1,612 research outputs found

    Improving the Policy Specification for Practical Access Control Systems

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    Access control systems play a crucial role in protecting the security of information systems by ensuring that only authorized users are granted access to sensitive resources, and the protection is only as good as the access control policies. For enabling a security administrator to express her desired policy conveniently, it is paramount that a policy specification is expressive, comprehensible, and free of inconsistencies. In this dissertation, we study the policy specifications for three practical access control systems (i.e., obligation systems, firewalls, and Security-Enhanced Linux in Android) and improve their expressiveness, comprehensibility, and consistency. First, we improve the expressiveness of obligation policies for handling different types of obligations. We propose a language for specifying obligations as well as an architecture for handling access control policies with these obligations, by extending XACML (i.e., the de facto standard for specifying access control policies). We also implement our design into a prototype system named ExtXACML to handle various obligations. Second, we improve the comprehensibility of firewall policies enabling administrators to better understand and manage the policies. We introduce the tri-modularized design of firewall policies for elevating them from monolithic to modular. To support legacy firewall policies, we also define a five-step process and present algorithms for converting them into their modularized form. Finally, we improve the consistency of Security-Enhanced Linux in Android (SEAndroid) policies for reducing the attack surface in Android systems. We propose a systematic approach as well as a semiautomatic tool for uncovering three classes of policy misconfigurations. We also analyze SEAndroid policies from four Android versions and seven Android phone vendors, and in all of them we observe examples of potential policy misconfigurations

    Improving the Policy Specification for Practical Access Control Systems

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    Access control systems play a crucial role in protecting the security of information systems by ensuring that only authorized users are granted access to sensitive resources, and the protection is only as good as the access control policies. For enabling a security administrator to express her desired policy conveniently, it is paramount that a policy specification is expressive, comprehensible, and free of inconsistencies. In this dissertation, we study the policy specifications for three practical access control systems (i.e., obligation systems, firewalls, and Security-Enhanced Linux in Android) and improve their expressiveness, comprehensibility, and consistency. First, we improve the expressiveness of obligation policies for handling different types of obligations. We propose a language for specifying obligations as well as an architecture for handling access control policies with these obligations, by extending XACML (i.e., the de facto standard for specifying access control policies). We also implement our design into a prototype system named ExtXACML to handle various obligations. Second, we improve the comprehensibility of firewall policies enabling administrators to better understand and manage the policies. We introduce the tri-modularized design of firewall policies for elevating them from monolithic to modular. To support legacy firewall policies, we also define a five-step process and present algorithms for converting them into their modularized form. Finally, we improve the consistency of Security-Enhanced Linux in Android (SEAndroid) policies for reducing the attack surface in Android systems. We propose a systematic approach as well as a semiautomatic tool for uncovering three classes of policy misconfigurations. We also analyze SEAndroid policies from four Android versions and seven Android phone vendors, and in all of them we observe examples of potential policy misconfigurations

    Conceptual Design of an IP-based Satellite Bus using Internet Technologies

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    The goal of this paper is to develop a generic, reconfigurable spacecraft bus architecture that implements IP-based protocols and networking hardware that is common to terrestrial networks. First, a description of the communications architecture for an operational Earth Science mission is presented. The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) was selected as an example that shows a typical Earth science mission with a nice complement of varying data rate instruments. We will be able to show through the satellite architecture where IP-based protocols will benefit a new design. Secondly, we develop an IP-based satellite bus design with an Ethernet backbone using standard terrestrial networking components and protocols. The design will be highly configurable to meet many different mission requirements. Adapting the design to the TRMM communications architecture will test the feasibility. We will indicate the subsystems that are part of the design and show examples of how TCP/IP will operate on board the satellite bus. Finally, we present the type of research needed to make IP-based missions a reality. This roadmap will provide NASA the guidance to design complex architectures that will become part of their mission portfolio in the next decade

    Global state, local decisions: Decentralized NFV for ISPs via enhanced SDN

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    The network functions virtualization paradigm is rapidly gaining interest among Internet service providers. However, the transition to this paradigm on ISP networks comes with a unique set of challenges: legacy equipment already in place, heterogeneous traffic from multiple clients, and very large scalability requirements. In this article we thoroughly analyze such challenges and discuss NFV design guidelines that address them efficiently. Particularly, we show that a decentralization of NFV control while maintaining global state improves scalability, offers better per-flow decisions and simplifies the implementation of virtual network functions. Building on top of such principles, we propose a partially decentralized NFV architecture enabled via an enhanced software-defined networking infrastructure. We also perform a qualitative analysis of the architecture to identify advantages and challenges. Finally, we determine the bottleneck component, based on the qualitative analysis, which we implement and benchmark in order to assess the feasibility of the architecture.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Software Defined Networking Reactive Stateful Firewall

