12 research outputs found

    E-Banking Technology Characteristics and Performance of Micro and Small Enterprise in Kenya: A Moderated Mediation Model of Adoption and Innovative Behavior

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    Purpose- The study investigated the indirect effect of innovative behavior on the relationship between e-banking technology characteristics and micro and small enterprises (MSE) performance through e-banking technology adoption in Kenya. Design/methodology: The study employed an explanatory research design and a multistage sampling technique to collect cross-sectional data using a self-administered questionnaire. The sample size of 455 MSEs was drawn from a target population of 5915 in Vihiga County, Kenya. Findings-The study findings showed a complementary mediation of e-banking technology adoption on the relationship between e-banking technology characteristics and MSE performance. Additionally, innovative behavior moderated the association between e-banking technology adoption and MSE performance but did not moderate the relationship between e-banking technology characteristics and e-banking technology adoption. Further, innovative behavior moderates the indirect relationship between e-banking technology characteristics and MSE performance via e-banking technology adoption. This effect was much more substantial, with a higher level of innovative behavior. Practical Implications- These findings underscored the need for policy reviews for government, county, and private sector on e-banking technology adoption and MSE performance in Kenya. Originality/value- The study's findings bring vital knowledge concerning the indirect effect of e-banking technology adoption and innovative behavior on the study variables

    An Assessment Women Teachers' Work-Life Balance in Higher Education Institutions

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    Over time, technology will transform how we work. It also impacts workplace interpersonal interactions. Technology has also affected the structure and process of government, although intellectual power has increasingly substituted bodily dominance. Initially, white-collar employees replaced blue-collar workers, followed by knowledgeable personnel. Traditional roles of women in the home and in society have also shifted. Due to their education, they were able to enter almost every sector of life, including business, government, politics, etc. However, these traditional family responsibilities have not lessened. Ancient India has a system that granted women total freedom. These revivals have brought with them a variety of opportunities and challenges, such as the ability for women to rise to the top in one region while being held back by family obligations in another. Therefore, family duties must be fulfilled. Women take a more prominent and important role exclusive the family. They need time for themselves as well. Consequently, achieving a healthy work-life balance is a pressing concern in today's culture. The major emphasis of this thesis is on the lives of working women, specifically on analysing the issue of work-life balance and creating a model for optimal work-life balance

    Anticipation of work-life conflict in higher education

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    Purpose: This paper aims to further the understanding about the relationship between work–life conflict and possible barriers to career progression due to the perception of anticipated work–life conflict, considering the unbounded nature of academic work through features such as its intensity, flexibility and perception of organizational support. / Design/methodology/approach: The model was tested using survey data from academics in a public university in the south of Spain. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to test the hypotheses. / Findings: The results reveal that current work–life conflict, job intensity and perception of support have a direct effect on the anticipation of work–life conflict in the event of progression in academic careers. The flexibility that academics enjoy is not sufficient to prevent the expected conflict. Academics' age is relevant, but gender or having childcare responsibilities have no significant effect of the anticipation of conflict. / Research limitations/implications: This study addresses the gap in the literature on anticipated work–life conflict, expanding the focus to nonfamily commitments in unbounded jobs such as academic posts. The authors are not aware of any other study that focuses on the anticipation of work–life conflict in the case of career advancement among current employees with professional experience or accurate knowledge of what job they will be doing instead of students. Work–life balance should not be restricted to women with caring responsibilities, as conflict is no longer only related to gender roles. / Originality/value: This paper not only explores existing work–life conflict but also empirically analyzes anticipated work–life conflict in unbounded careers such as academia. It represents a significant contribution in an underresearched field and may lead to future research in other settings

    Building value-driven HRM practices in Western Multinational Enterprise in Ghana using the AMO model

