3 research outputs found

    Finite volume schemes for non-coercive elliptic problems with Neumann boundary conditions

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    We consider a convective-diffusive elliptic problem with Neumann boundary conditions: the presence of the convective term entails the non-coercivity of the continuous equation and, because of the boundary conditions, the equation has a kernel. We discretize this equation with finite volume techniques and in a general framework which allows to consider several treatments of the convective term: either via a centered scheme, an upwind scheme (widely used in fluid mechanics problems) or a Scharfetter-Gummel scheme (common to semiconductor literature). We prove that these schemes satisfy the same properties as the continuous problem (one-dimensional kernel spanned by a positive function for instance) and that their kernel and solution converge to the kernel and solution of the PDE. We also present several numerical implementations, studying the effects of the choice of one scheme or the other in the approximation of the solution or the kernel

    An analysis of the isoparametric bilinear finite volume element method by applying the Simpson rule to quadrilateral meshes

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    In this work, we construct and study a special isoparametric bilinear finite volume element scheme for solving anisotropic diffusion problems on general convex quadrilateral meshes. The new scheme is obtained by employing the Simpson rule to approximate the line integrals in the classical isoparametric bilinear finite volume element method. By using the cell analysis approach, we suggest a sufficient condition to ensure the coercivity of the new scheme. The sufficient condition has an analytic expression, which only involves the anisotropic diffusion tensor and the geometry of quadrilateral mesh. This yields that for any diffusion tensor and quadrilateral mesh, we can directly judge whether this sufficient condition is satisfied. Specifically, this condition covers the traditional h1+γ h^{1+\gamma} -parallelogram and some trapezoidal meshes with any full anisotropic diffusion tensor. An optimal H1 H^1 error estimate of the proposed scheme is also obtained for a quasi-parallelogram mesh. The theoretical results are verified by some numerical experiments

    Computational upscaled modeling of heterogeneous porous media flow utilizing finite volume method

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    In this dissertation we develop and analyze numerical method to solve general elliptic boundary value problems with many scales. The numerical method presented is intended to capture the small scales effect on the large scale solution without resolving the small scale details, which is done through the construction of a multiscale map. The multiscale method is more effective when the coarse element size is larger than the small scale length. To guarantee a numerical conservation, a finite volume element method is used to construct the global problem. Analysis of the multiscale method is separately done for cases of linear and nonlinear coefficients. For linear coefficients, the multiscale finite volume element method is viewed as a perturbation of multiscale finite element method. The analysis uses substantially the existing finite element results and techniques. The multiscale method for nonlinear coefficients will be analyzed in the finite element sense. A class of correctors corresponding to the multiscale method will be discussed. In turn, the analysis will rely on approximation properties of this correctors. Several numerical experiments verifying the theoretical results will be given. Finally we will present several applications of the multiscale method in the flow in porous media. Problems that we will consider are multiphase immiscible flow, multicomponent miscible flow, and soil infiltration in saturated/unsaturated flow