750 research outputs found

    Recent advances on filtering and control for nonlinear stochastic complex systems with incomplete information: A survey

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    This Article is provided by the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copyright @ 2012 Hindawi PublishingSome recent advances on the filtering and control problems for nonlinear stochastic complex systems with incomplete information are surveyed. The incomplete information under consideration mainly includes missing measurements, randomly varying sensor delays, signal quantization, sensor saturations, and signal sampling. With such incomplete information, the developments on various filtering and control issues are reviewed in great detail. In particular, the addressed nonlinear stochastic complex systems are so comprehensive that they include conventional nonlinear stochastic systems, different kinds of complex networks, and a large class of sensor networks. The corresponding filtering and control technologies for such nonlinear stochastic complex systems are then discussed. Subsequently, some latest results on the filtering and control problems for the complex systems with incomplete information are given. Finally, conclusions are drawn and several possible future research directions are pointed out.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant nos. 61134009, 61104125, 61028008, 61174136, 60974030, and 61074129, the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province of China, the Project sponsored by SRF for ROCS of SEM of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Robust Distributed Control Protocols for Large Vehicular Platoons with Prescribed Transient and Steady State Performance

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    In this paper, we study the longitudinal control problem for a platoon of vehicles with unknown nonlinear dynamics under both the predecessor-following and the bidirectional control architectures. The proposed control protocols are fully distributed in the sense that each vehicle utilizes feedback from its relative position with respect to its preceding and following vehicles as well as its own velocity, which can all be easily obtained by onboard sensors. Moreover, no previous knowledge of model nonlinearities/disturbances is incorporated in the control design, enhancing in that way the robustness of the overall closed loop system against model imperfections. Additionally, certain designer-specified performance functions determine the transient and steady-state response, thus preventing connectivity breaks due to sensor limitations as well as inter-vehicular collisions. Finally, extensive simulation studies and a real-time experiment conducted with mobile robots clarify the proposed control protocols and verify their effectiveness.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, accepte

    Event-triggering architectures for adaptive control of uncertain dynamical systems

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    In this dissertation, new approaches are presented for the design and implementation of networked adaptive control systems to reduce the wireless network utilization while guaranteeing system stability in the presence of system uncertainties. Specifically, the design and analysis of state feedback adaptive control systems over wireless networks using event-triggering control theory is first presented. The state feedback adaptive control results are then generalized to the output feedback case for dynamical systems with unmeasurable state vectors. This event-triggering approach is then adopted for large-scale uncertain dynamical systems. In particular, decentralized and distributed adaptive control methodologies are proposed with reduced wireless network utilization with stability guarantees. In addition, for systems in the absence of uncertainties, a new observer-free output feedback cooperative control architecture is developed. Specifically, the proposed architecture is predicated on a nonminimal state-space realization that generates an expanded set of states only using the filtered input and filtered output and their derivatives for each vehicle, without the need for designing an observer for each vehicle. Building on the results of this new observer-free output feedback cooperative control architecture, an event-triggering methodology is next proposed for the output feedback cooperative control to schedule the exchanged output measurements information between the agents in order to reduce wireless network utilization. Finally, the output feedback cooperative control architecture is generalized to adaptive control for handling exogenous disturbances in the follower vehicles. For each methodology, the closed-loop system stability properties are rigorously analyzed, the effect of the user-defined event-triggering thresholds and the controller design parameters on the overall system performance are characterized, and Zeno behavior is shown not to occur with the proposed algorithms --Abstract, page iv

    System Level Synthesis

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    This article surveys the System Level Synthesis framework, which presents a novel perspective on constrained robust and optimal controller synthesis for linear systems. We show how SLS shifts the controller synthesis task from the design of a controller to the design of the entire closed loop system, and highlight the benefits of this approach in terms of scalability and transparency. We emphasize two particular applications of SLS, namely large-scale distributed optimal control and robust control. In the case of distributed control, we show how SLS allows for localized controllers to be computed, extending robust and optimal control methods to large-scale systems under practical and realistic assumptions. In the case of robust control, we show how SLS allows for novel design methodologies that, for the first time, quantify the degradation in performance of a robust controller due to model uncertainty -- such transparency is key in allowing robust control methods to interact, in a principled way, with modern techniques from machine learning and statistical inference. Throughout, we emphasize practical and efficient computational solutions, and demonstrate our methods on easy to understand case studies.Comment: To appear in Annual Reviews in Contro

    Robust distributed H∞ control of electrical power systems

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    Dynamic operability assessment : a mathematical programming approach based on Q-parametrization