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    Despite the increasing presence of Western MNEs’ subsidiaries in Ghana, the country continues to remain underrepresented in international human resource management literature (IHRM). The purpose of this research is to address this lacuna by examining recruitment and selection; training and development; performance management; rewards management and employee communication and participation using the ability, motivation and opportunities (AMO) model to build value-driven human resource management (HRM) practices in Western MNEs in Ghana. The paper employs a qualitative multiple case study approach using semi-structured interviews with employees and managers in purposefully selected Western subsidiaries in Ghana. This research employs 37 in-depth interviews with managers and employees in eight British, European and US MNEs in Ghana. The study essentially provides fine-grained analysis of how subsidiaries develop strategies in each HRM practice to promote employee ability, motivation and opportunity (AMO) and possibly organisational performance. Keywords: HRM practices, Multinational Enterprise in Ghana, AMO model DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/53-07 Publication date:March 31st 2019

    Competing through innovation: Let the customer judge!

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    Although customers are the final judges of innovations, their opinions on firms’ innovations are rarely listened to. In this article, we developed a novel model for examining the antecedents and consequences of perceived firm innovativeness. We argue that when customers cognitively register changes in the value creation introduced by a firm, they perceive the firm as more innovative and, consequently, more attractive than its competitors. Using two waves of data from nationally representative samples (1,293 and 1,583 responses), we developed measures for examining changes in value creation that firms introduce and customers can perceive. We tested our theory by applying structural equation modeling to data from a nationally representative sample (5,812 responses). We found that firms that introduced changes affecting value proposition, value actualization, and interaction space were perceived as more innovative and more attractive than their competitors. Surprisingly, changes in relationship experience are negatively associated with perceived innovativeness and contribute to lower relative attractiveness in the market. One explanation is that firms introduce relationship innovations to safeguard future cash flows, which customers do not necessarily see as innovative.publishedVersio

    Management control systems and performance: the mediating role of organisational capabilities in Malaysia

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    This study focuses on the interactive use of Management Control System (MCS) and the identification of threats and opportunities that enables management to respond quickly to changes in the environment. The study aims to examine, from a resource-based view (RBV) perspective, the relationship between interactive use of MCS and organisational capabilities (market responsiveness, strategic networking, process reliability and efficiency, innovativeness and learning) as well as their subsequent impact on organisational performance. An empirical study was conducted involving 70 public-listed companies in Malaysia. The analysis included the use of descriptive and multiple regression tests. The findings provide empirical evidence that interactive MCS facilitates the development of organisational capabilities and that organisational capabilities play a mediating role in the relationship between MCS interactive usage and organisational performance. This study indicates that companies in Malaysia still focus on financial measures rather than on non-financial ones in most of their decision making. Managers who are short-term focused or financially oriented in their decision making may jeopardise the long-term sustainability of their organisations’ performance

    Criteria for the evaluation of innovativeness of independent film production company in the perspective of creativity

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    This study aims to identify the criteria for evaluating the innovativeness of an independent film production company in the European film market. Innovativeness of a company consists of inputs to innovation and outputs from innovation. It reveals a company’s potential to implement innovations, which are often sources of competitive advantage. The empirical study involved 29 experts from the European film industry and film production companies. Experts were asked to evaluate 60 criteria in total. The survey results suggest that a company’s innovativeness can currently be evaluated by 51 criteria, of which 15 are the most important. The criteria identified for evaluating a company’s innovativeness are ranked in order of importance for determining a company’s innovativeness. The results obtained allow us to evaluate the innovativeness of a company by comparing independent film production companies with one another in the European film market and thus to determine which company is more innovative. It also makes possible new hypotheses to be raised, analysed and tested. It should be noted that the article was written based on a dissertation in progress

    What Is the Relationship between Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction to Organizational Commitment in Supply Chain Management? An Examination of These Causal Factors in Supply Chain Managers in the Middle East

