18 research outputs found

    Inferencia gramatical para la detecci贸n de spam

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    El spam representa un problema de mala utilizaci贸n de recursos t茅cnicos y una molestia para los usuarios de correo electr贸nico. Tomando este problema como aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica, se pretende mostrar, con su justificaci贸n te贸rica, decisiones de dise帽o de un posible sistema inteligente destinado a controlarlo. El trabajo que se describe est谩 actualmente en curso en el marco de un proyecto de investigaci贸n de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue.Eje: Inteligencia Computacional - Metaheur铆sticasRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Inferencia gramatical para la detecci贸n de spam

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    El spam representa un problema de mala utilizaci贸n de recursos t茅cnicos y una molestia para los usuarios de correo electr贸nico. Tomando este problema como aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica, se pretende mostrar, con su justificaci贸n te贸rica, decisiones de dise帽o de un posible sistema inteligente destinado a controlarlo. El trabajo que se describe est谩 actualmente en curso en el marco de un proyecto de investigaci贸n de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue.Eje: Inteligencia Computacional - Metaheur铆sticasRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Practical experiments with regular approximation of context-free languages

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    Several methods are discussed that construct a finite automaton given a context-free grammar, including both methods that lead to subsets and those that lead to supersets of the original context-free language. Some of these methods of regular approximation are new, and some others are presented here in a more refined form with respect to existing literature. Practical experiments with the different methods of regular approximation are performed for spoken-language input: hypotheses from a speech recognizer are filtered through a finite automaton.Comment: 28 pages. To appear in Computational Linguistics 26(1), March 200

    Dependency parsing with an extended finite-state approach

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    This article presents a dependency parsing scheme using an extended finite-state approach. The parser augments input representation with "channels" so that links representing syntactic dependency relations among words can be accommodated and iterates on the input a number of times to arrive at a fixed point. Intermediate configurations violating various constraints of projective dependency representations such as no crossing links and no independent items except sentential head are filtered via finite-state filters. We have applied the parser to dependency parsing of Turkish

    From UBGs to CFGs A practical corpus-driven approach

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    We present a simple and intuitive unsound corpus-driven approximation method for turning unification-based grammars (UBGs), such as HPSG, CLE, or PATR-II into context-free grammars (CFGs). The method is unsound in that it does not generate a CFG whose language is a true superset of the language accepted by the original unification-based grammar. It is a corpus-driven method in that it relies on a corpus of parsed sentences and generates broader CFGs when given more input samples. Our open approach can be fine-tuned in different directions, allowing us to monotonically come close to the original parse trees by shifting more information into the context-free symbols. The approach has been fully implemented in JAVA. This report updates and extends the paper presented at the International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI 2004) and presents further measurements