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    Bibliography: pages 197-208.The ability of a process plant to guarantee high product quality, in terms of low variability, is emerging as a defining feature when distinguishing between alternative suppliers. The extent to which this can be achieved is termed a plant's dynamic operability and is a function of both the plant design and the control system design. In the limit, however, the closedloop performance is determined by the properties inherent in the plant. This realization of the interrelationship between a plant design and its achievable closed-loop performance has motivated research toward systematic techniques for screening inherently inferior designs. Pioneering research in the early 1980's identified right-half-plane transmission zeros, time delays, input constraints and model uncertainty as factors that limit the achievable closedloop performance of a process. Quantifying the performance-limiting effect of combinations of these factors has proven to be a challenging problem, as reflected in the literature. It is the aim of this thesis to develop a systematic procedure for dynamic operability assessment in the presence of combinations of performance-limiting factors. The approach adopted in this thesis is based on the Q-parametrization of stabilizing linear feedback controllers and involves posing dynamic operability assessment as a mathematical programming problet? In the proposed formulation, a convex objective function, reflecting a measure of closed-loop performance, is optimized over all stable Q, subject. to a set of constraints on the closed-loop behavior, which for many specifications of interest is convex. A discrete-time formulation is chosen so as to allow for the convenient hand.ling of time delays and time-domain constraints. An important feature of the approach is that, due to the convexity, global optimality is guaranteed. Furthermore, the fact that Q parametrizes all stabilizing linear feedback controllers implies that the performance at the optimum represents the best possible performance for any such controller. The results are thus not biased by controller type or tuning, apart from the requirement that the controller be linear

    Decentralized sliding mode control and estimation for large-scale systems

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    This thesis concerns the development of an approach of decentralised robust control and estimation for large scale systems (LSSs) using robust sliding mode control (SMC) and sliding mode observers (SMO) theory based on a linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. A complete theory of decentralized first order sliding mode theory is developed. The main developments proposed in this thesis are: The novel development of an LMI approach to decentralized state feedback SMC. The proposed strategy has good ability in combination with other robust methods to fulfill specific performance and robustness requirements. The development of output based SMC for large scale systems (LSSs). Three types of novel decentralized output feedback SMC methods have been developed using LMI design tools. In contrast to more conventional approaches to SMC design the use of some complicated transformations have been obviated. A decentralized approach to SMO theory has been developed focused on the Walcott-Żak SMO combined with LMI tools. A derivation for bounds applicable to the estimation error for decentralized systems has been given that involves unknown subsystem interactions and modeling uncertainty. Strategies for both actuator and sensor fault estimation using decentralized SMO are discussed.The thesis also provides a case study of the SMC and SMO concepts applied to a non-linear annealing furnace system modelderived from a distributed parameter (partial differential equation) thermal system. The study commences with a lumped system decentralised representation of the furnace derived from the partial differential equations. The SMO and SMC methods derived in the thesis are applied to this lumped parameter furnace model. Results are given demonstrating the validity of the methods proposed and showing a good potential for a valuable practical implementation of fault tolerant control based on furnace temperature sensor faults

    On Control and Estimation of Large and Uncertain Systems

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    This thesis contains an introduction and six papers about the control and estimation of large and uncertain systems. The first paper poses and solves a deterministic version of the multiple-model estimation problem for finite sets of linear systems. The estimate is an interpolation of Kalman filter estimates. It achieves a provided energy gain bound from disturbances to the point-wise estimation error, given that the gain bound is feasible. The second paper shows how to compute upper and lower bounds for the smallest feasible gain bound. The bounds are computed via Riccati recursions. The third paper proves that it is sufficient to consider observer-based feedback in output-feedback control of linear systems with uncertain parameters, where the uncertain parameters belong to a finite set. The paper also contains an example of a discrete-time integrator with unknown gain. The fourth paper argues that the current methods for analyzing the robustness of large systems with structured uncertainty do not distinguish between sparse and dense perturbations and proposes a new robustness measure that captures sparsity. The paper also thoroughly analyzes this new measure. In particular, it proposes an upper bound that is amenable to distributed computation and valuable for control design. The fifth paper solves the problem of localized state-feedback L2 control with communication delay for large discrete-time systems. The synthesis procedure can be performed for each node in parallel. The paper combines the localized state-feedback controller with a localized Kalman filter to synthesize a localized output feedback controller that stabilizes the closed-loop subject to communication constraints. The sixth paper concerns optimal linear-quadratic team-decision problems where the team does not have access to the model. Instead, the players must learn optimal policies by interacting with the environment. The paper contains algorithms and regret bounds for the first- and zeroth-order information feedback