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    In the Middle East, one of the biggest challenges facing supply chain business leaders was the expatriate assignment failures, an average turnover rate of 12%, with the main reason an inability to cope with lifestyle adjustments due to cultural and family pressures. Additionally, fifty-one percent of expatriates leave the multinational corporation (MNC) within two years of repatriation (De Ruiter, Lub, Jansma, and Blomme, 2018; Haak-Saheem, Darwish, & Al-Nasser, 2017; Stoermer, Haslberger, Froese, & Kraeh, 2018). The Middle Eastern workforce showed the disproportionate ratio of expatriates to local nationals in which nearly 99% of employees in the private sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) were expatriates (De Ruiter et al., 2018 & Haak-Saheem et al., 2017). The purpose of this quantitative correlation study is to examine the relationship between independent variables (employee engagement-EE and job satisfaction-JS), and dependent variable (organizational commitment-OC) in the supply chain managers of the Middle East organization. The findings of this study showed that there are statistically significant relationships among EE, JS, and OC, indicating the p-values lower than the alpha level of 0.05 for all variables. The findings also showed that age does have a moderating effect on the relationship between EE and OC, Beta = 0.115, p = 0.049, but not in the relationship between JS and OC. Conversely, gender, nationality, and tenure showed no moderation effect in the relationships among EE, JS, and OC. Recommendations to increase both EE and JS are (1) increase EE through organizational culture, gender-balanced management teams, self-efficacy, work-life balance, and a supportive work environment, and (2) increase JS through effective communication, employee development, rewards and recognition, and supervisor support

    Análisis del impacto moderador de la capacidad de absorción en el resultado innovador: evidencias empíricas del sector SSI de Argentina

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    Programa de Doctorado en Administración y Dirección de EmpresasLínea de Investigación: Innovación, Emprendimiento y Empresa FamiliarClave Programa: DAECódigo Línea: 104La investigación en la que se basa la tesis forma parte de las condiciones clave que permiten a las pymes internacionalizarse y mantener su éxito en los mercados internacionales. Para ello, explora el papel de las redes interorganizacionales y la capacidad de absorción del conocimiento en el proceso innovador que les permite construir sus ventajas competitivas. El universo de las pymes que promueven el desarrollo de la investigación está formado por aquellas que pueden representar lo más fielmente posible al colectivo radicado en países con menor grado de desarrollo. Por eso se seleccionó el sector de TI y Pymes de un país como Argentina. El estudio bibliométrico de la presente investigación a partir de 1.710 documentos científicos elaborados entre 1994 y 2000 según las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science, muestra que en la actualidad hay pocos autores y pocas redes académicas que investiguen el tema, lo que revela la brecha existente y la contribución del trabajo para ampliar los conocimientos actuales. La evidencia empírica recolectada proviene de un estudio realizado en 189 PyMEs que trabajan en servicios de TI en Argentina y los resultados evidencian la principal hipótesis de cómo el ACAP es un factor moderador positivo del esfuerzo innovador de las empresas, incluso en el caso de las conexiones creadas por sus empresas. participación en redes internacionales no teniendo una alta correlación. Estas conclusiones también se verifican cuando, con metodología similar, se aplican al estudio de una determinada PYME del mismo sector de TI en Argentina. De esta forma y a través de los tres estudios independientes pero relacionados que dan forma a la tesis, se contribuye a llenar el vacío existente en este campo del conocimiento y a aportar algunas sugerencias para los responsables políticos y futuras líneas de investigación académicas.The research on which the thesis is based is part of the key conditions that allow SMEs to internationalize and maintain their success in international markets. To this end, it explores the role of inter-organizational networks and the knowledge¿s absorptive capacity in the innovative process that allows them to build their competitive advantages. The universe of SMEs that promote the development of research is made up of those that can represent as closely as possible the group based in countries with a lower degree of development. That is why the IT and SMEs sector of a country like Argentina was selected. The bibliometric study in the present investigation based on 1,710 scientific documents produced between 1994 and 2000 according to the Scopus and Web of Science databases, shows that currently there are few authors and few academic networks that investigate the subject, which reveals the existing gap and the contribution of the work to extend the current knowledge. The empirical evidence collected comes from a study conducted on 189 SMEs working in IT services in Argentina and the results prove the main hypothesis of how ACAP is a positive moderating factor of the innovative effort of firms, even in the case of the connections created by their participation in international networks not having a high correlation. These conclusions are also verified when, with similar methodology, they are applied to the study of a particular SME from the same IT sector in Argentina. In this way and through the three independent but related studies that give shape to the thesis, it contributes to fill the existing gap in this field of knowledge and to contribute with some suggestions for policymaker managers and future academics lines of research.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketin

