150 research outputs found

    Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System Based on Monocular Camera and Size Expansion Algorithm for UAVs

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    One of the most challenging problems in the domain of autonomous aerial vehicles is the designing of a robust real-time obstacle detection and avoidance system. This problem is complex, especially for the micro and small aerial vehicles, that is due to the Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) constraints. Therefore, using lightweight sensors (i.e., Digital camera) can be the best choice comparing with other sensors; such as laser or radar. For real-time applications, different works are based on stereo cameras in order to obtain a 3D model of the obstacles, or to estimate their depth. Instead, in this paper, a method that mimics the human behavior of detecting the collision state of the approaching obstacles using monocular camera is proposed. The key of the proposed algorithm is to analyze the size changes of the detected feature points, combined with the expansion ratios of the convex hull constructed around the detected feature points from consecutive frames. During the Aerial Vehicle (UAV) motion, the detection algorithm estimates the changes in the size of the area of the approaching obstacles. First, the method detects the feature points of the obstacles, then extracts the obstacles that have the probability of getting close toward the UAV. Secondly, by comparing the area ratio of the obstacle and the position of the UAV, the method decides if the detected obstacle may cause a collision. Finally, by estimating the obstacle 2D position in the image and combining with the tracked waypoints, the UAV performs the avoidance maneuver. The proposed algorithm was evaluated by performing real indoor and outdoor flights, and the obtained results show the accuracy of the proposed algorithm compared with other related works.Research supported by the Spanish Government through the Cicyt project ADAS ROAD-EYE (TRA2013-48314-C3-1-R)