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    Part 3: Cyber InfrastructureInternational audienceNetwork security is a crucial issue of Software Defined Networking (SDN). It is probably, one of the key features for the success and the future pervasion of the SDN technology. In this perspective, we propose a SDN reactive stateful firewall. Our solution is integrated into the SDN architecture. The application filters TCP communications according to the network security policies. It records and processes the different states of connections and interprets their possible transitions into OpenFlow (OF) rules. The proposition uses a reactive behavior in order to reduce the number of OpenFlow rules in the data plane devices and to mitigate some Denial of Service (DoS) attacks like SYN Flooding. The firewall processes the Finite State Machine of network protocols so as to withdraw useless traffic not corresponding to their transitions' conditions. In terms of cost efficiency, our proposal empowers the behavior of Openflow compatible devices to make them behaving like stateful firewalls. Therefore, organizations do not need to spend money and resources on buying and maintaining conventional firewalls. Furthermore, we propose an orchestrator in order to spread and to reinforce security policies in the whole network with a fine grained strategy. It is thereupon able to secure the network by filtering the traffic related to an application , a node, a subnetwork connected to a data plane device, a sub SDN network connected to a controller, traffic between different links, etc. The deployment of rules of the firewall becomes flexible according to a holistic network view provided by the management plane. In addition, the solution enlarges the security perimeter inside the network by securing accesses between its internal nodes

    Automated Approaches for Program Verification and Repair

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    Formal methods techniques, such as verification, analysis, and synthesis,allow programmers to prove properties of their programs, or automatically derive programs from specifications. Making such techniques usable requires care: they must provide useful debugging information, be scalable, and enable automation. This dissertation presents automated analysis and synthesis techniques to ease the debugging of modular verification systems and allow easy access to constraint solvers from functional code. Further, it introduces machine learning based techniques to improve the scalability of off-the-shelf syntax-guided synthesis solvers and techniques to reduce the burden of network administrators writing and analyzing firewalls. We describe the design and implementationof a symbolic execution engine, G2, for non-strict functional languages such as Haskell. We extend G2 to both debug and automate the process of modular verification, and give Haskell programmers easy access to constraints solvers via a library named G2Q. Modular verifiers, such as LiquidHaskell, Dafny, and ESC/Java,allow programmers to write and prove specifications of their code. When a modular verifier fails to verify a program, it is not necessarily because of an actual bug in the program. This is because when verifying a function f, modular verifiers consider only the specification of a called function g, not the actual definition of g. Thus, a modular verifier may fail to prove a true specification of f if the specification of g is too weak. We present a technique, counterfactual symbolic execution, to aid in the debugging of modular verification failures. The approach uses symbolic execution to find concrete counterexamples, in the case of an actual inconsistency between a program and a specification; and abstract counterexamples, in the case that a function specification is too weak. Further, a counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS) loop based technique is introduced to fully automate the process of modular verification, by using found counterexamples to automatically infer needed function specifications. The counterfactual symbolic execution and automated specification inference techniques are implemented in G2, and evaluated on existing LiquidHaskell errors and programs. We also leveraged G2 to build a library, G2Q, which allows writing constraint solving problemsdirectly as Haskell code. Users of G2Q can embed specially marked Haskell constraints (Boolean expressions) into their normal Haskell code, while marking some of the variables in the constraint as symbolic. Then, at runtime, G2Q automatically derives values for the symbolic variables that satisfy the constraint, and returns those values to the outside code. Unlike other constraint solving solutions, such as directly calling an SMT solver, G2Q uses symbolic execution to unroll recursive function definitions, and guarantees that the use of G2Q constraints will preserve type correctness. We further consider the problem of synthesizing functions viaa class of tools known as syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS) solvers. We introduce a machine learning based technique to preprocess SyGuS problems, and reduce the space that the solver must search for a solution in. We demonstrate that the technique speeds up an existing SyGuS solver, CVC4, on a set of SyGuS solver benchmarks. Finally, we describe techniques to ease analysis and repair of firewalls.Firewalls are widely deployed to manage network security. However, firewall systems provide only a primitive interface, in which the specification is given as an ordered list of rules. This makes it hard to manually track and maintain the behavior of a firewall. We introduce a formal semantics for iptables firewall rules via a translation to first-order logic with uninterpreted functions and linear integer arithmetic, which allows encoding of firewalls into a decidable logic. We then describe techniques to automate the analysis and repair of firewalls using SMT solvers, based on user provided specifications of the desired behavior. We evaluate this approach with real world case studies collected from StackOverflow users

    Enhanced Internet firewall design using stateful filters final report

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