    Creatividad en la Pyme y efectos sobre la innovación y el desempeño empresarial en una economía emergente

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    [SPA] Las tendencias empresariales que hoy día se están estableciendo a nivel global, invita a que las organizaciones dejen de implementar métodos y técnicas tradicionales a las que se encuentran acostumbrados. Tanto los trabajadores como los tomadores de decisión deben enfrentarse a nuevos paradigmas para mantenerse vigentes en las condiciones del actual entorno global. La clave del éxito estará en adaptarse e incorporar soluciones creativas a los desafíos que se plantean. Y de esta manera poder mejorar o crear nuevos productos, servicios o procesos que les permitan ser competitivos. Con esto, la creatividad juega un papel relevante y central, pues ha sido reconocido como un recurso intangible particularmente importante en la sociedad. La creatividad está conectada a argumentos más amplios sobre su importancia en los negocios. Hoy se ha establecido que la creatividad no es simplemente una cualidad deseable, sino un requisito para obtener ganancias (Samuel & Kanji, 2020). Esta relación no es trivial, pues la creatividad al interior de las organizaciones genera como resultados soluciones innovadoras, pues se ha establecido como el primer eslabón en la cadena de la gestión de la innovación en las organizaciones. Dado que las organizaciones se enfrentan a desafíos más complejos, la capacidad para responder se basa en acciones que impulsen la creatividad (Gundry, Ofstein, & Monllor, 2016), ya no basta con saber que es necesaria, sino que las empresas deben gestionarla correctamente para tener éxito. “La creatividad es un concepto utilizado para apoyar actividades humanas diversas” (Kačerauskas, 2016). Pero su definición puede ser un reto, dado que existen numerosas interpretaciones y definiciones para la creatividad (Murray & Mitton, 2015) y la creatividad ha sido tratada de maneras diferentes de acuerdo a la perspectiva estudiada (Reimeris, 2016). En el ámbito de los negocios se identifica como la generación de ideas novedosas y útiles en cualquier dominio (Amabile, 1996), y se ha establecido como una etapa de la innovación (Amabile, 1988). La primera etapa se encarga de la generación de ideas y la innovación se ocupa de la implementación de la idea (Amabile & Pratt, 2016). De esta manera, la innovación se ha reconocido como un proceso más social que la creatividad, que ha sido vista como una actividad mayormente individual, por esto, es que existe abundante literatura sobre gestión de la innovación, pero es menos explorado el estudio de la creatividad en las organizaciones. El concepto de creatividad es un fenómeno complejo, es una característica de los individuos, de los equipos y de las organizaciones (Amabile, 1996) y no debe atribuirse solo a las características de los individuos, pero la creatividad si es un factor clave para el desarrollo de habilidades personales, profesionales, empresariales y sociales (Madžar & Milohnić, 2019), que se convierten en fuente de innovaciones. El desarrollo de la creatividad se ha explicado desde diferentes marcos teóricos. La teoría componencial de la creatividad de Amabile (1983) explica que: “las personas con capacidades normales pueden labrar al menos un trabajo moderadamente creativo”. Son tres los elementos que impactan en la creatividad individual o de un equipo: “experiencia, habilidad de pensamiento creativo y motivación intrínseca” (Amabile, 1997). Por otra parte, la perspectiva interaccionista de la creatividad organizacional (Woodman, Sawyer, Griffin, Sawyer, & Griffin, 1993) establece que la creatividad es una interacción entre la persona y su contexto laboral. Condiciones como variables demográficas, estilo cognitivo, personalidad, motivación la afectan desde el punto de vista individual. Así como, composición del grupo de trabajo, influencias contextuales y características del grupo influyen a nivel de equipo (Anderson, Potočnik, & Zhou, 2014). El modelo de acción creativa individual de Ford (1996) señala que existen tres grupos de factores que influyen que los empleados sean creativos, los procesos de creación de sentido, la motivación y los conocimientos o habilidades. La acción creativa se dará cuando exista la influencia conjunta de los tres factores. Estos marcos conceptuales son utilizados para establecer los