    Vision-Based navigation system for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe main objective of this dissertation is to provide Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with a robust navigation system; in order to allow the UAVs to perform complex tasks autonomously and in real-time. The proposed algorithms deal with solving the navigation problem for outdoor as well as indoor environments, mainly based on visual information that is captured by monocular cameras. In addition, this dissertation presents the advantages of using the visual sensors as the main source of data, or complementing other sensors in providing useful information; in order to improve the accuracy and the robustness of the sensing purposes. The dissertation mainly covers several research topics based on computer vision techniques: (I) Pose Estimation, to provide a solution for estimating the 6D pose of the UAV. This algorithm is based on the combination of SIFT detector and FREAK descriptor; which maintains the performance of the feature points matching and decreases the computational time. Thereafter, the pose estimation problem is solved based on the decomposition of the world-to-frame and frame-to-frame homographies. (II) Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance, in which, the UAV is able to sense and detect the frontal obstacles that are situated in its path. The detection algorithm mimics the human behaviors for detecting the approaching obstacles; by analyzing the size changes of the detected feature points, combined with the expansion ratios of the convex hull constructed around the detected feature points from consecutive frames. Then, by comparing the area ratio of the obstacle and the position of the UAV, the method decides if the detected obstacle may cause a collision. Finally, the algorithm extracts the collision-free zones around the obstacle, and combining with the tracked waypoints, the UAV performs the avoidance maneuver. (III) Navigation Guidance, which generates the waypoints to determine the flight path based on environment and the situated obstacles. Then provide a strategy to follow the path segments and in an efficient way and perform the flight maneuver smoothly. (IV) Visual Servoing, to offer different control solutions (Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) and PID), based on the obtained visual information; in order to achieve the flight stability as well as to perform the correct maneuver; to avoid the possible collisions and track the waypoints. All the proposed algorithms have been verified with real flights in both indoor and outdoor environments, taking into consideration the visual conditions; such as illumination and textures. The obtained results have been validated against other systems; such as VICON motion capture system, DGPS in the case of pose estimate algorithm. In addition, the proposed algorithms have been compared with several previous works in the state of the art, and are results proves the improvement in the accuracy and the robustness of the proposed algorithms. Finally, this dissertation concludes that the visual sensors have the advantages of lightweight and low consumption and provide reliable information, which is considered as a powerful tool in the navigation systems to increase the autonomy of the UAVs for real-world applications.El objetivo principal de esta tesis es proporcionar Vehiculos Aereos no Tripulados (UAVs) con un sistema de navegacion robusto, para permitir a los UAVs realizar tareas complejas de forma autonoma y en tiempo real. Los algoritmos propuestos tratan de resolver problemas de la navegacion tanto en ambientes interiores como al aire libre basandose principalmente en la informacion visual captada por las camaras monoculares. Ademas, esta tesis doctoral presenta la ventaja de usar sensores visuales bien como fuente principal de datos o complementando a otros sensores en el suministro de informacion util, con el fin de mejorar la precision y la robustez de los procesos de deteccion. La tesis cubre, principalmente, varios temas de investigacion basados en tecnicas de vision por computador: (I) Estimacion de la Posicion y la Orientacion (Pose), para proporcionar una solucion a la estimacion de la posicion y orientacion en 6D del UAV. Este algoritmo se basa en la combinacion del detector SIFT y el descriptor FREAK, que mantiene el desempeno del a funcion de puntos de coincidencia y disminuye el tiempo computacional. De esta manera, se soluciona el problema de la estimacion de la posicion basandose en la descomposicion de las homografias mundo a imagen e imagen a imagen. (II) Deteccion obstaculos y elusion colisiones, donde el UAV es capaz de percibir y detectar los obstaculos frontales que se encuentran en su camino. El algoritmo de deteccion imita comportamientos humanos para detectar los obstaculos que se acercan, mediante el analisis de la magnitud del cambio de los puntos caracteristicos detectados de referencia, combinado con los ratios de expansion de los contornos convexos construidos alrededor de los puntos caracteristicos detectados en frames consecutivos. A continuacion, comparando la proporcion del area del obstaculo y la posicion del UAV, el metodo decide si el obstaculo detectado puede provocar una colision. Por ultimo, el algoritmo extrae las zonas libres de colision alrededor del obstaculo y combinandolo con los puntos de referencia, elUAV realiza la maniobra de evasion. (III) Guiado de navegacion, que genera los puntos de referencia para determinar la trayectoria de vuelo basada en el entorno y en los obstaculos detectados que encuentra. Proporciona una estrategia para seguir los segmentos del trazado de una manera eficiente y realizar la maniobra de vuelo con suavidad. (IV) Guiado por Vision, para ofrecer soluciones de control diferentes (Control de Logica Fuzzy (FLC) y PID), basados en la informacion visual obtenida con el fin de lograr la estabilidad de vuelo, asi como realizar la maniobra correcta para evitar posibles colisiones y seguir los puntos de referencia. Todos los algoritmos propuestos han sido verificados con vuelos reales en ambientes exteriores e interiores, tomando en consideracion condiciones visuales como la iluminacion y las texturas. Los resultados obtenidos han sido validados con otros sistemas: como el sistema de captura de movimiento VICON y DGPS en el caso del algoritmo de estimacion de la posicion y orientacion. Ademas, los algoritmos propuestos han sido comparados con trabajos anteriores recogidos en el estado del arte con resultados que demuestran una mejora de la precision y la robustez de los algoritmos propuestos. Esta tesis doctoral concluye que los sensores visuales tienen las ventajes de tener un peso ligero y un bajo consumo y, proporcionar informacion fiable, lo cual lo hace una poderosa herramienta en los sistemas de navegacion para aumentar la autonomia de los UAVs en aplicaciones del mundo real.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Carlo Regazzoni.- Secretario: Fernando García Fernández.- Vocal: Pascual Campoy Cerver

    Obstacle avoidance based-visual navigation for micro aerial vehicles

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    This paper describes an obstacle avoidance system for low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) using vision as the principal source of information through the monocular onboard camera. For detecting obstacles, the proposed system compares the image obtained in real time from the UAV with a database of obstacles that must be avoided. In our proposal, we include the feature point detector Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) for fast obstacle detection and a control law to avoid them. Furthermore, our research includes a path recovery algorithm. Our method is attractive for compact MAVs in which other sensors will not be implemented. The system was tested in real time on a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV), to detect and avoid obstacles in an unknown controlled environment; we compared our approach with related works.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fast, Accurate Thin-Structure Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mobile Robots

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    Safety is paramount for mobile robotic platforms such as self-driving cars and unmanned aerial vehicles. This work is devoted to a task that is indispensable for safety yet was largely overlooked in the past -- detecting obstacles that are of very thin structures, such as wires, cables and tree branches. This is a challenging problem, as thin objects can be problematic for active sensors such as lidar and sonar and even for stereo cameras. In this work, we propose to use video sequences for thin obstacle detection. We represent obstacles with edges in the video frames, and reconstruct them in 3D using efficient edge-based visual odometry techniques. We provide both a monocular camera solution and a stereo camera solution. The former incorporates Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data to solve scale ambiguity, while the latter enjoys a novel, purely vision-based solution. Experiments demonstrated that the proposed methods are fast and able to detect thin obstacles robustly and accurately under various conditions.Comment: Appeared at IEEE CVPR 2017 Workshop on Embedded Visio

