This paper describes the simulation and the robustness assessment of a DC-DC power converter designed to interface a dual-battery conversion system. The adopted converter is a Buck unidirectional and non-isolated converter, composed of three cells interconnected in parallel and operating in continuous conduction mode. Purpose. In order to address the growing challenges of high switching frequencies, a more stable, efficient, and fixed-frequency-operating power system is desired. Originality. Conventional sliding mode controller suffers from high-frequency oscillation caused by practical limitations of system components and switching frequency variation. So, we have explored a soft-switching technology to deal with interface problems and switching losses, and we developed a procedure to choose the high-pass filter parameters in a sliding mode-controlled multicell converter. Methods. We suggest that the sliding mode is controlled by hysteresis bands as the excesses of the band. This delay in state exchanges gives a signal to control the switching frequency of the converter, which, in turn, produces a controlled trajectory. We are seeking an adaptive current control solution to address this issue and adapt a variable-bandwidth of the hysteresis modulation to mitigate nonlinearity in conventional sliding mode control, which struggles to set the switching frequency. Chatter problems are therefore avoided. A boundary layer-based control scheme allows multicell converters to operate with a fixed-switching-frequency. Practical value. Simulation studies in the MATLAB / Simulink environment are performed to analyze system performance and assess its robustness and stability. Thus, our converter is more efficient and able to cope with parametric variation.Вступ. У статті описується моделювання та оцінка надійності силового перетворювача постійного струму, призначеного для взаємодії із системою перетворення з двома батареями. Прийнятий перетворювач є односпрямованим і неізольованим перетворювачем Бака, що складається з трьох паралельно з’єднаних між собою осередків, що працюють в режимі безперервної провідності. Мета. Для вирішення проблем, пов’язаних з високими частотами перемикання, потрібна більш стабільна, ефективна система живлення з фіксованою частотою. Оригінальність. Звичайний регулятор ковзного режиму страждає від високочастотних коливань, викликаних практичними обмеженнями компонентів системи та зміною частоти перемикання. Отже, ми дослідили технологію м’якого перемикання для вирішення проблем інтерфейсу та комутаційних втрат, а також розробили процедуру вибору параметрів фільтра верхніх частот у багатоосередковому перетворювачі зі ковзним режимом. Методи. Ми припускаємо, що ковзний режим управляється смугами гістерезису як надлишками смуги. Ця затримка обміну станами дає сигнал управління частотою перемикання перетворювача, який, своєю чергою, створює керовану траєкторію. Ми шукаємо рішення для адаптивного керування струмом, щоб вирішити цю проблему і адаптувати гістерезисну модуляцію зі змінною смугою пропускання для пом’якшення нелінійності у звичайному ковзному режимі керування, яке щосили намагається встановити частоту перемикання. Таким чином вдається уникнути проблем із деренчанням. Схема керування на основі прикордонного шару дозволяє перетворювачам з кількома осередками працювати з фіксованою частотою перемикання. Практична цінність. Імітаційне моделювання у середовищі MATLAB/Simulink виконується для аналізу продуктивності системи та оцінки її надійності та стабільності. Таким чином, наш перетворювач ефективніший і здатний справлятися зі зміною параметрів

    Adaptive feedforward and feedback control schemes for sliding mode controlled power converters

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    Author name used in this publication: Chi K. TseAuthor name used in this publication: Martin K. H. Cheung2005-2006 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    On the practical design of a sliding mode voltage controlled buck converter

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    Author name used in this publication: Martin K. H. CheungAuthor name used in this publication: Chi K. Tse2004-2005 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Control por histéresis para un inversor buck-dual conectado a la red

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    Single-phase inverters are widely used in different renewable energy applications. Although the full-bridge inverter is typically used, dual-buck inverters provide an important advantage, since they eliminate the shoot-through problems. However, solutions proposed in the literature require additional inductors, use linear controllers designed around an operation point, or cannot be used in grid-connected applications. This paper presents a hysteresis current control of a single-phase dual-buck full-bridge inverter for grid-connected active power injection. Includes the dynamical model in state variables, as well as analytical conditions to guarantee the evolution of the error dynamics in a set with boundaries defined by the designer. Moreover, the paper provides guidelines for the design of the dead band required for the transitions between the positive and negative semi-cycles (and vice-versa) of the grid voltage. Finally, simulation results validate the main features of the controller as well as the design of the dead band.Los inversores monofásicos son ampliamente usados en diferentes aplicaciones de energías renovables. Aunque típicamente se usa el inversor de puente completo, el inversor buck-dual provee una ventaja  importante porque elimina el problema de posibles cortos-circuitos. Sin embargo, las soluciones reportadas en la literatura requieren inductores adicionales, usan controladores lineales diseñados para un punto de operación, o no se pueden usar en aplicaciones de conexión a la red. En este artículo se presenta un control por histéresis para un inversor monofásico buck-dual de puente completo con conexión a la red para inyección de corriente activa. En particular, se presenta el modelo matemático en variables de estado y se obtienen condiciones analíticas para garantizar la evolución de la dinámica de error dentro de un conjunto con límites establecido por el diseñador. Además, se discuten los elementos para diseñar la banda muerta requerida en la transición entre los semi-ciclos positivos y negativos de la tensión de la red. Finalmente, los resultados de simulación validan las principales características del controlador propuesto, así como el diseño de la banda muerta