factores que mejoran o inhiben la creatividad en las organizaciones, y son los que se han establecido como marcos generales para el desarrollo de la investigación. La gestión de la creatividad puede mejorar prácticamente todo tipo de organización. Se pueden identificar resultados específicos que incluyen la contribución al crecimiento y competitividad de las organizaciones, a través del desarrollo de innovaciones (Zhou & Shalley, 2011). Y adicionalmente, se han documentado beneficios más específicos: un ambiente de trabajo más amigable (Shalley & Gilson, 2004), la creatividad permite abordar las necesidades del mercado (Caniëls & Stobbeleir, 2014), impulsa la curiosidad de los empleados (Amabile, 1997), mejora la motivación y satisfacción de los trabajadores (Anderson et al., 2014), mejora la eficiencia (Basadur, 1991), y permite resolver problemas del entorno cambiante (Marina, Paredones, & Vázquez, 2009). Sin embargo, la falacia de que “toda creatividad es buena, y cuanto más, mejor” (Caniëls & Stobbeleir, 2014), debe considerarse, pues los resultados no siempre son positivos. La creatividad y la innovación son costosas, de forma directa, considerando que los individuos que realizan el trabajo creativo deben ser recompensadas y equipadas (Amabile, Conti, Coon, Lazenby, & Herron, 1996). Igualmente, de manera indirecta, ya que otras inversiones se verán limitadas y las actividades actuales se ven afectadas (Mumford & Hester, 2012). Y puede resultar un amenazante de conexión social (Arndt, Greenberg, Solomon, Pyszczynski, & Schimel, 1999), rechazo y crítica hacia los empleados creativos (Sutton, 2001) y los esfuerzos creativos pueden alterar la estructura interna y causar pérdida de enfoque en la organización (Mumford & Hester, 2012). Por lo anterior, la innovación tiene mayor prestigio que la creatividad, y aún cuando existe un creciente interés por la investigación de la creatividad, el conocimiento en el ámbito de los negocios recién se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas (Castillo-Vergara, Alvarez-Marin, & Placencio-Hidalgo, 2018). Y la mayoría de los estudios se han centrado en el estudio en empresas de mayor tamaño. Los estudios sobre creatividad en el contexto de la Pyme han recibido poca atención (Abdul-Halim, Ahmad, Geare, & Thurasamy, 2019; Lavoie, Lavoie, Abdulnour, Lavoie, & Abdulnour, 2015). Se argumenta que los resultados de investigación de la creatividad e innovación pueden desempeñar un papel más importante en un mercado emergente, ya que los propietarios de Pyme pueden estar lidiando con una mayor falta de recursos en comparación con su contraparte en los países desarrollados (Games, 2019). La crisis que están enfrentando las diversas economías traerá consigo efectos muy importantes. Se esperan disminuciones en las tasas de crecimiento, caída del consumo y mayor incertidumbre, entre otros efectos. Este escenario afectará particularmente a las pequeñas y medianas empresas de economías emergentes. En América Latina y el Caribe, casi nueve de cada 10 compañías son clasificadas como menor escala y son responsables de otorgar un 60% del empleo productivo formal (OECD/CAF, 2019), las que ya mostraban niveles de productividad más bajos que las grandes empresas. Según el Foro Económico Mundial, en los últimos 10 años los factores fundamentales de la competitividad y el crecimiento han empeorado en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Debido a las limitaciones relacionadas con recursos escasos. Para enfrentar estos futuros desafíos, el fomento de la creatividad y la innovación serán claves, por ello la importancia de desarrollar estudios que contemplen el comportamiento de estas variables en el campo de la Pyme. Con lo anterior, el objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar y analizar los factores que influyen o limiten el desarrollo de la creatividad, así como los efectos que tenga sobre el desempeño y la innovación en una muestra de 154 pequeñas y medianas empresas en Chile. Para dar respuesta al objetivo estructurado en la investigación, la tesis será abordada en tres estudios. En el primer estudio se desarrolla una revisión de la literatura sobre creatividad en pequeñas y medianas empresas. Tiene como objetivo establecer el estudio actual y visualizar propuestas de investigación futura. Para lograrlo se desarrolló un análisis bibliométrico que considera la construcción de mapas