    Detecting and avoiding frontal obstacles from monocular camera for micro unmanned aerial vehicles

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    In literature, several approaches are trying to make the UAVs fly autonomously i.e., by extracting perspective cues such as straight lines. However, it is only available in well-defined human made environments, in addition to many other cues which require enough texture information. Our main target is to detect and avoid frontal obstacles from a monocular camera using a quad rotor Ar.Drone 2 by exploiting optical flow as a motion parallax, the drone is permitted to fly at a speed of 1 m/s and an altitude ranging from 1 to 4 meters above the ground level. In general, detecting and avoiding frontal obstacle is a quite challenging problem because optical flow has some limitation which should be taken into account i.e. lighting conditions and aperture problem

    J-MOD2^{2}: Joint Monocular Obstacle Detection and Depth Estimation

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    In this work, we propose an end-to-end deep architecture that jointly learns to detect obstacles and estimate their depth for MAV flight applications. Most of the existing approaches either rely on Visual SLAM systems or on depth estimation models to build 3D maps and detect obstacles. However, for the task of avoiding obstacles this level of complexity is not required. Recent works have proposed multi task architectures to both perform scene understanding and depth estimation. We follow their track and propose a specific architecture to jointly estimate depth and obstacles, without the need to compute a global map, but maintaining compatibility with a global SLAM system if needed. The network architecture is devised to exploit the joint information of the obstacle detection task, that produces more reliable bounding boxes, with the depth estimation one, increasing the robustness of both to scenario changes. We call this architecture J-MOD2^{2}. We test the effectiveness of our approach with experiments on sequences with different appearance and focal lengths and compare it to SotA multi task methods that jointly perform semantic segmentation and depth estimation. In addition, we show the integration in a full system using a set of simulated navigation experiments where a MAV explores an unknown scenario and plans safe trajectories by using our detection model

    Sudden Obstacle Appearance Detection by Analyzing Flow Field Vector for Small-Sized UAV

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    Achieving a reliable obstacle detection and avoidance system that can provide an effective safe avoidance path for small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is very challenging due to its physical size and weight constraints. Prior works tend to employ the vision based-sensor as the main detection sensor but resulting to high dependency on texture appearance while not having a distance sensing capabilities. The previous system only focused on the detection of the static frontal obstacle without observing the environment which may have moving obstacles. On the other hand, most of the wide spectrum range sensors are heavy and expensive hence not suitable for small UAV. In this work, integration of different based sensors was proposed for a small UAV in detecting unpredictable obstacle appearance situation. The detection of the obstacle is accomplished by analysing the flow field vectors in the image frames sequence. The proposed system was evaluated by conducting the experiments in a real environment which consisted of different configuration of the obstacles. The results from the experiment show that the success rate for detecting unpredictable obstacle appearance is high which is 70% and above. Even though some of the introduced obstacles are considered to have poor texture appearances on their surface, the proposed obstacle detection system was still able to detect the correct appearance movement of the obstacles by detecting the edges

    Survey of computer vision algorithms and applications for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    This paper presents a complete review of computer vision algorithms and vision-based intelligent applications, that are developed in the field of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the latest decade. During this time, the evolution of relevant technologies for UAVs; such as component miniaturization, the increase of computational capabilities, and the evolution of computer vision techniques have allowed an important advance in the development of UAVs technologies and applications. Particularly, computer vision technologies integrated in UAVs allow to develop cutting-edge technologies to cope with aerial perception difficulties; such as visual navigation algorithms, obstacle detection and avoidance and aerial decision-making. All these expert technologies have developed a wide spectrum of application for UAVs, beyond the classic military and defense purposes. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Computer Vision are common topics in expert systems, so thanks to the recent advances in perception technologies, modern intelligent applications are developed to enhance autonomous UAV positioning, or automatic algorithms to avoid aerial collisions, among others. Then, the presented survey is based on artificial perception applications that represent important advances in the latest years in the expert system field related to the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In this paper, the most significant advances in this field are presented, able to solve fundamental technical limitations; such as visual odometry, obstacle detection, mapping and localization, et cetera. Besides, they have been analyzed based on their capabilities and potential utility. Moreover, the applications and UAVs are divided and categorized according to different criteria.This research is supported by the Spanish Government through the CICYT projects (TRA2015-63708-R and TRA2013-48314-C3-1-R)
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