científicos estratégicos, análisis de rendimiento y mapas gráficos, utilizando las herramientas VOSviewer y SciMAT. Se elaboran gráficos que incluyen el desempeño de la investigación según indicadores bibliométricos, tales como h-index, productividad y citas. El estudio aborda el análisis de brechas existentes en el estudio y así guiar futuras investigaciones. El objetivo del segundo estudio es analizar cómo influye el proceso creativo en los resultados de la creatividad y el papel que juega el risk taking como mediador entre la relación entre creatividad e innovación de productos. Asimismo, se examina el impacto de la innovación en el desempeño de la Pyme. El modelo de investigación propuesto se valida con datos de una muestra de 139 Pymes industriales chilenas, utilizando el método de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM). Los resultados muestran la importancia de las diferentes etapas del proceso creativo sobre la creatividad en la Pyme (la identificación de problemas, búsqueda y codificación de información, y generación de ideas). Cada una de las etapas de este proceso tiene un efecto directo y significativo en la etapa siguiente. El estudio también muestra que la capacidad de convertir la creatividad en la innovación de productos está mediada por el efecto del risk taking. Finalmente, se proporciona evidencia sobre el efecto de la innovación de producto en el desempeño de la Pyme. Estos hallazgos enriquecen la literatura sobre la creatividad e innovación en la Pyme y tiene importantes implicaciones gerenciales y de política pública. Permite a los gerentes comprobar la importancia de las distintas etapas del proceso creativo y el importante papel del risk taking como mediador entre creatividad e innovación. Desde el punto de vista de implicaciones políticas, los resultados pueden ser importantes para promover políticas públicas que estimulen la creatividad en los sistemas de innovación. El tercer estudio tiene como finalidad estudiar las barreras a la creatividad, en una muestra de 154 Pymes manufactureras de Chile. Se examinaron las barreras procedentes del entorno, de los gerentes y de los empleados que limitan el desarrollo de creatividad. Además, se estudió el papel moderador ejercido por las redes institucionales. Los resultados muestran que: (1) la creatividad afecta positivamente a la innovación en la Pyme; (2) las barreras percibidas del entorno impactan tanto en las barreras de los gerentes como de los empleados; (3) los obstáculos de los gerentes influyen en las barreras que perciben los empleados; y (4) las barreras percibidas por los empleados impactan negativamente en la creatividad, pero este efecto negativo se ve disminuido gracias al efecto moderador del desarrollo de actividades con redes institucionales, tales como instituciones de educación superior, centros de investigación o asociaciones empresariales. Estos resultados tienen importantes implicaciones tanto para la dirección como para el desarrollo de políticas institucionales dirigidas a fomentar el uso de redes institucionales en la Pyme. Así, los gerentes deberían fomentar una mayor cooperación entre las empresas y las universidades y deben ser conscientes del impacto que tienen sobre sus empleados. En la medida que el desempeño creativo sea reconocido, la creatividad será un objetivo que los empleados buscarán. Las políticas gubernamentales que fomenten y apoyen la colaboración hacia la Pyme, podrán permitir que las empresas sean competitivas y desarrollen innovación, lo cual tiene implicaciones directas para el empleo y el crecimiento económico de un país. Este trabajo contribuye de diferentes maneras. En primer lugar, se aporta a través de un análisis bibliométrico, un marco útil para resolver brechas de investigación existentes y así poder abordar futuras líneas de investigación. Esto permitirá enriquecer la comprensión académica de la creatividad en la Pyme (Boso et al., 2017; Haase et al., 2018). Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se emplea el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM) para evaluar los modelos hipotetizados. Con los resultados se demuestra el importante papel que tiene la creatividad sobre la innovación y el desempeño de la Pyme. En especial destaca la importancia del proceso creativo. El trabajo también contribuye al explicar las barreras que limitan el desarrollo de la creatividad en la Pyme. Esta información resultará útil para los tomadores de decisión en políticas públicas y empresariales. Por último, el trabajo incorpora el importante papel que juegan las redes institucionales y la toma de riesgos para impulsar la creatividad. Mientras las redes institucionales reducen las barreras u obstáculos para el desarrollo de la creatividad, la toma de riesgos influye positivamente.[ENG] The business trends that are establishing themselves globally today invite organizations to stop implementing traditional methods and techniques to which they accustomed. Both workers and decision-makers must face new paradigms to remain relevant in the conditions of the current global environment. The key to success will be to adapt and incorporate creative solutions to the challenges. And in this way be able to improve or create new products, services or processes that allow them to be competitive. With this, creativity plays an essential and central role, as it has recognized as a particularly crucial intangible resource in society. Creativity is connected to broader arguments about its importance in business. Today it has been established that creativity is not merely a desirable quality, but a requirement for profit (Samuel & Kanji, 2020). This relationship is not trivial since creativity within organizations generates innovative solutions as a result since it has established as the first link in the chain of innovation management in organizations. As organizations face more complex challenges, the ability to respond is based on actions that foster creativity (Gundry, Ofstein, et al., 2016), it is no longer enough to know that it is necessary, but that companies must manage it correctly to be successful. “Creativity is a concept used to describe diverse human activities” (Kačerauskas, 2016). But its definition can be a challenge since there are numerous interpretations and explanations for creativity (Murray & Mitton, 2015), and creativity has been treated in different ways according to the perspective studied (Reimeris, 2016). In the field of business, it identified as the generation of new and useful ideas in any domain (Amabile, 1996), and has established itself as a stage of innovation (Amabile, 1988). The first stage deals with the generation and innovation deal with the implementation of the idea (Amabile & Pratt, 2016). In this way, innovation has recognized as a more social process than creativity, which has seen as a mostly individual activity, which is why literature is abundant in innovation management. Still, the study of creativity in organizations is less explored. The concept of creativity is a complex phenomenon; it is a characteristic of individuals, teams, and organizations (Amabile, 1996) and should not be attributed only to the characteristics of individuals. But creativity is a crucial factor in the development of personal, professional, business, and social skills (Madžar & Milohnić, 2019), which become a source of innovation. The development of creativity has explained from different theoretical frameworks. The compositional theory of creativity (Amabile, 1983) explains that: “people with normal abilities can produce at least moderately creative work”. There are three elements that impact on individual or team creativity: "experience, creative thinking ability and intrinsic motivation” (Amabile, 1997). On the other hand, the interactionist perspective of organizational creativity (Woodman, Sawyer, Griffin, et al., 1993)establishes that creativity is an interaction between the person and his/her work context. Conditions such as demographics, cognitive style, personality, motivation affect it from an individual point of view. As well as working group composition, contextual influences, and group characteristics impact at the team level (Anderson et al., 2014). Ford´s (1996) model of individual creative action points out that there are three groups of factors that influence whether employees are original, the processes of creating meaning, motivation, and knowledge or skills. Creative action will occur when there is a joint influence of all three factors. These conceptual frameworks used to establish the factors that improve or inhibit creativity in organizations and have found as general frameworks for the development of research. Creativity management can improve virtually every type of organization. Specific results can be identified that includes the contribution to the growth and competitiveness of organizations, through the development of innovations (Zhou & Shalley, 2011). Also, more specific benefits have documented: a more friendly work environment (Shalley & Gilson, 2004), creativity allows to address market needs (Caniëls & Stobbeleir, 2014), encourages employee curiosity (Amabile, 1997), improves employee motivation and satisfaction (Anderson et al., 2014), improves efficiency (Basadur, 1991), and allows to solve problems in the changing environment (Marina et al., 2009). However, the fallacy that "all creativity is good, and the more, the better" (Caniëls & Stobbeleir, 2014), must be considered, as the results are not always positive. Creativity and innovation are costly, directly, considering that individuals who do creative work must be rewarded and equipped (Amabile et al., 1996). Also, indirectly, since other investments will be limited and current activities are affected (Mumford & Hester, 2012). And it can be a threat to a social connection (Arndt et al., 1999), rejection and criticism of creative employees (Sutton, 2001) and creative efforts can alter the internal structure and cause loss of focus in the organization (Mumford & Hester, 2012). Therefore, innovation is more prestigious than creativity, and even though there is a growing interest in creativity research, knowledge in the field of business has only increased in recent decades (Castillo-Vergara et al., 2018). And most studies have focused on studying larger companies. Studies on creativity in the context of SMEs have received little attention (Abdul-Halim et al., 2019; Lavoie et al., 2015). It argued that the research results of creativity and innovation might play a more critical role in an emerging market, as SME owners may be dealing with a more considerable lack of resources compared to their counterparts in developed countries (Games, 2019). The crisis that the various economies are facing will have significant effects. Decreases in growth rates, a drop in consumption, and more considerable uncertainty are expected, among other effects. This scenario will particularly affect small and medium-sized enterprises in emerging economies. In Latin America and the Caribbean, almost nine out of every ten companies classified as small-scale. They are responsible for providing 60% of formal productive employment (OECD/CAF, 2019), which already showed lower levels of productivity than large companies. According to the World Economic Forum, over the last ten years, the fundamentals of competitiveness and growth have worsened in Latin America and the Caribbean. Due to constraints related to scarce resources. To face these future challenges, the promotion of creativity and innovation will be essential, hence the importance of developing studies that consider the behavior of these variables in the field of SMEs. With the above, the objective is to analyze factors that influence or limit the development of creativity—also, effect performance and innovation in a sample of 154 small and medium-sized enterprises in Chile. In order to respond to the structured objective in the research, the thesis will be addressed in three studies. The first study develops a review of the literature on creativity in small and medium enterprises. It aims to establish the current research and to visualize future research proposals. A bibliometric analysis developed that considers the construction of strategic scientific maps, yield analysis, and graphic maps using the VOSviewer and SciMAT tools. Graphs are produced that include research performance according to bibliometric indicators, such as h-index, productivity and citations. The study addresses the analysis of existing gaps in the research and thus guides future research. The second study aims to analyze how the creative process influences the results of creativity and the role of risk-taking as a mediator between creativity and product innovation. It also examines the impact of innovation on SME performance. The proposed research model is validated with data from a sample of 139 Chilean industrial SMEs, using the partial least squares method (PLS-SEM). The results show the importance of the different stages of the creative process on creativity in the SME (the identification of problems, search and codification of information, and generat